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21479389 No.21479389 [Reply] [Original]

I want to take a girl on world tour, seeing all the world's wonders, expensive hotels, lot's of hiking etc.
Then when we're home, I'll dump her.
Throughout her entire life she will always have in the back of her mind the time she spent with a multi millionaire and now only has a beta hubby living the normalfag life.

>> No.21479408

or maybe she’ll get over it and be normal because women only care about good dick

>> No.21479438

Fucking rent free. Imagine being this twisted over how powerless you are with women lmao

>> No.21479467

You sound mentally ill

>> No.21479524

This is your average LINKer. Perpetually unfulfilled virgins who were never validated as children.

>> No.21479547

Fuck your mother you want some fuck, that's what I did to your mom, nigger

>> No.21479613

typical reaction of worried glowie that a bunch of autistic man children will now be multimillonaires

>> No.21479628

>a random girl can have that experience,
>a man never ever gonna experience it,unless he is a 10/10 gigs giant chad(.0000001%) or have to work fuckijg hard and invest all his money
They say women have it hard

>> No.21479643

I've fucked more girls than you every will and now have a gf. Seethe harder

>> No.21479645

I'm just larping, am actually gay and will travel with my bf.

>> No.21479790

this sounds like a poorfag larp honestly
cuz for one travelling is overrated i only do it when i have to
and two if the girl is hot enough for you to even want to date she can find another well off dude
not sure if youre from a small city or something but there are ton of dudes who make 40-50k a month and theyre fucking simps bro

>> No.21479886

Sounds based ngl

>> No.21479950

Your only problem is that you fall in love so quick. You'll get emotionally attached to that golddigger. Your feelings will be so strong, you will eventually marry her and lead a very mediocre life with that bitch.

>> No.21480086

No you haven't. And why do you sound so mad

>> No.21480221

Good idea, now I’ll dump my link stack next we’re at $20

>> No.21480222

More like for the rest of her life she'll remember how she used a retarded betabux millionaire to take her around the world.
Now she can cross one thing off her bucket list and you paid for it all hahahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.21480238

>he still has fall in love feeling for women.


>> No.21480378

Women are annoying as fuck when traveling
Just go solo or with friends and fuck exotic locals

>> No.21480395

Yes I have, 25yo Italian stud. I've fucked models too. Cope

>> No.21480457

Fren, why are you wearing clothes? You're a frog.

>> No.21480459

Op you are literally doing to yourself what you want to do to that woman. Go listen to some acdc

>> No.21480494
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 1596148810705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a faggot, every gf I've had has dumped me the moment I didn't have a job and wasn't religiously maintaining my body in the gym. I just want someone that will love me for better or worse...

>> No.21480609

a hand should do just fine

>> No.21480630

Get a dog and go innawoods fagget

>> No.21480671

Love yourself enough to keep up appearances and finances. It's not that shes disloyal, it's that when your valuable you can be taken away by other girls

>> No.21480884

how the fuck are you going to do that when the whole world is locked down for the next 3 years because americans cant even wear a mask

>> No.21480984
File: 89 KB, 250x250, 99697feb39ef4e42caf6fdd92bca15f298e11e0f98cbc3fc2f5ba35202e3de7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but I dump her overseas and leave her stranded.

>> No.21481373

Imagine how rich he will be after those 3 years

>> No.21481411
