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File: 1.12 MB, 1267x1728, Fantom Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21472180 No.21472180 [Reply] [Original]

This is the last time I'm going to tell you retards: $FTM is going to make us rich.

71% of the supply is staked and exchanges are running out of coins to sell. The gas fees are below a cent and transactions are processed fast as fuck. fMint, fLend, and fTrade are being released this quarter and they'll begin a new era in decentralized finance. Andrew Cronje (creator of yearn.finance and Ethereum defi developer) oversees development and has been an engineer/researcher with the team for years.

Ignore all the weak FUD. The foundation partners with governments and your favorite shitcoin will probably be plugging into their ecosystem eventually anyway. Their tech is top 5 on Weiss and once their VM is released in the next 6 months, they'll push into #1. Adoption is inevitable.

Do your research, fill your bag, stake your coins, and get comfy.

>> No.21472829

How many for a suicide stack?!

>> No.21472991


>> No.21473190

It isn't DEFI enough to justify a significant buy-in now. (We are in a hype phase for that if you didn't notice) It is surely intriguing, though, and usually a love-hate relationship with crypto projects of this magnitude end up winning in the end thanks to fundamental support.

I just haven't seen anything yet that has convinced me to buy. The best shill so far keeps repeating the same "100x your monies" shit. I don't wanna hear it anymore. Tell me something useful, possibly non-faggot OP. I'm all ears.

>> No.21473218

All in FTM and RSR for a year now and I've never been so comfy

>> No.21473404
File: 12 KB, 225x225, B498650B-B87A-4ED7-AFB5-53159FD78DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the ride anons. We’ll get rich together.

This is it

>> No.21473563


Kinda with you on this,

>> No.21473612

Opera solves the consensus problem that plagues crypto adoption. Fantom Finance basically creates an ecosystem that all of the rest of DeFi can operate within and benefit from. Contracts with governments demonstrate the versatility of the tech. Get in now for forever hold your peace. Good luck either way.

>> No.21473666

Give semi-faggit OP a (You) and maybe we will generate some legit discussion. Otherwise, it's goddang vaporware afaik.

More hype posting. Fuck you, retard.

>> No.21473892

What, you want us to spoon feed you? Well, fuck off then.

>> No.21474121

Yes. Are you afraid that it will catch on as in the days of late 2017 when Link's ICO was conveniently late to the party?

I'm on your team, but if you cannot provide ANY info outside of "Muh UAE" then kill yourself. You're a detriment to the board.

>> No.21474209


>> No.21474244
File: 12 KB, 416x112, 7eac20f6e3e1aa9ff7dbd4a7e7500ff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21474419

It's still speculative at this point, so I don't really know what to tell you but "wait and see," because it's something you need to dig into and sell yourself on.

I'll try to put it this way:

Ignoring future promise, what they're offering right now is a plug-and-play means for ethereum projects to significantly improve speed and throughput. They're very clearly aiming at Ethereum's neck, but I doubt anybody will be unseating that behemoth anytime soon.

I'll touch on their DeFi a little bit' you can get into details yourself. It will basically allow any project that chooses to integrate to use their staked coins as collateral to mint synthetics and trade for other cryptoassets. There's also a lending platform yadda yadda yadda. It serves the purpose of driving adoption to take things a step further.

Thinking maximally, their goal is to power smart cities. Lachesis' byzantine fault tolerance requires 2/3rds of the network to be valuable enough to deter state-level actors from attacking the network. Their main partnership, which unfortunately they're NDA'd out the ass for, is with Dubai's "Smart Dubai" initiative. Academic interest from emiratis in securing the network will eventually become vested interest as use-cases start rolling out.

I think if you're not a speculative investor, then you should maintain some distance for now. See how well their DeFi drives adoption and re-asses. If they are even 10% on-target though, then I doubt you'll be able to get the coin this cheap again.

>> No.21474572

Okay let's ignore the sand buddies, even though they're offering the fattest payouts for blockchain solutions and I'd like to see some of that money go toward extending the foundation's development runway beyond 3 years.

The product is designed specifically to steal Ethereum market share while strengthening the entire crypto ecosystem. It's a good play for crypto in general. They're designed to co-exist with other protocols while vastly outperforming them. It's a serious play for serious crypto investors.