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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 942 KB, 3325x2200, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2146253 No.2146253 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me locations where I can turn my Bitcoin into cash or a product/service.

>> No.2146270

You send it to me and I send you back cash. Ready?

>> No.2146287

So you can't name a single legitimate location.

>> No.2146289


>> No.2146342
File: 27 KB, 300x300, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can nobody answer the OP? This seems to be quite an important question. And a big red flag for a currency.

>> No.2146351


now get the fuck out

>> No.2146368


>> No.2146386

You can buy a bunch of things with bitcoins, like a lamborgini if you wanted to even.
"produc/service" can mean literally a million different things, you have to be more specific.
And yeah, bitcoin is accepted at a bunch of places already.

Turn it into cash through one of the big exchanges, they can send it to your bank (Kraken for example)
Or localbitcoins, you trade with regular people like craig's list

>> No.2146390

Link bank to exchange

Deposit btc to exchange

Convert btc to Usd

Withdraw usd from exchange to bank account

Withdraw cash from bank account atm

>the city of nocoiners

>> No.2146394

Buy gold with Bitcoin, sell it to your local coin shop for cash, and pay no taxes. Too easy!

>> No.2146401


>> No.2146407


We can see the ID that shows you are OP, kys

>> No.2146412


Mate there are dozens of websites showing shops and businesses in your area that accepts bitcoin.

The days of claiming it's a scam and no one will buy into it are long gone.

>> No.2146414


but I'm actually a good guy and BTC supporter. Just a bit worried why this is taking years and years for acceptance.

>> No.2146416

this. bought silver from them.

>> No.2146418
File: 1.83 MB, 720x1280, 1488946359542.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cash out on Coinbase. There are plenty of sites to buy credit cards with. You can go on LittleBiggy to buy drugs. You can go on Newegg and Tiger Direct for electronics. Expedia if you want to book hotels/travel/etc.

Just look around. Everything you want is out there. My advice is never send out BTC to do anything illegal (obv) from any site you have submitted personal info to such as Coinbase.

>> No.2146425

At least in Austria, takeaway.com takes Bitcoins.

>> No.2146428


Yeah. Shipping gold is very cunning and subtle. Customs will never trace it. Also those amounts...

>> No.2146429

you can't. bitcoin is a meme and anyone who told you they cashed out is lying

>> No.2146430

>There are plenty of sites to buy credit cards with.
I meant GIFT cards. Hue.

>> No.2146433

it's accepted in so many places already,
shut the fuck up.
The only really big thing missing is amazon accepting bitcoins, and that's it
but your corner supermarket won't accept bitcoins yet, because transaction times are too big (or fee too high)

>> No.2146444

1. Jmbullion.com, as well as several other furnishers of precious metal bullion.

2. Lots of web services providers. I pay for my VPN service in bitcoin

3. Thelonious monkfish, a sushi restaurant in Cambridge, MA.

That's all I got but I'm sure you could find more.

>> No.2146463


This. In the UK even entirely mainstream high street shops like CEX are accepting them. They're still a niche payment method but it's getting there

>> No.2146470

Customs just another reason to love in the US of A. What are you? A Eurofag? Well you should know that Euro customs doesn't tax 999 fine gold.

>> No.2146486
File: 569 KB, 1280x720, 1487470053445.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price of silver is $17.20
>monster box of american silver eagles is $10,000 average
>500*17.20 = $8600
>gold and silver cucks are willing to pay 16.2% more than the spot price which is almost $1400 more than what the monster box is worth
Wut. I can't wait for these fags to get burnt. It'd be cool to have a monster box to give to my kids when I die, but fuck paying 16% more than what its worth to essentially never see those returns unless a happening occurs.

>> No.2146524

>Not buying ingots at a tiny amount over spot

You pay a lot extra for coins because of the collectibility. Bullion ingots are still pretty reasonable. Also, anyone who puts more than 5-10% of their investment money into precious metals is retarded and should kys.

>> No.2146548

You mean khs

>> No.2146567

I would agree with you but I have a 100k portfolio so I've actually been considering it. I'm not a doomsday guy, but I feel like we are overdue for a recession, plus it is uncertain how crypto will perform in a recession. I'll look at ingots though over time. Maybe I can go local and find some cheaper.

>> No.2146677

>Thelonious monkfish, a sushi restaurant in Cambridge, MA.
Haha no fucking way, I live in Boston and will have to try that

>> No.2146958

people are thinking about cashing out now, I will wait until the next wave.
And after this wave, when things stabilise again, I will try to buy as much as I can to be ready for the next wave.
Seriously, this has happened so much before already.
Like 4 or 5 times.
It will happen again and again
I'm a holder, even when I cash out, I won't cash out more than 10% until I recover that 10% in value

>> No.2147217

Are you retarded? This board has id's. Also

>Bitcoin ATM

c'mon retard. Just google.

>> No.2147263

Are you stupid? I just took out $1200 like two days ago. Do you even own bitcoins? You can even get a credit card attached to your wallet that just pays for things with btc. If you want to shit on crypto at least don't lie.

>> No.2147267

Coinbase can have the money sent directly to your bank account. You stupid ass nocoiners need to shut the fuck up with this "you can't really cash out" meme, I've done it tons of times, click withdraw and bam next day coinbase account was empty and all my funds were in my bank account.

>> No.2147592
File: 2.79 MB, 2500x2500, europe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard mode: Locations in Europe