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21455513 No.21455513 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feeling kind of bad for this spic nigger? I mean he was always doomed to be Salieri and his project was shit from the start but I think he was genuinely in it 'for the tech', and he had a legitimate claim to be the second best. He acted petty a few times but for the most part he also seemed to be reasonable and just focused on his own shit and solving tech issues, if you followed their social you would have seen him be a legit hard worker and a honest person. He decided to take the ethical route in the scummiest space and held off releasing tokens. But even despite how fundamentally shit he was, he could have still secured himself a small but comfy 'second best' niche spot. Now the rocket has taken off and he's nowhere to be seen while opportunistic half assed trash and chink hustlers came out of nowhere to ride on our coattails.

I remember when they did that town crier announcement in front of hundreds of people and had some really good professional photographies taken for marketing, you could see his silhouette just standing in the background. It was truly iconic imagery. I just find it endearing, like there's some classic tragedy to this kind of archetype. Like those good natured naive nerds who started building computers in their garages and were probably even better at it than Bill and his friends but lacked the drive and vision to take it to the finish line.

I remember telling myself 'when it drops, you should get some, on the misunderstanding that retards will pump the competitors, the repeat of the eth killers pattern'... Now look at the chink hustle, honestly sickening. 'How does vrf work???'. And it's on fucking coin base already. Time waits for no man.

Press F to salute this Salieri spic nigger and his dead coin.

>> No.21455774

This whole panel is a legit historical artefact we should cherish. I think they only did 2 or 3 of those. It said so, so much. The giggle he had, the body language, just the different energies oozing from each... He'll never do such a panel and sit besides them as equals again, they live in a completely different realm now just 2 years later. Only those who were here early would understand but it was such a valuable lesson.

>> No.21455882

F for Adan. Great eulogy anon.

>> No.21455930

Don't even get me started on the wop... What a tragedy his story is. Completely blind sided by his own arrogance, he could have adapted but instead remained entrenched in his archaic posture. Like standing on a train track with a train approaching on the horizon at full speed, and being too stubborn to start moving. Last I heard, he moved on to another failed venture.