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21451199 No.21451199 [Reply] [Original]

>holding 30k since ico
>just sold 1k looks like its going to correct to 16 and I want to reward myself for holding 3 years
>next price im selling 1k is over 50 btw
>feels weart to press that sell button after 1029 days bros kek

>> No.21451243

Btw sold 1/30 of stack for 95x gains this shit is unreal

>> No.21451380

You and I are the same, except I have only 15k. Now I'm sitting with the fiat in my CBP wallet and don't really know what to do. I'm gonna have to pay taxes or some shit :/

>> No.21451467

Congrats OP enjoy. Hopefully other biztards remember to take profit on the way up

>> No.21451533

Inb4 retards reeeeing due to "never selling" cult mantra

>> No.21451566
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weak hands

>> No.21451658

same OP, sold 1K of my stack (although I'm a linklet with only 6k) at 19.10.

I feel like the people shouting "NEVER SELLING" right now are newfags that bought at over $10, it feels too forced and cringe right now, the way it seems when people are TRYING to fit in. Especially the retards that compare LINK to ETH and say shit like "this is like buying ETH at $20!!!11" when it's more like buying ETH at $400

>> No.21451700
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you're not getting my linkies, not even 1% of them, you lying filthy kikes

>> No.21451736

>I feel like the people shouting "NEVER SELLING" right now are newfags that bought at over $10
yeah because OGs haven't been saying that since 2017. kys

>> No.21451939

Can’t cash out until 1 year from my initial.

Really don’t fucking feel like paying the ((tax))) for short term gains.

>> No.21452114

Nice try newnigger, the fact that you're using "muh ogs" is all I needed to know. It's the fact that morons like you think it makes you blend in with the rest of us and just parrot everything you see without thinking for yourself that's the issue here.

Of course there's a chance you actually are an oldfag which is even worse because you'll be holding bags wishing you would have sold at least a small amount like old ETH holders

>> No.21452402

This is literally reason I took proffits lol
I am OG nulink newfag and narrative was "last 1000x after btc and eth"(and we where right)

Anyway gl marines

>> No.21452622

i guess with stinky linky this is OK
but with other shitcoins you best cash out some
whenever you're up big no matter if less than 1 year or not