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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21432480 No.21432480 [Reply] [Original]

AKRO has done a 1500% in the last month and 5000% since January

I can see a lot of Shill threads in the last hour for Akropolis. These are Discord trannies shilling to dump their bags on you

The project itself is good, but Don't buy the top you retards. People bought this at 1/10ths of a Cent a month ago and dump on your asses for a 30x profit.

You have been warned. Buy this after it corrects to 1.5-2 cents. See chart attached

>> No.21432556

This bitch looks WAY different from this in real life
I remember when I first saw that pic of her and damn near fell in love

>> No.21432611
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Power of Photoshop, kek. Or probably here college photo.

Project is good, but these shillers are trying to dump their bags on newbies. It's ridiculous

>> No.21432653

I really appreciate the warning anon. I was starting to get fomood in for real. Better stay in eth.

>> No.21432656


>> No.21432691
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Check the chart. I like the project and I bought at .003 and am up almost 1000% already. Took my capital out and riding on free money, Just like the AKRO whales. just don't want FOMO'ers to get dumped on. I would buy this around 1.5-2 cents again.

>> No.21432743

Nice FUD timing when Sparta mainnet and Delphi are launching within the next couple weeks. Trying to load your bags, eh anon? If people wanted to dump their bags they would have by now, we’ve been consolidating around this range for a week or 2 already

>> No.21432791

Well you fucking idiots don't know shit about trading, that's for sure. This will pump, regardless of what the chart says. That shit is for the noobs. Real Anons know where this is going. Stay poor.

>> No.21432798


>> No.21432801


My bags are pretty heavy, but I took my capital out anyway.

Yeah, Cardano Mainnet launched too. We know what happened.

I just saw 5 shill threads in the last hour, and Don't want newbies to rope if it dips 30-40%. Like I said, good project but don't buy this local top. The 3.3-3.5 cent range has massive sell walls and It ALWAYS dumps like clockwork

>> No.21432817

Idiot. ADA doesn't have smart contracts.

>> No.21432826


Charting is for Noobs? Hahahhahahahaha.

I'm sure you bought XRP at 3.5$ too. I shorted it and made a shitload of money thanks to TA. Seethe newbie

>> No.21432881

Yeah, it pumped pretty heavily until mainnet then temporarily dumped like they all do. Akro will likely be no different and will pump til around mainnet then correct. So by your example of Cardano’s mainnet release, Akro should pump for another 1-2 weeks before correcting (which the correction will likely be higher than where we are now). Nice example backfire

>> No.21432902

Idiot. Don't compare ADA NO SMART CONTRACTS YET... to AKRO. Noob mistake. Using XRP, is like playing the race card. Noob troll mistake. Idiot.

>> No.21432906

Is the white paper the only source of info. Trying to find more about it.

>> No.21432912
File: 39 KB, 575x556, 1456520224393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now reverse fud, these shillers are trying hard

>> No.21432965

nice double reverse psychology

>> No.21433085

the old double reverse fud tactic, not falling for that again

just bought 600k

>> No.21433299

You piece of shiiit you dont have Akro...

>> No.21433334

Idiot you are working hard to buy.

>> No.21433344

Fucking hell, she looks like this? Glad I dumped my coins already.

>> No.21434095


I still have 700k left, Fucking kek. Don't tell me I didn't warn you

>> No.21434137


>> No.21434161


Tomorrow, 150 Million AKRO tokens will be unlocked from Foundation and Seed. I'll suck your hotdogs if it doesn't dip

>> No.21434269

roastie CEO, next

>> No.21434512

The previous times this has occurred, there was no major movement in price. Next.

>> No.21434583

half is for liquidoty mining incentives (wont dumo i to market) and the other half value is only $2 million worth, food for whales.

>> No.21434668


Wait till you see the Operations head. Kek. Staunch feminist

>> No.21434691

stay poor

>> No.21434729


Bought it at 0.003 and sold it at 0.03 for a 1000% within 2 months. What a kill kek.

You Pajeet's never learn. Keep holding bags and sell them at a discount to me when FUD makes you lose sleep

>> No.21435051

just been in the telegram and a pajeet is saying 3 of the threads were his

I like this project but OP is right, wait for the correction to buy more

>> No.21435405


What are you talking about, Anon. That guy is an Akro supporter and I've seen him actively supporting and promoting the project.He's the chaddest Pajeet I have met yet. Read the older messages. He's legit

Also yes, It can go back to 2-2.5 cents if the whale's dump. I would proceed with caution if I wanted to buy right now

>> No.21435899

Every dip was literally bought back up over the past week. And this anon thinks that there will be a correction. kek ngmi

>> No.21436098

Had some money to buy some bags but as OP said, over shilled and already pumped.
Went for DIA instead, let's see what happens