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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 592 KB, 575x460, chad as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21431327 No.21431327 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck this guy just keeps flexing on us. From his lambo to his light up shoes. I want this mans life

>> No.21431370

Gotta love him

>> No.21431419

the whole "politics is just a belief, religion is just a belief, the threat of force is just a belief" thing gave me Max Stirner vibes

>> No.21431428

Crypto's Star Citizen lmao

>> No.21431460

Sergey is seething.

>> No.21431484

Fuck that kike faggot
>muh free speech bad people need to be held accountable
Absolute basedboy cunt

>> No.21431497


>> No.21431561


>> No.21431562

Reminder that Charles visits /biz/ sometimes, so you better not be anti-semitic towards him or else.

>> No.21431596

He's pretty cool honestly, I like the image he's building of himself. Chad Jew of the next generation

>> No.21431648

>people aren't allowed to have different opinions
i guarantee he doesn't give a fuck about 4chan aside from when people ask him about it

>> No.21431673

Charles send me 2 million dollars and ill stop bullying you

>> No.21431750


>> No.21431800


>> No.21431871

he just spent the last 10 minutes complaining about a small group who government and media

>> No.21431902


>> No.21431949
File: 193 KB, 896x1280, 1586047888379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? That is regretful news.

>> No.21431956

lol, is this jew asking for more money?

>> No.21431977

Decided to just look for myself right after posting that. his words seem pretty spicy, ngl. It seems like he leans left in terms of economic perspective, but otherwise is rather centrist

>> No.21431988

I saw these shoes for sale at the mall for ~$100 wtf

>> No.21432030


Nice use of investor money. He’ll have a fine position in aurora cannabis or any Canadian shit company.

>> No.21432045

I'm not the one saying people should be punished for expressing their opinions. Go back to r/antifa you disgusting tranny.

>> No.21432077

he's independently wealthy from bitcoin, look it up, he was rich before cardano faggot

>> No.21432097

and its all paid by cucks like you that buy his bags

>> No.21432134

this guy looks shady as fuck.

>> No.21432159

cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.21433049
File: 229 KB, 500x500, 1588210255514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21433116

Can someone tldr me on ada? I know nothing about it and it seems like a good idea and charles seems very passionate about it. I just want to know what is the benefit over ada over eth2.0? They seem to even be leading research in pos and such.

>> No.21433358

I legit bought aurora cannbis at 7 and sold at 150. no idea if its a good or bad company tho, just heard a lot of people talking about legalization in america and bought the hype

>> No.21433944

if only he put that money into his non-functioning product