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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2142439 No.2142439 [Reply] [Original]

>Hello, /biz/.

Been on this shitstain site since 2006, but have never visited this board until now.

Recently I've decided to stop being a poorfag and start saving and trying to invest.

I make 45k a year in AZ with about 3k in debt and minimal living expenses.

What are most of you doing to grow your shekels?

>> No.2142472


Take a wild guess based on the rest of the threads here

>> No.2142504

So crypto, eh?

Don't you think that it's a bubble that's about to burst any fucking day now?

>> No.2142539

kek typical idiot nocoiner poor faggot

>> No.2142548

nocoin wagecuck!!!

Lurk for a few days. Or just take my advice and invest in whatever amount you want to in ETH RIGHT NOW

You will double your money, no bamboozle

>> No.2142552


>> No.2142553

Alrite my rich crypto wizard dude, tell me your secrets.

What sort of gains have you seen?

>> No.2142560


>bubble that's about to burst

Look up what ethereum is, it's like investing in Google stock or Amazon before hardly anyone knew of it.

>> No.2142573

You'll double your money in 6 weeks, max.

>> No.2142600
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If you're seriously new to /biz/, I can somewhat proudly let you know that comments like these >>2142539

are commonplace.

But there is truth to be had here. /biz/ would have been the guys talking about getting in on the dotcom boom in like 1985 or so. Right now the big thing in tech and finance really is crypto.

Get lurking if you're interested, stay away if you're not (I suggest looking into it). Read up on it before you put money away into it.

I'd look into buying some bitcoin and ethereum if I were you. This week is likely to see (more) growth in both of them. Certain altcoins look good to me as well but since you're new I'd advise you to stick to the big guns for now. You probably encountered early bitcoin on 4chan years ago.

This place is a bit like the continuation of that, slightly more cultlike, but with real profits to be had.

I'll stay lurking in this thread for a short while if you or any similar lurkers have questions, but the TL;DR is that you should buy crypto. Why? You're on 4chan. You tell me.

>> No.2142649

Very informative.

I recall hearing about bitcoin around here and on tor around 2010/2011. I thought it was a bullshit scam that would tank. Look how that turned out.

I will keep your advice in mind.

>> No.2142721
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>I recall hearing about bitcoin around here and on tor around 2010/2011. I thought it was a bullshit scam that would tank. Look how that turned out.

Precisely. I remember feeling the same way fairly early on, but I think even right now is a bit analogous to that first time BTC hit $200 usd or so - people were flipping out, people were rich, it was unbelievable and our meme was really valuable. It had some ups and downs and now that $200 seems laughable compared to today's $2000.

Nobody can see the future for certain, but I (and many others here) believe that we'll some day look back at $2000 as being low compared to whatever ungodly heights this thing soars to. I've seen even academic papers suggest $20,000 in a few years (written a couple of years ago).

Did you ever bother playing around with bitcoin or cryptos? The tech itself should interest you too. What other boards do you lurk, for context?

For me the calculation is essentially:
1) crypto has a valuable purpose and actually beats the ''traditional' options (e.g. I can send money anywhere in the world with ease)
2) crypto is still a bit of a bitch to get 'in on' - most people don't know what this stuff is and it's still mostly a 4chan meme, but people are catching on
3) tech is going to make access-to-crypto a lot easier, and people will see and adopt the technology

Let's hope.

>> No.2142723
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Here are my questions:

>have you made any serious profit on your investments?
>What have your losses looked like?
>Have you diversified in more normie-like investments in case shit goes tits up?

>> No.2142744

>blue collar schmuck that wanted to invest extra cash
I bought 10 eth today, hope i did the right thing.
Seriously cant stop hating myself for not buying it a month ago when I first came here.

>> No.2142763

I can see advantages. I can also see governments trying to shut it down if it appears to threaten fiat.

I've lurked /pol/, /b/, /tv/, and /x/.

>> No.2142800

>>have you made any serious profit on your investments?

In my view, yes. I wish I could say I was a millionaire but I started out very small (a very long time ago) so I'm in the low 5-figure range of profits myself. It's big for me, but I'm holding for more. I have a lot of faith in crypto.

>>What have your losses looked like?
I have not had 'losses' because I don't buy shit coins and I don't cash out low. This game rewards the patient - I can't stress that enough. The market is volatile and rapidly growing. I've had my 'value' swing downward a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars on occasion, but I keep it in the crypto because I know it will swing back.

>>Have you diversified in more normie-like investments in case shit goes tits up?

I'll be real with you - I have, but only barely (compared to my crypto portfolio). I actually consider not having crypto to be a lot riskier because I'm in a country with a pretty weak currency and a government I don't trust very much. Funny enough, that means I (rightfully) consider my crypto investments to be my 'safe' ones. I know I can access it from anywhere on the planet, and I know that nobody else knows about it.

Also my crypto holdings have increased dramatically enough that even starting out much smaller than I had in other places ended up quickly becoming the bulk of my personal wealth.

I wouldn't sink 100% of myself into this game, because I have things to take care of, but I'm happy to let my stash keep growing for years to come.

>> No.2143024

actually this might not be a place to ask but what are some good site to buy ETH now?
I got 4k to throw away now and already hit limit on Coinbase

>> No.2143047


You can always just buy bitcoin and go exchange it for ether on somewhere like bittrex, poloniex, kraken, or wherever.

LocalBitcoins or a Bitcoin atm (depending on your location) would be good for that.

>> No.2143071

Can't you buy ETH directly with USD/EUR through Kraken?

>> No.2143102
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It appears /biz/ has some posters worth their weight in shit posting around here.

Thank you for your candid advice and experiences.

Do you use any apps for your trades? Any pitfalls that newfags may fall into that you could warn of?

Best of luck.

>> No.2143153


Glad to be of help, bro. I saw you mention /x/ earlier and I get the vibe that you were one of those people lurking there during /x/'s golden age. Comfy times being young and reading original creepypastas and whatnot.

>Do you use any apps for your trades?

Blockfolio is nice for keeping track of what I hold, but I don't do any actual exchanges on phone apps, no.

>Any pitfalls that newfags may fall into that you could warn of?

I get the vibe that you 'get it' so I won't bore you with too many details: the surefire key to success is to buy and hold. There's no magic to it, although 'holding' might be a lot harder than you think it is when you start seeing gains.

Throw money you can forget about into crypto, and let it sit for a while.

Stick to high volume coins (i.e. popular ones, at least at first), don't follow trends too much - make sure you're getting into something with decent tech AND marketability (think general image, brand, meme-worthiness, etc.).

Don't think that this is a hobby that requires your full attention. It's nice to celebrate on /biz/, the board is fun, but you're quite safe just letting your coins wait for you. Don't waste your time checking charts and following hype all the time.

Don't think of yourself as a 'trader', think of yourself as an early discoverer / adopter, buy some crypto, continue living your life and enjoy the gains.

Welcome aboard (hopefully) and good luck to you too.

Other anons might caution you on this as well but don't feel too rushed either - we haven't even seen the tip of the tip of the iceberg yet. Sooner is better, but we're a long way from the top.

>> No.2143164

kys nocoiner faggot

>> No.2143345

I take it that you feel crypto is not a fad but has the potential to become a mainstream alternative to fiat currencies in the future.

I can see economic manipulators attempting to sabotage it in the same way that political agents have tried to sway or shut down this site and others like it over the last decade.

I suppose the success of crypto may be linked to places like the chans. It really comes down to what you believe in and what you think will persist against all odds.

And those old /x/ pastas were comfy as fuck.