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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 758x883, photo_2020-08-14_12-09-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21418408 No.21418408 [Reply] [Original]

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the FLOW pill - you ride to Lamboland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

>> No.21418472
File: 173 KB, 667x1075, 2E97306E-B6A0-4498-BE56-550CE7D097C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dev Morpheus will lead us out of the matrix of wage slaving

>> No.21418490

What if I take neither?

>> No.21418499

There’s literally not a single whale yet.. this is a true fair launch, what a goddamn relief. AND it’s not a rug pull!!!!!

Fucking thank god biz, this is what we needed

>> No.21418577

how to buy this shitcoin?

>> No.21418581

Anons questioning if they finally found a worthy gem early enough. This is the one.

>> No.21418625


>> No.21418634

Fuck yammies fuck jannies I’m one with the flow now. Either Morpheus delivers or I’m doomed to the wage cage.

>> No.21418635

Its on Uniswap

Contract address:


>> No.21418648
File: 153 KB, 817x398, 7779699C-9377-4D91-B503-66916E27AED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21418659

totally not a discord tranny

>> No.21418690

what does this shitcoin has to do with morpheus

>> No.21418729

That’s the devs alias, and he’s a damn gem

>> No.21418755

shill me. link me something. morpheus showed neo loads of shit and ur not showing us ANYTHING

>> No.21418777

This is our one goddamn chance to get in on a fair launched coin with no devs and that actually works.

Go ahead, screw up your chance and stay out when literally all liquidity is locked

>> No.21418809
File: 185 KB, 828x397, 1972FA7E-DDB7-4D60-ACCD-7E66E5FAD247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based trips
Also rebase in 30m

>> No.21418829

idk man, looks very cringe


and where is the contract locking the tokens?

>> No.21418919

-Fair launch, no presale
-Dev liquidity locked, and no owner function on the contract
-1% every day for next 58 days to bootstrap the token
-Coingecko listing imminent
-Dev is locking up the other 35% meant for liquidity over time
-Protocol actually works (LOL YAM)
-Liquidity mining
-Yield farming
-Simplifying DeFi
-Just under 500 wallets so far

>> No.21418969

>Dev liquidity locked, and no owner function on the contract
prove it

>> No.21418974
File: 447 KB, 1090x739, 8950B78D-DF99-42D7-810C-78A5152A75A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also logo to be updated soon on uniswap, request already filed

>> No.21419074

anyone got the discord link plx sir

>> No.21419149

It’s on unicrypt. Locked until February. Morpheus is a bitcointalk og.


The dextools

This is the real McCoy.

>> No.21419208

I’m not even going to post the locked contract because I’m sick and tired of spoonfeeding these fucking idiots on this board who can’t even perform some of the most basic functions of crypto. It’s sad as fuck and it’s the reason the space is the way it is right now.

>> No.21419217

Based, I bought a stack earlier. Excited to see what the next few days bring

>> No.21419257

Dude, why’d you do that lol.... let these idiotic newfag plebs with big mouths, tiny brains, and no knowledge of a blockchain miss out

>> No.21419441

Pump to 1$ then dump then slow pump to 5, watch the FLOW community grow

>> No.21419485

I bet there are at least 10 super early whales that hide their enormous stacks in different wallets or something. Such a thing never has no whales. I still bought.

>> No.21419494

cringe af these "memes"

you still in 2010 boomer?

>> No.21419604

I mean. If you consider 50 ETH a whale, then yeah, there’s like 5 whales

But... 50 ETH isn’t a whale. This is our chance to actually be whales for once

>> No.21419674
File: 10 KB, 1321x274, opera_HgSMCxCklM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i'm gonna stay away from this dumpster

>> No.21419729

Bought once, saw the telegram building and these massive /biz/ shill posts, bought more.

>> No.21419759

Omg.... you don’t know, do you lol

>> No.21419764

are you autistic those wallets are liquidity pool, and locked coins

>> No.21419778

distribution is in the whitepaper

>> No.21419803

This recent influx of newfags is awful

>> No.21419827
File: 873 KB, 1125x2436, 9E61629B-4AA8-443C-AAF5-A5DE8C17148B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was today’s news ... either way, way safer than even some top 50 as far as I’m concerned. The dev locked up like 300 of his own ETH 2 days ago and is locking this too as long as there’s a way to make the function time release daily.

Stay away of ya want tho but I figured maybe you didn’t see this

>> No.21419854

no they are now lol

>muh white paper

nigger can write fuck all there, who gives a shit, i'ts a PnD, not even a good one

>> No.21419945

Do you need me to call someone?

>> No.21419962

Pumped by who? There are no whales lol

>> No.21420031
File: 164 KB, 828x335, 3E26E756-F97E-4E8B-8C79-C02A4D287421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry you feel this way but you still have time this is going to 14$

>> No.21420033

Where is this even available?

>> No.21420102
File: 26 KB, 191x191, 1583028545902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21420144

15 + 30 eth big dick buy

>> No.21420795

How do I buy this on uniswap? First transaction failed "insufficient output amount"?? Second one has been pending for 37 minutes now

>> No.21420864

Increase slippage

>> No.21420915

If they are pending you have to wait for the pending one to close

>> No.21420924

Uniswap is fucked recently. I set slippage to 2.5% and pay highest of the 3 gas options in metamask and usually have no problems. Only fails if the coin is super active or something that does funky shit like LID.

>> No.21421689

Top whale sold half his stack, great time to buy the dip

>> No.21421718

you just got dumped on son, cope harder

>> No.21421751

It’s literally already back, most of us got in at 25 cents anyways. It was only briefly above 35 for a few hours. It’s 2 fucking days old newfag

>> No.21421769
File: 197 KB, 829x1015, 1597357934471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


morpheus is pnk shill

gtfo pajeet

>> No.21421815

it's alright son, he still got 150k to dump on ya

soon it will be over, sleep now

>> No.21422100

Less than 100eth at this price