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2141838 No.2141838 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of you mining anymore? Feels like it's just me.

Thinking about another 5x rig since roi at this point on many gpus is about 50 days.

>> No.2141857

I'm looking to get into it in the near future but have no idea how to start.
Anon can you be kind and post a beginners parts list of things I'll need and whit OS to run it on that's most compatible with shitcoin mining?

>> No.2141860

Nice rig bro

Daily return?

>> No.2141867


Not mine, but I'm earning about $10/day currently with what I have. 5x1070 rig would increase that to $35/day

>> No.2141885

I would like to mine, but I know jackshit about it

>> No.2141904

what do you mine?

>> No.2141909


Whatever Nicehash has me mine.

>> No.2141917

Electricity is very expensive in Germany,
but affordable in the neighboring Czech Republic.
I'm thinking about renting a closet there, but I don't speak their difficult language.
Not yet sure if it's worth it. I'll need a translator to not get ripped off.

>> No.2141929

What are you mining exactly? I use my 980 gtx to mine 300 DGB daily, which right now translates into $4.56
I also heard that AMD GPUs are better for mining

>> No.2141942

See >>2141909

I know I can be earning more, but managing multiple altcoins on an exchange is tiring. I just want to plug in, start it up and forget it.

>> No.2141944

If want a simple solution, install NiceHash.
Their program automatically mines what's profitable and pays you directly in Bitcoin.
That way you don't have to worry about pools and exchanges.

>> No.2143428

bump for this anon, as I would like to know as well. I have the creeping suspicion that people who say mining is no longer profitable just don't want competition. We are still at the beginning of crypto, after all.

>> No.2143526

Im from czech rep Prague bro hmu we can start it together kek, prohibitdw(at)gmail.com

>> No.2143668
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>Left to work nightshift
>Leave my cudaminer to mine doge overnight
>Come back just a while ago
>Found out cunt of a dad disconnected the internet to save energy bills as soon as I left
>He fell asleep all night with the TV on

I swear to fucking god

>> No.2143686

are you part of a mining pool? or self mine?

>> No.2143754
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i am expanding every week but the money just keeps coming..

crypto is literally the goldmine of 21st century.

>> No.2143772

how much per kWh ist electricity in czech?
in germany i pay about 28ct/kWh which makes it impossible to mine

>> No.2143785
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Sure am famalam

>> No.2143837

I have access to literally free electricity but I don't have the money to build a miner

Is there something like an entry level build that can get me going?

>> No.2143853

Already mining since last year, roi'd 3 times by now, and cards still have over 2 years of warranty, good times ahead.

>> No.2143919
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>GPU mining in 2017

>> No.2144007


Aren't you just a little retarded faggot.

Making 100 dollars a day from a 5k outlay.

>> No.2144027

I recently built a small PC for work, Intel G4560 8GB RAM no GPU, and I wonder about using it for crypto mining. I can get access to free electricity.

What would you recommend I use in this situation? Something like an ASIC miner?

>> No.2144037

36,500$ a year from a 5,000$ outlet

>> No.2144140

hey iam from czech its about 8 crowns in day but price drops at night. I also saw alot electricity stealing to mine.

>> No.2144172

mine eth , buy 5x 480 gpus (125mh/s +-) and you will be rich next year

>> No.2144251

Residential electricity in CZ is around 0.14 EUR/kWh

>> No.2144351
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Question for you bud. How the hell do you keep this thing cool? I mine out of my garage and it gets freaking 50 degrees C in there. I live in FL.. it sucks

>> No.2144359

woops the question was supposed to be for >>2143754. My bad.

>> No.2144390

Mining zCash

>> No.2144419


I'm getting into BTC mining some time this year. I'm sick of fucking Jihan

>> No.2144421

What gpu do you recomend?

Had the rx 470 in mind, it's like 250 bucks.
Also, do you mine based on current profit or future potential?

>> No.2144475

$250 seems really high for 470/570. It should be under $200. I got some of mine in the $170-$180 price range.
>current profit or future potential
Both really. ETH is definitely still worth mining. I'm thinking of mining ZEN when it's released.

>> No.2144498

I live i a pinko commie yuropean paradise.
We pay premium for everything.

>> No.2144551

Yo I'm looking into doing this man. What motherboard are you using and what feet do you have on the rig. I'm about to load up but I don't want to make a bad purchase.

>> No.2144571

Yo what motherboards are you guys using I'm about to get into this game deep.>>2144351
Also the RX 580 is probably the best cost/performance for cards right now. My rx470 gives me almost 3 dollars a day slightly oced


>> No.2144627
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maybe can one of the experienced anon miner make a starter threat, like explain it to a kid ?
i am a fellow crout too ? Aus bayern ? ich lebe auf nem bauernhof wir haben solarzellen, und eigentlich strom umsonst, vlt was mit solarenergie anon ?

>> No.2144687
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What's the input and output for a mining rig? 5 1070s alone are, what, 2 grand?

Is it worth it to build a rig with expansion room for more cards down the line? Maybe when the rig pays itself off initially.

>> No.2144695
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>Found out cunt of a dad disconnected the internet to save energy bills as soon as I left
>He fell asleep all night with the TV on

>> No.2144699

I'm using whatever mobos I could get my hands on for cheap pretty much. The one that I bought specifically for this is Asrock H81 Pro BTC because it supports up to 6 graphics cards. However it has prev gen LGA1150 socket if you care.. RX5XX series are still a little problematic when it comes to mining if you are thinking of modding, just a heads up.

>> No.2144742

Really? Do they not overclock easily with Trixx? Thanks for the mobo series man. I'll probably get the cheapest I can find I was looking at a board that'll run an Athalon or something dirt cheap cause it only needs windows and nice hash. I really like your woods setup as there's no metal to worry about. I'm basing my guess on benchmarks but how much better do you find the 580 to your 470's?

>> No.2144809

I'm not by any means an expert in modding GPUs and mining in general but so far I've had stability issues with the 570/580s. Every once in a while the rig would just hang randomly and freeze when mining ethhash. Currently mining equihash and seems stable so I wonder if it's something to do with the current AMD drivers. Also I haven't been able to run RX4XX together with RX5XX on the same mobo for whatever reason.

>> No.2144836

>how much better do you find the 580 to your 470's
I would say about 10-15% difference

>> No.2144964

What are those USBs for? do they connect the graphics cards?

How does one power supply handle 5 graphics cards?
How do those people do it without any motherboards?

>> No.2145005

probably not worth it with gpus but with how fast crypto is appreciating in value I would say so

>> No.2145077

>What are those USBs for? do they connect the graphics cards?
These a called riser cards. They allow you to position your gpus to allow for optimal air circulation and also deliver external power so that all of those cards don't damage your mobo.
>How does one power supply handle 5 graphics cards?
A 1000 Watts PSU is sufficient for 5 cards.
>How do those people do it without any motherboards?
I don't think that's possible on a consumer level. You have to have a mobo for every max 6 cards.

>> No.2145113

>Asrock H81 Pro BTC
this mobo is kill I'm trying to find another for not 300 dollars that just has 6 slots.

Thanks for the replies. I may just consider getting rx470's. On just nice hash I make like 3.60/day with one of them.

Thanks for also answering about the 6 max card limit. I've seen farm racks with like 30 gpus on them but they must have custom hardware.

>> No.2145157


Anyone seen something like this before. It's a 16 pci-express board. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some crzy compatability issues.

>> No.2145178

If you decide to get into this and build a multi-gpu rig, don't expect smooth sailing :) Prepare to spend hours googling and reading forums before everything start working 100% stable.
I couldn't get one of my mobos to recognize more than 4 cards on ti no matter what I tried even though it has 5 PCIe slots. I've had DOA risers multiple times. Getting the right driver is also a bitch.
I use Afterburner to play around with custom clocks but Trixx works too.

>> No.2145206

Those are PCI slots. It only has 2 PCIe which is what you need for gpus. :)

>> No.2145218

I appreciate the insight. I might just run a 4 pci board since they're cheaper and more available at the moment. If I go with a setup like yours I wont need a case either. I'm spamming this thread but I need info. I wanted to finally ask. Is there any bottle necking with the <16x pci slots. And thanks for pointing that out. I'm not usually not computer retarded, I'm just excited this morning.

>> No.2145258

No bottle necks that I'm aware of really. I use both current and previous gen mobos and there is no difference in performance that I've noticed.

>> No.2145283

One final question. I'm trying to find some good quality risers that are not 60 bucks a pop. Any recommendations?

>> No.2145307

What's a good coin to currently mine? LTC on the hopes it skyrockets?

>> No.2145321




>> No.2145350


pretty much anything ethhash or equihash

>> No.2145403

For real thanks a bunch dude. Now I'll be able to itemize and price everything out. Do you got an address for tipping?

>> No.2145417

How do the coins I mine enter my wallet? Is there a direct transfer?

>> No.2145442

Welcomes! Nah I don't do that. I'm always happy to help people entering this space however I can. The more miners the better for the crypto ecosystem! We all profit that way. :D

>> No.2145471

The best way to do it is by joining a pool of your choice. Every pool has a website that provides instructions on how to get your miner setup and pointed. During the setup process you will have to enter your wallet address so that the pool can pay you as you mine.

>> No.2145517

Been lurking, wanted to thank you as well. I want to get into mining too. Gonna check out NiceHash. If the roi of 100ish days on a 480 is true than it's worth it in my book.

>> No.2145568

I've never used NiceHash. I understand that you only get paid in BTC which I don't really like since most of the altcoins go up in value a lot more than BTC does over time but I hear is a lot easier to set up. GL to you as well.

>> No.2145584

And you connect to this pool with the miner, correct?

>> No.2145596

I budgeted arround 2k for a 4 gpu rig
Am I being delusional?

>> No.2145601

Yes. The pool does exactly what the term suggests - it pools the hashing power of all participants and when a block is discovered the reward is distributed equally to all participants proportionate to the hashing power each of them is contributing to the pool.

>> No.2145602


>> No.2145640

nah. The hardware I've accumulated over time since Sep of last year nets at 8k+ but I've pretty much quadrupled the investment by now.

>> No.2145677

Is there a guide on the software aspects of this all once I put my rig together?

Are 4 470s enough of an initial input? If today goes my way I might make that off some stocks.

>> No.2145703

can you post your build?

>> No.2145707

Alright then. I'll pass the buck when it comes to the next person. Thanks senpai.

>> No.2145713

I have a 390x and its mining is okay, tho it consumes a lot.
Can you advice me the best card to mine right now?

>> No.2145733

Some people use GNU/Linux or ethOS to mine but I'm personally more comfortable with Windows so I use Win10. If you do some googling you will find some recommendations on what driver version to use depending on your gpu. Every pool's website has a list of mining programs to download and instructions to configure.

>> No.2145767

the 290x and 390x fucking suck power. The 470-80 are good power vs efficiency. I want to get some 580 8gbs however.

>> No.2145817

So I guess the catch with this is that you have to be mindful of the electricity costs, right?

>> No.2145831

either you can go to whattomine.com or https://www.nicehash.com/?p=calc

both of these are a good way to kind of guage what you're looking at, else you need a volt meter.

>> No.2145906
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It's all over the place :)

>> No.2145976

This is beautiful

>> No.2146531

Which motherboard would you recommend?
Aren't 8goVRAM better than 4goVRAM?

>> No.2146768

details of rigs? thinking about setting one up. also country? Probably not worth it in US anymore... idk.

And what's with people criticizing GPU mining? Is there some alternative? Seems like all of the top coins are best mined with GPUs, except BTC.

>> No.2146771

Typically the 8GB versions have faster VRAM, that's the benefit. More VRAM doesn't benefit mining directly.

>> No.2147333

>Asrock H81 Pro BTC
mfw im using this for my gaming pc...

>> No.2147939

Eth requires gpu mining newfag.

>> No.2147957

How do I set up a mining operation in my college dorm? Or would I get caught because of how much electricity I use?

How do I avoid getting caught?

>> No.2148463
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How do I make this work and what will it mine?

>> No.2148589

kek was just thinking about the same thing
Tbf i doubt they would care too much but your dorm room would get extremely hot

>> No.2148636

Is mining in southern California in a house with no A/C feasible?

>> No.2148640

Hardly seems worth it.

>> No.2148659

noob here

what can i mine it with if not GPUs? anyone can recommend a good starting guide thats still legit?

>> No.2148846

Not if Digibyte's price goes up, if it reaches $1 I'll be swimming in money.

>> No.2148870

I recently started earning money and want to get into mining any guides or infographics on picking parts to setup the rig besides the initial gpu. I know already what I want to mine.

>> No.2148931

If this is so easy why arent you fags renting warehouses to have thousands of rigs minning?

>> No.2149017

What algorithm and pool do you use?

>> No.2149026

kind of want to get in on this but i feel like i can make more money from trading. The point at which mining outweighs trading is a pretty ridiculously high investment (like 20 grand)

>> No.2149052

Groestl in theblocksfactory
If you have a newer nvidia card get the latest cc miner, I use 1.7.6

>> No.2149286
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Shit, I made my first dollar mining bitcoins. I can't believe it.

If I had known about this some years back....shit

>> No.2149299


What do you use to mne DGB?

>> No.2149305

this is what so many people dont realise

>> No.2149328

I have AMD and I'm currently mining on Skeit, is Groestl better?

>> No.2149374


Why not do both? I never paid for a coin, just been trading what I've mined.

>> No.2149420

First and last time I spoonfeed you

>> No.2149548

What? That first reply is not mine, i was just asking if mining on Groestl would be better than Skein

>> No.2149562

I have not mined on Grosetl but I've done skein. I getting about 15-20 dgb ever block. Maybe like 300 a day report back tomorrow and tell me what you got on Grosetl

Also the skein pool has no fees