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21405209 No.21405209 [Reply] [Original]

> reading anons cashing out for >1M after holding for 3 years
> 22 yo with 20k in crypto

what period of holding is the most difficult to make it anon?
> 1k to 10k
> 10k to 100k
> 100k to 1M
> 1M and beyond

>> No.21405265

hardest was in 2018 when i had to sell off basically all my crypto one after another to pay rent, month by month. except for my links.

i managed to never sold my links. only have 9k though.

>> No.21405274

Really hope I hit 100k before staking is announced and it can 10x. Having 350k and see it crab forever would freak me out.

>> No.21405296

I'm less than 100k, but I imagine the hardest time to hodl is when you're six figures. Because that amount of money can be extremely life changing (buy a house, pay off a mortgage, get out of debt etc). But you'd still have to wagecuck. You'd want to cash out and get that money, but there's also the gnawing feeling that if you just hold on a little longer you can be a millionaire or even multi-millionaire and never have to wagecuck again

>> No.21405364

yeah, Im waging to fund my investments for now, but maybe that will change after reaching something like 1M

>> No.21405442

Anything 20k-100k is tough to hold through. If you're in your 20s, chances are this is more money than you've ever had, and is enough to give you a good headstart (but obviously not make-it money). I've been in crypto since 2016 and there is always the thought in the back of your head that this could all disappear in a matter of days.

>> No.21405549

21 and currently holding 2,000 stinky linkies. I need to get a job soon so I can get a credit score so I can get a loan so I can buy more linkies. Fuck I hate what capitalism did to us.

>> No.21405605

I'm at 100k now what makes you think staking will 10x it? It's probably gonna dump if anything. There's no way we're going to $200 off staking hype alone that's some next level delusion.

>> No.21405637

>100k to 1M
Life changing money, not enough to cash out and still have a sufficient long term position

>> No.21405678

Honestly OP go to https://aftervalue.herokuapp.com/

A binance screener made by an anon months back to help biz in their trading but he abandon this project, still delivered tho. Bought cheap ARPA and BEAM thanks to this. Never FOMO, take profits than transfer that profit into cheaps and repeat.

>> No.21405795
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is getting a loan to trade crypto a legitamete strategy? When I'm making gains, I always wish I had more money to start off with / throw in, but I didn't think of going this far.

Anyone do this with success or get fucked by this?

>> No.21405832

Not sure. I was so excited going from 10 to 20k and 20 to 50k
Also was happy for 100k
Now I just keep going up abd feel rather indifferent
Will probably be happy at a mill but let's face it once you get in the game you realize a mill is chump change

>> No.21405855

Just don't, you will rope

>> No.21405885

I'm at just over $150k right now and it feels pretty difficult. Ill probably cash out $20k when I hit $200k, just to take the edge off. Thinking ill do the same $30k at $300k and so on. Would love to say i'm never selling and 'Iron hands" and all that, but i'm staring down the barrel of a 30 year mortgage and this is my way out. I would be worried that I would capitulate if I hit $1mil and had nothing physical to show for it.

>> No.21405887


>> No.21405955

Seeing portfolios in 2017-2018 that went from $400k to $80k is what worries me more. I could lose $80k and I would feel bad but if I lose $320k I would feel suicidal.

>> No.21405962

I talked to a guy on here that got a $100,000 loan and invested it in crypto. He ended up making $10,000 a month. I think loans are the only way to make large gains but must really hurt when it crashes

>> No.21405964

one stop rope shop desu

>> No.21405971


>> No.21405998
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>he fell for the cash out FUD
I'm not fucking selling you nigger

>> No.21406315

this is spot on. making it to 6 figures is hard but not impossible -- you can do this by saving and buying stocks or whatever. But how many chances does one get at life-changing money?
also this, but at 1m I would probably take 70% and leave the rest in the market
loans are absolutely NOT the only way to make large gains in this market

>> No.21406503

I started with $900 in 2017 and i have 170k now (10k linkies) so far I havent had any trouble holding im a greedy fuck tho and have had my goal set on $3 mil or bust since I started even if my folio was 1.7 mil right now I would probably feel the same, just gotta set a goal and tunnelvision

>> No.21406670

You don't worry that the price might cap out before then and leave you stuck waiting for x amount of time for it to go back up? What is your time frame to reach 3 mil? How long is too long for you, where you feel you might have been better off taking the money along the way?

>> No.21406709

What would I have to do to get a loan to put into crypto as a student? I'm already in over 200k student debt, is it pretty much impossible at this point?

>> No.21406710

10k to 100k during your first major dip. Holding while watching $20k+ disappear in a matter of hours is difficult if you’ve never had that kind of money before. Once you make it to $100k+ you have been through enough rise and fall to be jaded to losing large sums on paper.

>> No.21406775

Those gains only happen if you take profit.

The real hardest part is knowing to sell when you have profit and buy when no one else says too

Technical analysis makes you more precise

>> No.21407125

Id like for that to be hit before I turn 30(2 years) but ill hold til im 40 and im not worried about hitting 0 or it taking too long since an opportunity like this might never pass me by again

>> No.21407181

I have 150k right now and it’s a weird time. I’m making most of my friend’s monthly salaries in a couple days at this point practically which feels surreal however I haven’t cashed out any of it yet so still live the same lifestyle and have the same spending habits. Knowing I’m sitting on all this money while no one else knows about it and still sharing a 3 bedroom apt. with my brother and his girlfriend is strange desu. I could pull all of it out right now and have life changing money for awhile to give me time to focus on my passions and eventually monetize that, but I also know I’m somewhat close to getting fuck you money if this bull run is as epic as everyone is making it out to be. Maybe the weirdest feeling though is how unphased I am by the 150k even though I only had 15k earlier this year. When I first got into crypto in 2017, I knew this moment would come eventually so it’s not like “holy fucking shit I can’t believe this is actually happening” but more like “cool, it’s finally here”

>> No.21407408

That is true. I feel I am a little more risk adverse as I am slightly older and have a house, family and kids on the way. At this stage I would be happy to take a x4 which would give me around $500k after tax, preferably in the next 5 years. The condition on that is that I would still have to keep 1000 link so that I could continue reading biz without feeling like shit if link continued mooning.

>> No.21407565

If i had family and kids on the way i would probably not be as bold as i currently plan to be and yeah keeping 1k linkies is a must just in case the 81k prophecy is real kek

>> No.21407591
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>(buy a house, pay off a mortgage, get out of debt etc)
That's why it's important to get into a mindset where none of that shit matters. If you cash out anything less than "make it" money, here's what happens.

Now you get to go home after work to a slightly better house.
Now you get to go to work in a slightly nicer car.
Now you get to eat slightly better lunch at work.
Now you get to use slightly better computers and televisions, in your limited non-work free time.

If any of that sounds worth trading your future for, then go ahead. But I know the feeling of all of these just by getting raises/better jobs. I'll tell you first-hand that compared to complete freedom, they're just not worth it.

>> No.21407821

If my house/land was paid off and I had no debt, I would be able to make enough of a living from my 12 acres that I would only need to wage for 4 days a fortnight. My wife could quit her job and look after the kids full time/help me with the garden, chickens and sheep. She also sells her cooking which makes us around $300 per week profit which she could continue doing from home. I'm not greedy. I just want my family to be happy.

>> No.21408588

If you're in your 20's or 30's and own your house outright with no mortgage, you can probably go down to working part time, or afford to take a lower paying job that is less stressful. You're not 'making it', but your quality of life is seriously improved.

>> No.21408636

100k to 1m

>> No.21408910
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100k to 1m. Once you crack 200 it’s a “hey no shit this would change my time to retirement by 5+ years” so the money becomes more “real” if that makes sense. In a way I’ve become more desperate - I just need that last 3 or 4x to hit a major sell target of lower class sustainable self sufficiency. I’ve pulled out small amounts here and there just to make it more real/diversify out. Idk I’ve got a few hundred K in boomer stonks and a decent job, might be different for others.

>> No.21409671
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>what period of holding is the most difficult to make it anon?
> 100k to 1M
I topped out around 600k at the start of 2018, and at that point you think "just one more 2x and I'll make it", but the 2x doesn't come. Your portfolio bounces around 500-600k, the volatility is nothing new so you hold as you have been for the past year, then things will do a sudden drop then small bounce, like say you drop to 350k but then you slowly climb back up to 430k, then it hangs around there, then to 200k. This continues until you're left holding 30k. All while the entire time you wonder "is this the bounce before we return to the bull market?".

>> No.21409728

maybe dont hold dogshit projects then

>> No.21409882

everything fell at the start of 2018 retard, and nobody invests in projects that they think are dogshit.

>> No.21409974

yeah if you are a dumb redditor. If you had held btc, eth, link, youd be fine right now. Instead you hold dogshit bags that are still 95% down from ath like nano, iota.

>> No.21410093

I have a pension from getting blown up in Iraq. My goal from crypto is to pay off the house and get NODZ, anything beyond that is a bonus

>> No.21410107

eth went from $1400 to $80 though. eth maxis who had $600k nw on paper went all the way down to $40k

>> No.21410261

Don’t forget the BEAMZ too. I’m miring the 31s I see on eotechs website we can catch a discount on.

>> No.21410362

>If you had held the good projects and not the bad projects you'd be fine right now
No shit.
Yeah most of my portfolio was eth, with some btc/link/dogshit, and I am fine right now.

>> No.21410821
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I currently wagecuck for a 200k salary, I will need to iron fist up to multi millions in order to retire. Anything less will be like..a nice bonus I guess.

>> No.21411335

When your total holdings jump 6 figures in a day, the mental battle is unreal.

>> No.21411382

step 3 you only have bitcorn, eth and far off "sure bets" like 2017 LINK to break out

>> No.21411515

over 100k is hard because the swings are fucking wild. Up 30k, Down 25k over the course of a weekend.

You still have to wagecuck, you have to put on a smiling face. No one to talk too. Its a lonely existence. While my girl wage cucks from home I am up 10k in the morning and still making breakfast. Not mention a word about the fact that I have a life changing stack of crypto that needs a solid golden bull run to make it.

Its lambos and caviar, or stocking shelves at walmart. No inbetween.

t. 300k USD stack of crypto

>> No.21411990
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100k to 1M is fucking chill as fuck.
1k to 10k is the hardest.
Just know, throwing in money in a new project from my paycheck and looking "wow, just 1-2k".
Is really saddening.