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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21395929 No.21395929 [Reply] [Original]

Can you smell it?
Bitcoin project is over.

>> No.21396010


>> No.21396129

>buy my bags sirs
Haha it's funny to see pajeets shilling their shit on /biz/ scaled up to formal investment funds shilling to boomers.
If Bitcoin is backed by energy then if it did a 10x it would consume like 5% of the world's energy supply

>> No.21396148

>if it did a 10x it would consume like 5% of the world's energy supply

>> No.21396174

>BTC demands nuclear power

>> No.21396228

Just buy VPX it’s what any wise person is doing right now

Don’t look back with regret - for not buying. You heard it here first

>> No.21396292

Kyosaki is shilling bitcoin to boomers now. We're only getting started kiddo.

>> No.21396305

this is financial times. big shill

>> No.21396323

That's why it's called the boomercoin. Going to blackhole all that boomer cash.

>> No.21396363

This year is peak for my erections. It can't get any better than this.

>> No.21396365

this is wrong, it is backed by machinery AND energy amongst other things
The increased price could indeed lead to more energy usage but also higher costs for topline asics for example . The basket of constructs that secures and attempts to earn money mining bitcoin is plentifold and claiming it has a complete linear relationship with one of tem is foolish and just fud

>> No.21396477


>> No.21396605

>a physical newspaper
i haven't seen one of those in years

>> No.21396676

I long for a future in which we send children to the coal mines to feed the insatiable energy hunger of bitcoin. I want to see them cough up soot and grow up stunted and hunchbacked just so the server farms can compute some more meaningless hashes.

>> No.21396904

You know it's time to get out of Bitcoin if the mainshit media is shilling it.

>> No.21396936

This. But unironically.

>> No.21397082
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1596343846581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone building on Ethereum... there are so many better chains already out.

>> No.21397124

Energy is transferred, and energy is harnessed to be used, you absolute utter brainlet. This FUD is ancient

>> No.21397147

>"invest" in bitcoin

when you know a zoomer typed it

>> No.21397195

name 1 (one)

I'll remind you
>already OUT
>smart contracts

>> No.21397241

mining will be in future, but bitcoin himself will be abandonned

>> No.21397502

>If Bitcoin is backed by energy then if it did a 10x it would consume like 5% of the world's energy supply

Holy fucking based , imagine how hard it would be to 51% attack it in that scenario.

>> No.21397685

Imagen someone chopping down a tree, getting inkt and machines. Making some leftie marketeer write a piece then printing it and trowing this piece of paper on your porce. To get you old fucking news

>> No.21397736


>> No.21398231


>> No.21398349

you pajeets hodling shitcoins dont get it, shitcoins are only for getting more eth and btc.