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21392732 No.21392732 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck all these shitcoins, I'm thinking of just taking my winnings and bailing.
Is there any project with actual promise and price growth potential on right now?

>> No.21392763

>He doesn't know

>> No.21392782

It's called Chainlink retard

>> No.21392790


>> No.21392795


>> No.21392803

Anything Polkadot-related is gold.

>> No.21392804


>> No.21392812


>> No.21392821

DIA you fucking pleb. It's right in front of you.

>> No.21392825

Literally DYOR. Look into a project and ask yourself if that's something you would want to buy. We're no longer in the era of dogecoin where people will pay for a useless do nothing shitter. The industry has evolved.

>> No.21392836

NKN you fucking kek

>> No.21392844


>> No.21392907

or directly DOT's

>> No.21392940


>> No.21392953


>> No.21392984

learn to read whitepapers - buy what you believe in

>> No.21393001

focus on yourself anon, take some time off, take a profit, go choke the bishop, raise the barn, let the dolphin out back into the ocean

>> No.21393002

0chain (ZCN)

>> No.21393104

yeah, VIDT for obvious enough reasons (check their twitter). Beyond that I would say XRT (will be the first parachain on polkadot, the polkadot founder/co-founder of ethereum is one of the biggest contributors to the XRT codebase, etc).

Or you could buy one of the frequent biz shills that are massively overbought relative to utility.

>> No.21393119
File: 528 KB, 720x960, Foot path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wise decision and timing not wrong, you may miss more rally, but may save what you have got.

In west in people around you . Go visit your grass fed beef rancher, look how your food source doing? How about energy source?

I means it is time too look up to real life serving values that's number trade game soon will be over Your chips has value only if you know you can play with them and win . But if usury by twisted wickedness, excuse, become illegal ? then all money will loose value and significance.

You will get your credit score directly from your owner which of cause you have to earn and as a punishment for miss behavior you number money can be taken away from you any time.

There is no other reason for humans to exist, then serve Jews. It is written in the Jew book by Satan.

>> No.21393140

Chromia and Ocean

>> No.21393154

QNT 100%

>> No.21393166

ALGO is solid, PNK could become huge

>> No.21393167


>> No.21393190


>> No.21393193

NKN. Everything else perils for a long-term hold but with profits starting today.

>> No.21393196

Only link, btc and eth are worth for long position. Play with shitcoins but always take profits

>> No.21393202


>> No.21393222


>> No.21393254

Holy fuck I just made that stupid name up and it turns out its real!

>> No.21393292


>> No.21393661

Here are some legitimate holds that you could put money in to today and check in 6 months for a nice profit:

PNK (maybe kinda iffy)
Harmony ONE
These are not shitcoins - these have uses and will be profitable in the short (~3mo) to med (~12mo) term.

Even if you split your current holding between these 8 you will undoubtedly have more money in 6 months.

>> No.21393729

>no ARPA
>no NKN
>no CTSI
>no LINK


>> No.21393807


>nkn is similar to noia so yeah maybe
>no idea about arpa and ctsi
>link could fall apart or it could fucking rocket to the stratosphere

>> No.21393837

I like how buidl by dfohub is not mentioned. Anon take a look at buidl! Being able to edit smart contracts is revolutionary

>> No.21393870

Trust me friend. I promise you the best coin. Just for you. Send me a little tip and I will do anything you want. And I mean anything. I need LINK so bad. I haven’t any link in like fucking 30 minutes. My cock is so raw. What the hell am I doing. I work in a call center.

Oh well. Lunch break

>> No.21393880

Uh.. so explain why no ALGO and no STA

>> No.21393924
File: 144 KB, 1080x784, B9B7449E-16E7-4947-AC2B-2DD2986EB413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK motherfucker
I’m not letting you live without seeing the citadel

>> No.21393927



>> No.21393935


sta is a meme and will probably fizzle out just like the others before it. I mean yeah there's a chance that OP comes back in 6 months and its there and he's made money but I think the chance of it fading into obscurity like doge or whatever is higher

algo is actually a solid choice and I forgot about it.

>> No.21393951

I did that and held XMR for a year and I ain't made shit

>> No.21393955

that's a pretty chad list besides dmm, not gonna lie

>> No.21393972

Cardano is the only one that will survive in 200 years.
Bitcoin will probably die in the next 20 years but Cardano would remain.

>> No.21393988
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Next entrant into the top 5 arrives to save Ethereum from choking on gas.

Are you ready?

>> No.21394038

Choking on gas.

Like chiking on a cock

I get it

>> No.21394053

yeah dmm is kinda shady

>> No.21394085
File: 138 KB, 654x1024, 2C9B519C-E79B-43E8-B871-66292452A297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT, actual working product with millions of users and undervalued as fuck right now.

>> No.21394122
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ADA will honestly survive the next bubble, but I doubt you will get massive gains with it unless you hold it for like 10-20 years.

I swear 1k ADA will be make it stacks in 20 years, just buy at least some anons, not gonna regret it in 20 years time when all the other shit coins you bought have died into obscurity and you bought them all at tops and never where on time to ride a big train , every time you where on time you got fucked in the ass by pajeet pnd coins and exit scams.

After 20 years you forgot all about crypto, it was nothing but a money sink and a pipe dream of ever going to make it, but then pops up the news, ADA 1000$ , you watch the news with your kids, maybe even a baby grandkid at that point. you rush towards the backroom of your shitty one floor home and there you find it that old paper wallet you made with 1k ADA in there. the 1k ADA you bought for 150$ in 2020 because some anon told you on /biz/

you finally made it.

>> No.21394135

Unironically PNK. Picking up a 10k stack of it tomorrow once an old equities account of mine clears and funds are back in my account.
They actually have a solid development and process flow. It has a purpose and solves a problem.
Everyone is meming it to shit and making it look like a shitcoin but its honestly not.

>> No.21394466

Nimiq, Holochain, Orchid, sBREE,