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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21391345 No.21391345 [Reply] [Original]

The gas fees are our greatest enemy, yet in these trying times we have

-Raised the Price Floor
-Released detailed plans for introduction
-Seen the community give out tons of $WAIF for productivity
-Seen new members
-Had constant hype in multiple community chats
-Getting stinky from all the testoserone flowing through our nuts

WAIFU is Bullish
My semen is fucking bull semen
When will you guys learn? Good dip going on right now. Go ahead check the price chart. You're literally guaranteed to make a 50% profit if you're willing to wait a day for a skyrocket. You're also guaranteed to MAKE IT if you HODL long term.

WTF are you waiting for Anons?

If Dubs $.32 EOY
If Trips $1 EOY
If Quads+ ???? EOY

>> No.21391408
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Every thread, every fucking time

>> No.21391426
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>345 sequence

>> No.21391494
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Secret trips anon
Even with gas fees high for all the noobs wanting in on this while its cheap, imma send one of the tutorials
(Wait for it to moon again at around just before 3-4PM for guaranteed 50% profits and HODL for 10X profit)
If you have used uniswap before this shit is ez af. Fuck Gas lets get the Coom.

>> No.21391858

Sitting nice on a stack of 16.5M a feeling very bullish. Not planning on selling a single waifu for a long time.

>> No.21391905
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jesus christ anon what do you plan to do with so many waifus? Leave some for the rest

>> No.21391982
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God you must be fucking rich. Get the Lambo next year Anon
Wish we had more in the pool, trying to add some myself but GAS. Don't worry fellow waifulet we will fucking make it. I believe.

>> No.21392292

top pip
You just have about 3 times more than me, I hope you have diamond level hands cause I'm not selling these for a few years.

>> No.21392392

They'll find my hands under sedementry rock before I'm prepared to sell this fucking coin

>> No.21392490

Where to buy WAIF sirs?

>> No.21392558
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Basically get ETH on a Metamask wallet and then connect the Metamask wallet to Uni swap. After that transfer ETH to $WAIF by using g the country tract name. I thought it was intimidating g too at first but now people have made vids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSTUVW9Q8g

Alli can say is beware of gas

>> No.21392627
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my harem of 5 million waifus tuck me to sleep every night i am beyond comfy

>> No.21393164

trying to load more today fucking gas is killing me

>> No.21393295
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this is pretty much it bois, if they get bele delphin going, onlyfans and chaturbate

it's game over

>> No.21393391
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Shlomo Shekelberg said "you need to sell all your WAIF, goy, it's a scam".