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21377330 No.21377330 [Reply] [Original]

When I make it, I'm going to get a vasectomy and move to East Asia.

>> No.21377383

>getting snipped

>> No.21377426

i'm going to find an average looking girl who exhibits genuine care and concern for the truth and then i'm going to put a couple babies in her

>> No.21377441

only non-whites have the right to a vasectomy

>> No.21377442

Imagine being such a beta and not being able to raise an entire village from your ballsack. Ngmi.

>> No.21377440

this. The goal is to spread your seed far and wide to try and impact human evolution

>> No.21377460

Are you white?

>> No.21377495

Of course. Hence the vasectomy. I won't get hapa'd.

>> No.21377603

I am intending to go to Denmark and sell my Aryan sperm there first.

>> No.21377660

I was you once upon a time. You're hunting for unicorns.

>> No.21377672

Yes goys! Spread your Aryan seed! We need a strong tax base to subsidize the explosive population of Africa!

>> No.21377682

Bruh. Don't be a cuck. Spread your seed to all the yellow whores in SEA and bounce to the next.

They don't have child support in the 3rd world lmao.

>> No.21377926

I sad East Asia. Japan, Korea, maybe China.

>> No.21378205

youre going to be pretty disappointed

>> No.21378235

what's the vasectomy for? trannies don't get pregnant and that's all you'll be getting in SEA

>> No.21378262

>getting snipped for this
You realize asians girl's yellow fever is for white seed right? You wont get anything serious there if you're fucking snipped you low t retard.

>> No.21378274

Nah, I've had some of that sideways before.

>> No.21378306

based as long as you are non-white

>> No.21378315

I don't intend to be serious. I intend to be very, very silly.

>> No.21378316
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imagine having like 50 million dollars and your future son elliot cuts off your fucking head lel

>> No.21378324

this, go Ghengis Kahn on that continent

>> No.21378356

>hello, one ticket to East Asia please.

>> No.21378431

I am the whitest man you'll ever meet.

I will father no children.

>> No.21378505

Unironically extremely BASED. Making hapas is a crime against humanity. I wouldn't get a vasectomy though. Just use some kind of birth control or make her have an abortion if worst comes to worst.

>> No.21378529

Pleb tier. You should follow in the path of that French tourist and travel around Africa impregnating hundreds/thousands of African women. If you did this anywhere else in the world you would be dooming your soul by creating mutt bastards, but if you do it in Africa it will actually guarantee you a ticket to heaven because you will be improving the African gene pool and making it a better place. They are going to reproduce like rabbits no matter what and the father will be absent no matter what as well, so you might as well make them half white.

>> No.21378534


God I want to seed an East Asian female

>> No.21378579
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Soft eugenics in a way.

>> No.21378621

OP are you never planning to have children? If not why not?

>> No.21378628

I am never setting foot there. I don't want to see or smell or hear anyone of African descent ever again.

>> No.21378653


>> No.21378671

This is a meme world now and the only thing left to do is to meme it. Children aren't memes, they're serious things.

>> No.21378675

Rabbi your kvetching is showing

>> No.21378736


>> No.21378751

>You wont get anything serious
kek get a load of this faggot

>> No.21378839

fuck you too faggot, I understand going to east asia to have kids, but if you're not, why the fuck are you going there retard?

I legitimately dont get this, why doesn't he move to Scandinavia? If you're not going to get married might as well live with whites.

>> No.21378928

>making hapas is a crime against humanity
Unironically this. One of the biggest reasons I wouldn't touch a ching chong bitch is because I don't want even the slightest change of producing a little Elliot.

>> No.21378943

>Yes goy! Be childless AND pay higher taxes for foreign wars and nigger welfare!
Kys schlomo

>> No.21379021

>so you might as well make them half white
Why would you want to curse them woth a small penis and a hight suicide rate?

>> No.21379031
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>I don't want even the slightest change of producing a little Elliot.

>> No.21379144

>why doesn't he move to Scandinavia? If you're not going to get married might as well live with whites.
Oh, let's see...
>not actually white anymore
>60% taxes
>shit weather
>faggot politics

>> No.21379381

this is such a cope dude; jizzing in asian girls is kino

>> No.21379446

A vasectomy doesn't mean you won't jizz anymore.

>> No.21379659
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>Aryan sperm
this is you

>> No.21379687

>I'm going to get a vasectomy
Skip this part. Just breed your happa spawn into as many asian girls as possible. I did it before I made it, and now that I have money I take care of all my cute happa daughter-wives.

>> No.21379700

thats gay. make many hapa children

>> No.21379704

Anons give me excuses to travel and fuck so my gf doesn't find out

>> No.21379717

If you post on here, spreading your seed would negatively impact human evolution.

>> No.21379749

pay a pajeet $200 to make a website for a conference
wrong, 4chan is a bastion of free speech and free thinking, it is a hermitage in the dark age of the world

>> No.21379767
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And you in the middle.

>> No.21379826


>> No.21379939

>wrong, 4chan is a bastion of free speech and free thinking, it is a hermitage in the dark age of the world
All it proves is that given ultimate freedom, humans will post the worst things imaginable.

>> No.21379997

Yeah fuck off, this place made you a millionaire.

>> No.21380029

Imagine any of you morons make a kid. Poor kid should just kill itself in the womb to prevent having retarded parents.

>> No.21380595

so mad

>> No.21380748

noble goal. I found mine unironically

it may be so but they exist out there. Look for the quiet girls, especially ones who don't wear make up.

>> No.21380783

>yerro fever


>> No.21380784


>concern for truth

Just take them as they are, anon. There's a reason there aren't any famous female philosophers. You can get a caring girl but you can't get a deep girl.

"Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow."

>> No.21381012
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Looks like we got a triggered nigger itt boys