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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21376927 No.21376927 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anons to take a minute, smell the roses and enjoy how far we've come

>updates on your life and how you're doing (non doxxing pics of where you are OK)
>good music to share
>good memories from the past and hopes for the future

Not welcome:
>TA/moonboy bullshit
>Schizoposting (get your own thread 42)
>Stack size dickwaving

I'll start
I loved Linkanon's video with the chorus of "at last i am free" from Fire Orchestra and felt real joy when watching it. Found out about Fire Orchestra from that video and loved a bunch more of their music.


Enjoy and contribute, if you're gonna lurk at least check in with a post and bump

>> No.21376980
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Chainlink and chill

>> No.21377109
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am new fag from /fit/ and bought 2 linkies but am not sure when to sell frens what do?

>> No.21377255

Sminem is truly with us
Here's a maximum comfy video from the early days
Its where the iconic earbuds out gif comes from and from way back before Sergey's opsec was airtight
Amazing the stuff he drops casually in this one


>> No.21377267

been thinking of how to reduce exposure to having wealth in bank credit.
I think I'm going to sell crypto to gold then get a mortgage to buy a house with the gold as collateral.


>> No.21377297

you faggots are going back to $2 and i cant wait to see your smug fucking faces then

>> No.21377379

This was an entertaining day. I love you guys

>> No.21377443

I know it feels like you're late, but you're still early
If you have the dedication to get /fit/ then work hard on getting some more money into chainlink while the information asymmetry is still there
Most people buying right now still dont understand why link has value
Good luck and here's an anthem for the pump:

>> No.21377446
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anyone who is actually stressed is just ngmi. sad but true. cmon link marines. we're just getting started here.

>> No.21377507
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I only bought 60 link when it was at .50, but I'm chill
Hope those who made it are comfy

>> No.21377544
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2017' link og here.. im dropping some interesting LINKs for you fellas..


>> No.21377593
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>> No.21377621
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thank you king, were all gonna make it - zyzz

>> No.21377689
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Literally chilling in a bubble bath with iron hands watching ppl seethe because they think they are priced out when Newsweek and fox just published articles on link as well as winklevoss bump

>> No.21377726

Ive had similar thoughts
Its kind of hypocritical to cash out decentralized inflation proof assets to theft prone fiat
I think I'm going to be deleveraging to 1/3 traditional BASEDboy assets like etfs, 1/3 PMs and 1/3 decentralized assets with XMR being the reserve layer
Good video, glad to hear these concerns aren't unique to the US
Here's Pavarotti's finest for when the bankers finally sleep

>> No.21377803

you had three years....

>> No.21377828

Hey fren
There's still time
And you're still anonymous

I can promise you it feels so comfy...
Enjoy the capstone of the field's genre defining album and really think

>> No.21377849
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So fucking comfy. My portfolio reached 1 million this evening. My 10 year younger GF made an excellent dinner cooking ribs for 3 hours. I got all the cred because I BBQd them for 10 min before we ate.

Just love my life and the riches we marines have achieved.

>pic is hers, I drank beer.

>> No.21377860
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Why are there so many upright basses onstage

>> No.21377900

He may be king of /fit/
But he is also the prince of /biz/
This is a /makeit/ board

>> No.21377940

I love you too man
We're all gonna make it
Enjoy a truly under appreciated Patrick Cassidy song, and read the lyrics to appreciate the darkness before the dawn:

>> No.21377982

Posting in comfy thread. Im tired of everyone freaking out about a dip from 18.54 to 17.05
At our current rate of increase I'll likely be a millionaire before the end of the month.
My net worth fluctuates by about a years salary every day lol.

>> No.21378010

Because its the best instrument

>> No.21378031

I agree, but many have held through thick and thin
They're brainwashed to think it will never happen
Just when it is

Here's a reference from before zoomer times that captures the moment:

>> No.21378048
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>Tfw comfy linklet

>> No.21378078
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hello marines. feb 2018 seargant major here.

hope the corona virus pandemic is treating you well. the pandemic has rendered me a NEET which is every linkers dream. and yet my bank account and my crypto profile are at all time highs so financially speaking im pretty content at the moment.

to you nu-linkers, i was in your position not long ago. my advice is to DCA as much as you can comfortably. i think we're still pretty damn early, you can still experience the singularity with us.

>> No.21378086

I'm a fellow /fit/izen too. I'm holding around 2.5k€ in crypto, last month that was around 800€.
If you're in your twenties, invest as much money as you're investing effort on the gym.
Just invest more, into some other coin if you will.
I was just watching champions league. Right now I'm listening to Kid Cudi's MOTM II

>> No.21378126

Show me where the linkies touched you

>> No.21378150

that looks pretty good. also never heard of a breezer i might unironically try that.

>> No.21378161
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Got a good friend into link last month, he's already up double. Just buying a couple every once in a while, trying to figure out my exit point. Was thinking of taking some out to pay off debt, but its too much fun so far. if we get into the hundreds I can buy a house and have a nice nest egg, maybe chill for a year and start a business. I love you marines. We're gonna make it

>> No.21378166

Based im 25 going monk mode till I meet the one. Ideally around 30 is when I will settle down. How did it come to be that you ended up with someone that much younger than you? Something Im going to do.

>> No.21378176

>>Stack size dickwaving
this is such a reddit thread

>> No.21378220
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What's everyone's preferred way of staying comfy? For me, it's Japan night walks.

>> No.21378238 [DELETED] 
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Staking Q3 this year.

>> No.21378246

Going pretty good desu. I’m working on some cool new cloud attack techniques and building some new machines. Shopping for a new house while the market is fucked. Working out 7 days a week, getting fit. Ordered some new items for my bugout bag earlier with some bonus funds I got. Feelsgoodman. Just wish I had time to run /RPG/ threads again. Maybe one day. At least a few homies got their OSCP this year. We’re all gonna make it.

>> No.21378286

It's still 60 more than 99.9% of the population holds
And it can never be stolen through inflation or diluted through funding rounds
And your stack isn't so small that you can't double or triple it still
You're still on the team

>> No.21378349

>50 linkies (bought at $15.37)
>500 Algorand

Feels ok. I just landed my first salaried job at $45k base salary + commission and sales volume bonuses. If Link stays below $25 I’ll dump my entire first check into it.

>> No.21378350

Norwegian Railway


>> No.21378361

Currently drinking a lacroix on my back porch listening to the Grateful Dead and realizing wgmi. Feelsgoodman

>> No.21378362

nigga delete this right now

>> No.21378425

I just landed my first real job too. I’m a live at home neet these next few paychecks but I might put what I would have paid in rent towards link and algo

>> No.21378439

Thanks for the links
Max comfy videos
It will all seem so simple in retrospect
Like all good things do
Here's a one hit wonder I fire up from time to time, wish they'd have done more:

>> No.21378459

Evening fellow marines. Times sure feel strange lately having so much money.
What are your thoughts on others saying the few normies showing interest recently are a sell signal?
It was last bull market, but I think this one's going to be different and everything is going to be amplified.
Perhaps when there are multiple rap videos a week about crypto then we can worry.
Also LINK is still rank #10 popularity to buy on coinbase

>> No.21378480
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>sergey has obviously gained ~30-50 pounds since those days
>tfw my weight has gone up in lockstep with sergey's

>> No.21378484
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> Wearing pants
Checked. Praise kek and thanks for the times marines.

>> No.21378485

Recently hit 1m from my all in link investment. Started maintaining a goldfish pond in my backyard and it's the most kino shit you'll ever do

>> No.21378580

bro, my friends dad had an enormous man-made coy pond, that cascaded down a waterfall into a goldfish pond with man-made bog and all other supporting characteristics needed to maintain the diverse ecosystem. that shit was pure kino. a goldfish pond is basic. now that we are stinky rich, i expect you to up your game appropriately.

>> No.21378645

why larp about ribs? you are clearly eating at a restaurant anon. weird flex.

>> No.21378712

That's comfy
And I like the concept of tuxedo pepe mindset
Absolutely based
Here's the best car chase scene in the history of cinema from the good days of DeNiro

>> No.21378739

I've heard koi fish being an enormous pain to handle. I also have concerns about them surviving the winter. If they survive to next spring imma be sure to double the size of the pond and put a couple more in

>> No.21378796

I need it to go up, i will be essentially homeless in 3 or 4 months, i lost my job.

I hold 777.2 ChainLink.

>> No.21378808
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Donno man that does look poor quality for restaurant desu

>> No.21378916

It is a pre mixed Baccardi drink, they are really good actually. Like better than you make them yourself. I still prefere beer though.

I was a monk till 28 when i met her. Got into dating because I felt stressed about not pursuing the procreational part of my life.

Actually made a Tinder profile saying I was looking for a trad woman to make white babies with. We matched and hit it of, been together for 4 years now, getting married next year and starting a family after that. She wants 4 children and to be a stay at home mom. She is also the most intelligent and based woman I've ever met. We read Mein Kampf, Atlas Shrugged and other based stuff and discuss real things. Not your regular roastie. We hit the gym together 4 days a week and she takes care of our home and cooks whilst I work and provide. Also she was a virgin at 18 when we met.

I am truly blessed.

>> No.21379007

Nice bro. Might as well aim for that nice round 100 stinks. Don't cuck yourself by being apprehensive with that check, just dump it in whether we're at $10 or $20.

>> No.21379019

Tnx bro.

Fuck you.

>> No.21379029

It's amazing seeing e celebs buying less link than a lot of anons hold and making a big deal about it
There's enough value for all but there is something really satisfying about not just suspecting that the talking heads are full of it, but knowing it
I wish someone would make movies like these today with modern techniques and gear
It would make suspending the disbelief all the more enjoyable

>> No.21379061

bros i bought 8k at $18, its my life savings, how fucked am I?

>> No.21379070

I remember Bitcoin being all over the news for at least a month before it really dumped. That was peak mania. Personally, I see no reason to sell any LINK until we hit top 3 minimum.

>> No.21379104
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>how fucked am I?
By fucked, are you revering to how much young scandinavian pussy you'll be drowning in? Becasue in that case you're pretty fucked.

>> No.21379119

All of humanity will converge towards sergey. Such is the so-called singularity

>> No.21379132
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>koi pond
>goldfish pond
>instead of a catfish tub


>> No.21379142

Yeah I will also do the diversify meme.
There's no situation in which I want fiat as an investment. It's good for liquidity and purchases. Banks have turned into the frontmen of keynesian monetary policy, I wouldn't trust their credit but how else can you use large amounts of fiat.
I would buy real estate with crypto if I could but there's hardly any sellers that will accept it and it probably costs more on conveyancing

>> No.21379226

Some anon posted about a site where you can buy royalties at auction. Like you buy the royalties to some pop hit for $150k and receive checks as long as it still makes money.

Seems kino. The only flaw I see is that you essentially have to become a shill for whatever you have royalties over, and there's always the risk that the artist will quickly fade to obscurity.

>> No.21379236
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I'm new here frens, finally decided to give the crypto game a chance. Started today, put 200$ into linkies and 200$ into UTK. How did I do

>> No.21379247

Idk what UTK is but hopefully it gives you a nice moonshot to stack more LINK with

>> No.21379312

Some anons recommended it in another thread. It seems to be climbing well.

>> No.21379353

All I can say is keep your finger on the trigger. But that does look like a nice buy. I remember buying LINK around that rank...

>> No.21379387

too niche for me

>> No.21379429

> Tiny plate
> Girl drink

>> No.21379505
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>> No.21379633
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also I think a lot of the music industry is money laundering.
>Pay music graduate to create passable music
>promote half talented compromised person
>launder money through record sales

>> No.21379788
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Are you a wizard?

>> No.21379897

Yeah I don't deny that. I'm apprehensive because honestly I think staking LINK may have better returns for passive income.

>> No.21380339
