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21366845 No.21366845 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't iExec get any of the oracle hype like BAND is? iExec has technologically superior oracles to any current oraclecoin. SGX/TEE/staking have been on iExec oracles for a year now.

So is it just a marketing thing? Coins that are solely oracles can get the oracle hype easier but since oracles are just a small portion of iExec it cant get the hype??????

market is dumb

>> No.21366892

iExec doesn't even care about oracles. They just implemented it because "why not?"

>> No.21366895

The hype will come at and after Smartcon. Sept is when they are releasing the iExec Academy.

>> No.21367009

Iexec needs to get an office in the Bay Area and then get exposure in the US. There's too much networking, talent and resources there. A lot of the other coins all getting hyped are coming out of that area.

>> No.21367153

They really need to sell some of their tokens and hire more people. Literally, they're one of the few coins that has a realistic use-case, but they need to iron out the technical details ASAP.

I work in a STEM field (meteorology) that could benefit from decentralized computing, thinking about trying to write a proof of concept Dapp on their platform soon.

>> No.21367208

all of the hype for Iexec is going to come from the Polkadot native integration.

>> No.21367318

contact team they even might finance your app developement

>> No.21367440

Idk if I have the time unfortunately. I'm in grad school and I think my PI would be pissed if I brought up magical internet money

>> No.21367502

send him some digital oil so he can enjoy the run up with you

>> No.21367591

>muh doracles

>> No.21367603

Is this true, desu? Where can I read more about this integration

>> No.21367673

They should ditch the coin and just run a company if they actually have the working tech

>> No.21368115

iexec is really an iq filter, I don't understand how you can fall for techno babble coin like it or iota or holochain before that etc. the difference with link obviously is that chainlink actually has competent business devs, they have the best branding, the best marketing, it's a simple use case but they're fully focused on it so they can own it completely, meanwhile something like iexec tries to be jack of all trades but ends up being master of none, can only sell promises to investors but utterly fails to generate any business adoption, because its main use case is unedeed techno babble nonsense, a solution looking for a problem, and their branding and marketing is simply bad
simply compare the tasteful white and blue hexagon logo of chainlink with the ugly yellow and black color scheme and retarded logo used by iexec, compare the effectiveness of the name, chainlink link, how the use case is easy to understand through the name with a powerful memorable brand, while rlc and iexec tells you nothing, there's no narrative, no elegance, no simplicity
you just need to listen to the ceo speak for two minutes to realize he's yet another techie but with no charisma, a shitty accent, etc this isn't a leader people will want to follow, meanwhile someone like sirgay has created a memetic likeable persona around himself and possesses the traits of actual business leaders (nice on the outside, affable, an ethical vision but by all accounts a ruthless shark when dealing with establishing his monopoly and crushing competition) while delegating the tech stuff to his cto
simply put, iexec is fucking stupid

>> No.21368126

yeah, lube your PI up with digital lube