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21356278 No.21356278 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw forbes is now writing about chainlink
>few days later CNN
I'm fucking scared bros this feels like a sell signal to me

>> No.21356307

Yeah same, we need a staking announcement or something from the team to catch this before we plummet

>> No.21356334

Anyone can be a Forbes contributer. Sage.

>> No.21356342

How is that not bullish?

>> No.21356458

You obviously have no idea how the game is played

>> No.21356472

so tell us senpai

>> No.21356479

It is bullish, they just don't like normies buying 'their' coin

>> No.21356517


i remember in 2017 i was holding iota and the moment I saw that boomer mediums like forbes or cnn were covering the "new bitcoin" i just sold all.

fortunately that play well for me and sold at $4.
not saying that the same will happen for link but this is a clear signal that the top is coming or it already happen.

>> No.21356586

I see

>> No.21356593

It`s not bullish, this can be the same shit that happen in 2017. Bullrun + CFY (Chinese Financial Year) = bearmarket for 1~2 years.

The CFY is near December and the normies are discovering Link in aug, just they discovered BTC in 2017. I will sell 1/3 of my linkes before december.

>> No.21356694

follow BTC charts and ur fine, they have expoerienced it, let's learn from there.

>> No.21356721

You're comparing apples and oranges. Link tokens will drive the network and their value will rise to meet the value of the contracts. Bitcoin is just a dumb token. To suggest that Link will crash and no one will buy it is shortsighted at best.

>> No.21356803
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Why does more people buying and knowing about the coin decrease the value?

>> No.21356815

>be retarded fucking normalfag
>hear about way to make money
>go to 4chan for le epic
>OH NO the price is going up
>price go down

The normalfags who are just throwing money into it now have weak hands. They don't even know what it is they're buying but unlike the suicidal autists on 4chan who didn't know what they are buying, they lack any sense of the esoteric and spiritual. They going to buy to sell, and thats what they're going to do.

>> No.21356835

someone post the buy ripple sell ripple pic

>> No.21356866

I'm willing to bet my entire stack there are older articles talking about LINK written by contributors

>> No.21356912
File: 172 KB, 1125x1192, 8AEEDB5D-05F5-4180-B76F-1C472031FED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these newfags pretending history will save them cause they don’t understand the difference between a pow coins reward cycle and an eth tokens dev cycle. fuck this im just going to keep to myself until you guys leave

>> No.21356946

They're Link fudders.
They're nolinkers pretending to be Linkers and pulling all kinds of bullshit out of their asses to justify their constant fud.

Don't pay them any mind.

>> No.21357039

Cope. You had three years.

>> No.21357057


>> No.21357075

This anon understands, NPCs have no concept of value and are rushing wherever they think that can make some "quick cash" and "let their money work for them", but associate a slowly falling price as missing other opportunities and will flee as quickly as they joined

>> No.21357079

You have 2 more months of bull market. It will take a few weeks of news shilling, a few weeks for normies to get the money into crypto, then a few weeks for it to crash 80%

>> No.21357103

Mate, I was in at ICO, and have only added since. Am over 50k now. Think I might know what I'm doing. You carry on with your little tantrum, though.

>> No.21357122

tou think the normie retards reading that and fomoing in are gonna make it or lose their money? what do you think is more likely?

>> No.21357165

What's the point in investing if you don;t want others to buy? What a lot of old shite. You'd rather the price just stayed the same forever? Don;t be retarded

>> No.21357193

Buy the rumor ,sell the news

>> No.21357208




>> No.21357215

forbes writes about chainlink every week

>> No.21357222
File: 24 KB, 330x393, cpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't want or need plebs to buy link. link is for the big boys and their fortune 500 companies to purchase.

>> No.21357245

Bring on the normies, I say. I might even get a chainlink t shirt printed up with the price chart on it, and go around telling people about it

>> No.21357258

though search for chainlink

>> No.21357273

>t. BTC maximalist redditor about to get his ass rekt by sergey boy

>> No.21357276

This. They have a vested interest in LINK crashing because they’re jealous.

>> No.21357287

Forbes "contributors" have been writing about LINK for literally months.

Until we're on boomer primetime CNBC I sleep

>> No.21357340

This this this. Boy I wish 4chan had an upvote system! Right guys!

>> No.21357342

Fuck you guys. Im finally going to be really really well of

>> No.21357371


hahahah i laugh too hard at this comment.

>> No.21357392

Unironically this the amount of SEETHING no Linkers on this board this week is hilarious. They really don’t believe quite a few anons have 10k+ stacks it’s hilarious and it is only going to get better.

>> No.21357405

don't be fooled by the twitter normie fud, most of those are puppet accounts

>> No.21357406

FUD thread, Buy signal, Link will be $17 within an hour.

>> No.21357459

Link is going to 1k EOY but its still too early for normalfags to get in. They are going to cause problems.

>> No.21357472
File: 13 KB, 275x183, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 eoy. Don't do something you'll regret. I'm a fucking Marine

>> No.21357646
File: 73 KB, 550x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading some analysis and I am also anxious. The biggest threat are whales.
Hopefully most whales are autistic /biz/tards that take the "never selling" meme serious.
But the fact is, these whales could crash the market very easily.

>> No.21357774

Does following the "normies" ever pay off in life?

>> No.21357784

>Hopefully most whales are autistic /biz/tards that take the "never selling" meme serious.
The whales are financial firms, not /biz/tards

>> No.21357786
File: 3 KB, 106x125, Get Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new
you can access voting with 4chan premium

>> No.21357845


Wanna know how I know you weren't around in 2017?

CNBC was literally giving televised walkthroughs on how to buy XRP and that happened at the exact high water mark of that bull market. The moment normies are getting publicly excited about a crypto, it's a solid sell signal.

However, news and awareness surrounding crypto is a lot different now than it was in 2017. 2017 created a lot of devoted investors who are by now much more seasoned and it also made financial news outlets always keep one eye on the crypto markets. Most people before 2017 did not know what crypto is, and now most do. There will not be as violent a novelty hype fomo pump as there was in 2017, but there will still be one. Remember though that most average people are not reading financial news, let alone a few pages in.

>> No.21357898



>> No.21357937

>selling link to buy gold

>> No.21357979

Don't sell at the first news articles. If you're ever going to sell, wait for everyone to be talking about it. Wait for normies to say LINK will be top 3 forever.

>> No.21358187

This, the wrong people are buying. Imagine someone buying a bunch of oil and not even knowing what oil is or is used for

>> No.21358324

thats not even the first time forbes wrote about chainlink