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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 471 KB, 500x499, myspiritwillrisefromthegraveandthewhole20802855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21355629 No.21355629 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think /ourguy/ is looking done upon us with a proud smile? I know we strayed from the true path for many decades, but with link I feel like we are back on track. Someone make sure we get a screenshot of the price being $18.89, the year of /ourguy/'s birth.

Faggot tranny jannies and newfags will probably seethe at this. /biz/ has always honored our fallen Fuhrer.

>> No.21355876

go back to /lgbt

>> No.21356315

Anon, this place is not for you. Our interest in here is solely to make money, go back to /pol and argue with leftwingers about your feelings.

>> No.21356378
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There is only one king

>> No.21356380

obviously not, this kike was a disgusting central banker

>> No.21356411

imagine worshipping a guy who had millions of innocent people killed. unironically kill yourself

>> No.21356428
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>> No.21356518

this anon is based, OP you should have sex, cope and dilate

>> No.21356642

Saged in all fields. Go back to /po/ poor fag incel. Not here for this. Were here to make money.

>> No.21356951
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>> No.21357037
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>> No.21357067

imagine falling for jewish propaganda

>> No.21357096

He is

>> No.21357128
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>> No.21357145


>> No.21357177
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>> No.21357189

The last American hero.

>> No.21357192

He killed more whites than jews lmao

>> No.21357221

Imagine being a rebbitor

>> No.21357270

Thats because he didn't kill any jews lmao

>> No.21357303


>> No.21357322
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Heil! Don't forget that XSN and LIT are also /our coins/ sirs.

>> No.21357508


>> No.21357704

I'm convinced this is some faggot false flagging now, /pol/fags aren't really like this right?

>> No.21358209
File: 361 KB, 1300x1300, linktrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is quickly beginning to rival /mu/ in the amount of faggot trannies that frequent it. Lots of anti link and ADA threads, clearly r/crypto is flocking here to try to find the next big thing.

>> No.21358224

Dinaric shitskin

>> No.21358264
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>Lots of anti link
How new are you? Go back faggot

>> No.21358285

He introduced a gold backed currency and destroyed the central banks you queer

>> No.21358314

But Hitler is a loser who an hero'd

>> No.21358318
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Seething juden

>> No.21358403
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How I wish I could go back, back in time.

>> No.21358408

They're rebbitors though, they're probably going to lose all their money. I hope every rebbitor, discord trannie and pajeet kill lose all of their money and kill themselves. It would be such a good day.

>> No.21358473


>> No.21358526
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How can one man be so eloquent? Sergey has his stare, his composure.

>> No.21358585

thats where you wrong kiddo

>> No.21358638
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>> No.21358660
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Weiter zum sieg!
Heil Hitler

This is a Hitler board now.

>> No.21358681
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>> No.21358699
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>> No.21358705

Hitler is actually a time-traveler, who went back to stop the Jews from rising to financial power, but was the exact reason as to why they did.

>> No.21358708

That quote might be fake but based anyway

and his name is Jesus Christ

>> No.21358739
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>dats where you wrong kiddo
You're either a nigger or a kike acting like a nigger

>> No.21358909
File: 49 KB, 512x369, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol incel, go back to your cellar and kill yourself like your hero.

>> No.21358998
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Oh fuck I just noticed. Sergey confirmed torchbearer of Hitler.

>> No.21359007

Nonsense. He didn't and even had a speech explaining why he did not. He rallied around the concept of labor backed currency.
Interestingly Churchill backed the currency by gold but supposedly that wasn't good for the economy iirc.

>> No.21359060
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>> No.21359098

back to pol you disgusting socialist

>> No.21359135


>> No.21359140
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>> No.21359225

The only socialist thing Hitler really did was steal all the bankers money debt money, which all just happened to be jewish.

>> No.21359232
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As long as there is time there is hope frens.

>> No.21359314

>american education

>> No.21359385
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Shut your filthy jew mouth and read Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor.

>> No.21359464

I didn't realize he was born in the same year as India's first prime minister

>> No.21359520

Anyway , we have a dapp project running which aims to summon him

>> No.21359610
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>> No.21359689

Can we ban ips from the eurozone please. A post in German and a post about hitler in the same hour. Really??????!

>> No.21359741
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Pic related

>> No.21359941


>> No.21360077

Ime munaa, hinttalipuli!

>> No.21360101
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Commies don't have to LARP or brag.

>> No.21360113


>> No.21360128
File: 32 KB, 602x696, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out. Chainlink was shilled on this board by large groups of organized shills, using memetics in order to appeal to anons and create a movement. Using "fellow nazis" rhetoric and schizo tier narratives i.e. 42, the attraction was cleverly engineered to charm this board. They made it into /ourcoin/. "We are all in this together". Classic herding of the flock.

And of course the obvious symbolism; the saturn cube, the colors of Israel, the hexagon, and so on. We all know this. Ari Juels, the brain behind chainlink is a Jew into occultism as well, all this is well established and accepted even by link holders.

Now here is the kicker: They create a price spike so massive, that everyone on the board will want to put their money into it. And while some may want to sell on the way up, they keep it going with no real retrace to dissuade people from cashing out - it keeps going higher and higher, you would be insane to sell now, you say. $1000 end of year narrative is kept alive for this purpose, to keep up the illusion that it will KEEP GOING UP. The constant green candles create so much FOMO that nobody will want to pull out - rather everyone do the opposite, will pile even more in to increase their position. Going all in. Overdrafting credit cards. Taking loans. Telling all their friends and family to get in. It's the PERFECT FOMO scheme, because the price just keeps going UP with no end in sight.

And that is the trap. Once they feel that enough people are sufficiently invested, they. will. pull. the. rug. out. and crater the price completely, destroying every naive stupid nazi goyim anons economically in the process. You think these saturn kabbalah Jews has your best interests in mind? It's all one big scheme, and you can't see it because the relentless link shilling looks organic. It's not. It's a huge and organized shill operation.

>> No.21360173
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Another thing: the entire Nexo/Zeus capital incident was planned out. They are literally partnered. Simeon is a Jew and tried to instruct people on /biz/ meticulously how to short chainlink with this fake FUD document. All part of the plan too. Simeon, another Jew, wasn't originally supposed to be found out, but he knew that a massive pump was coming for Chainlink to wreck every short. "yes goy open a big short position on link, I will show you how with all the steps! Hurry! hehehe" - "SERGEY, INITATE THE LIQUIDATION" Classic controlled opposition, literally working together on how to destroy you financially.

Biggest Bait and Switch in /biz/ history. I got this revelation today and felt like I had to write it out. Take it or leave it, but at least think about it. When you look at this totally unbelievable and frankly ridiculous price chart that only goes up in perpetuity with no news or fundamentals to back it, and that we all know is bullshit, maybe you will start seeing the same patterns I am seeing.

Just be careful and take profits before they destroy the entire board with a 650 million very stinky and utterly devastating dump.

>> No.21360189

Bullish af $1000 is fud

>> No.21360215
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>> No.21360232

>mfw zeus got liquidated so hard he become a shizo neo nazi spam poster.

>> No.21360263

This is why there is a strong “never sell” and “haha dumb swinglinkers” shill that comes with this. They need to maintain a certain number of small to moderate token holders as a basis to farm off without it being suspicious, so they can continually dump and dump sustainably over and over again and skim profit, while promoting the idea that you should never sell for any profit because tomorrow it will be worth so much you will regret if you sell, but that day of course will never come. If you’re not making money off swing trading it, you will never really make much off it because it will never appreciate In value all that much more.

The reason it’s difficult for others to do this is because of the taxation problem that you have whenever you swing and have to legally pay tax on your gains in most countries. If you are running a large scale business that siphons money out of foreigners pockets however as Mossad is doing here, not only are they exempt from taxation but they are encouraged because the money goes back into the pockets of Jews and Jewish interests and promotion of Zionist operations, such as funding the social media propaganda campaigns you see all over this website. It is not a coincidence that since Link has been shilled here that their paid propaganda taskforce who canvasses this website with psychological terrorism and antagonisation threads around the clock in shifts has only increased exponentially, to the point where some boards have almost 0 native users anymore. Link funds these activities including the threads posted in /gif/ with titles like “white genocide thread” etc, which are allowed to stay up because they have fully infiltrated the moderation team.

US intelligence is 100% tied into this scheme as well as the social engineering content promoted here. These people are raking in money hand over fist while dodging taxation because they have the authority to do so, and using it to fund cyber terrorism.

>> No.21360317

>types furiously while watching his precious shit coin dump, meanwhile i'm up a quarter of a million dollars off of a 3000$ investment

>> No.21360329

So what is the true ethnostate coin?

>> No.21360401

>revering a half jew meth addicted kiddie fucker who led the german nation into ruin

>> No.21360922

And who would you have me revere, mr finkelstein?

>> No.21361473

It's another "Hitler was a jew!! Haha Nazis btfo" argument. Link is the only coin for the descendants of the Germanic/Celtic tribes.

>> No.21361496

Biz pol starts conspiracy theories about it being a Jewish psyop. Never change schizos I swear to G-d some of you are retarded mentally

>> No.21361674
File: 215 KB, 1322x1945, 1567711036321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally a tranny that faps to my tits in the mirror and I hold 100% LINK. I will use a pittance of my stack to fund everything needed to become the ultimate big dick futa gf and then arm my fellow comrades for the revolution at your exspense. Stay mad you racist cuck.

>> No.21362028


>> No.21362460

alredy got 14.88

>> No.21362689


Yeah I got those shots.

>> No.21362892
File: 20 KB, 890x512, 1594736975615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ was always redpilled
basedcucks lose

>> No.21363161
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worshiping commies on bussines board.. you need to go back faggot

>> No.21363248

we need to fund the revolution somehow comrade

>> No.21363336
File: 52 KB, 720x918, 1517682034593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funily enough it seems that every corporations has your back ...