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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1024x576, XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21354006 No.21354006 [Reply] [Original]

Where are all these XRP shills coming from? 2017? Reddit?

>> No.21354078

We're all a part of 4chan retard,
Half of us FUD the project for Lols, but lately we're getting more bullish, on it with news like Flare

>> No.21354095

i honestly think it just snowballed, one XRP shill converted another, and they are tricking each other into beliving they are gonna be rich bc its at 0.25 cents, legit i think its a just an advanced form of cope.

>> No.21354119

The Jews honestly think they can replicate meme magic due to the sudden influx of interest in Chainlink and it's origin here.
They even fast tracked some shitty wanna be smart contract platform to try to make headlines that they are still somehow relevant.

>> No.21354124

>he doesn't know that /biz/ holds link and XRP and that the animosity between them is a meme

>> No.21354153

>he is unaware

>> No.21354217


>> No.21354596

Flare absorbed Codius
Not fast tracked and been in the works for years.

>> No.21354633

They desperately need buyers to dump on.

>> No.21354665

>he doesn’t know

>> No.21354725

>advanced form of
go back to plebbit faggot and quit trying to fit in here. Seriously why do all reddit trannies talk like that?
Also, read some financial news sometime, the breadcrumbs of late are fucking headline articles dipshit

>> No.21354752

I don't know why people buy into this shit. I just finished reading a story on ft.com saying Ripple is giving up on the XRP standard because banks aren't buying it. Now they're trying to pivot XRP towards some nebulous "Amazon of payments." You rubes have bought into another shitcoin that's still searching for a use case.

>> No.21354836

Schizo youtube, 4chan nor /biz/ ever named there butthey know it exists /x/ /pol/ /b/ /biz/
>Schizophrenic hivemind spreads the knowledge about this place

>> No.21354877

XRP is for the crypto illiterate.

Should have known it was bullshit with it's "cross border payment system". Nigga this is crypto we are spitting in the face of regulations and these guys were chasing them.

>> No.21354957

the best digital asset ever created

>> No.21354958
File: 31 KB, 245x465, 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast track wanabe smart contract
Codius was around since 2014 you absolute moron, it was around before Etherum and chianlink. they shelved the project because there was no intrest in it at the time.

In fact Vitalik tried to intern at ripple and didn't get hired due to his visa, he was staying with one of the devs at ripple place. after he heard of what he was working on he rushed home to develop Eth so he could be first.



>> No.21355551

Can you please make this shit coin pump so I can dump my bags? Thanks in advance


>> No.21355718

Who still holds this shit? It is going nowhere...
>muh market cap
>muh fin institutions

>> No.21355758

newfag did you just enter a thread and tell people gtfo? my fucking sidesssss lmaooo

>> No.21355780

The xrp bot army + biz shitposting, acting like they hold it so newfags coming here get fucked over.

>> No.21355838

No one in any XRP thread has ever told anyone to buy. All we post are information and facts. If you want to buy its up to you. I prefer you didn't.

>> No.21355857

I can't tell if this is 4D chess or you're actually retarded

>> No.21355880
File: 824 KB, 953x954, iexec_kills_stinky_linky_100_dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop being retards and buy LINK after correction

until then RLC, but do it now, it's already going places!

>> No.21355968

Why yes sir, good luck with your bags of xrp