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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 14 KB, 474x530, serumlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21349151 No.21349151 [Reply] [Original]

>Binance: ICO: $0.10 – ATH: $39.59 -> ROI @ ATH: 39,590%; ROI Now (roughly): 22,000% @ $22

>Bitmax: ICO: $0.018 – ATH: -$0.35 -> ROI @ ATH: 1,944%; ROI Now (roughly): 444% @ $0.08

>FTT ICO: $1 – ATH: - Now @ $3.36 -> ROI @ ATH (Now): 336%;
>Serum ICO – only 300k worth of tokens sold @ 0.12c; Majority sold @ $1 via FTT/Bitmax/Binance Joint Launch; Current Price (roughly) $1.7

Top tier crypto team, ran by #1 US exchange FTX (FTT platform token), connections to all major exchanges (thinking future Coinbase listing within the next weeks).

SRM is here to stay. Thinking it will stay below $50 within the next weeks is nothing short of ludicrous. On top of that you can stake for 4% APR if that’s your cup of tea, I don’t give a fuck about those crumbs though when we will have an easy x30 bagger on our hands.

I shilled Bitmax back when it was sub $0.3c, I shilled BNB forever while it hovered below $1, I shilled FTT before its initial sale and now I bring you this gem. Don’t fuck it up this time.

>> No.21349360

I'm in it with 50% of my portfolio and I won 1 FTX bag in their IEO. I'm truly redpilled on this and believe it'll be fucking huge.

I'm reading into the upcoming node operators now and currently am staking my entire stack on FTX. Honestly I haven't been this excited on anything in crypto before. I really like SBF's vision.

>> No.21349412

Pass the red pill then anon

>> No.21349547

Just watch this


>> No.21349567

Did you participate in the SRM stacking event? Imagine being the guy that wins the MSRM worth $2M. That would be quite a tale to tell.

>> No.21349597

I got rekt in the listing, stay away from this scam

>> No.21349727

Hell yes I'm participating. The winner is still to be decided though. Tomorrow they will pick one.

The MSRM will be locked though, but it'll be tens of thousands passive income on a yearly basis.

>> No.21349760

yeah Stakenet makes this obsolete

>> No.21349804

look at their 5% circ supply....fully diluted is more than 2 bill which is above binanac.e fuck off chink scammer.

>> No.21349845

Nice try. Vast majority of the tokens are locked for up to 7 years.. It hasn't even been listed a full week.

>> No.21349893


100% vest for the next 2 years afterwards lineally given out over a period of 7 fucking years. Just sell in 23 months if you're a marketcaptard, good god.

>> No.21349921

Hey OP, I believe this is a good project and was pretty much hyped for the release, but isn't $50 too much? Yeah staking and what not, but, 50 per token would put a node at 50M value which seems unrealistic so far.

>> No.21349943

thanks for clarification. another thing is its Lunching on SOLONA...which is itself shitting on bed. how does it work ?

>> No.21350028
File: 195 KB, 501x590, serummmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought that P.O.S. and losing already.

>> No.21350066

also it says it decentralized exchange...why would it does 30x while other and better decex liky kyber, bancor at lss than 300 mill cap. do you think it stright goes to 1 bill club that to no working SOLONA pltform...kek

>> No.21350111

Have some patience man. Only the third day in it's existence.

>> No.21350117

at stretch it can go to 10$ coin. not more than that

>> No.21350201

Newfags smdh.Reposting from a previous SRM thread:

Current MC of 90M x 30 = 2.7B placing it on CMC rank 14 between the dead shitcoins XLM and EOS at current rates. Won't even break top 30 at the current crypto bull trajectory. That's not even impressive. A fucking x30 bagger and it's not even top 10.

On top, as mentioned, team coins vested for 7 years; Released lineally after a 100% full vest for the next 2 years. Zero serious sell pressure within that time frame.

Not even gonna start talking about that the crypto/blockchain space is 1:1 like real business: It's all about who you know, who you are and what you have to offer. If you can't read up on the CEO, the Serum team (incl. C-levels from various other blockchain projects) and the inevitable listing on Coinbase that's gonna follow as a result.

I don't know why posts like mine, that actually have truth to them are getting shit on while full blown tard wranglers dump on each others on Uniswap shitcoin gambles. Not being able to tell the difference is probably the reason most of you won't make it.

>> No.21350212

I have a 20k stack I bought for 90 cents at launch, 5 would be enough to get me in the 5 figures club.

A man can dream, right?

>> No.21350256

>every dex solution is mooning hard
>stakeshits still believe in their nonsense solution

Lmao. Stakeshits on suicide watch

>> No.21350279

>better decex
I'm not saying those are bad, but atleast wait till the fucking thing is available before jumping to conclusions. The beta is next week and the real thing will launch in 2-3 weeks.

Can't comment on SOL though, haven't read about any problems but I'm not in the loop either.

Anyway, with the amount of buzz and this amount of volume you just know another x3 is waiting to happen during the beta and DEX lauch.

>> No.21350413

SOL is buggy project. fun part is its using SOL. this is going to YAMMAD all of you.

>> No.21350440


Not a fan of the whole staking process but just LOL @ it being nearly $100k/year at this price level.


You're not wrong, I'm not that much of a fan of staking. I'm just being rational, doing some maths and connecting the dot here.

Thread made at $1.82, SRM now $2.19; +20% and it's not stopping

>> No.21350525

I tried looking around a bit, I see no dates. Could you link where you saw next week for the beta and launch in 2 or 3?

>> No.21350594


>> No.21350806


>> No.21350807

how do i get in on this?

>> No.21351066


>> No.21351197

>tons of VC involved
>built on Solana
big oof for me

>> No.21351229

looks like its weighted so some whale will probably get it

>> No.21351438

It is, still worth the shot. You can unstake straight away afterwards anyway. And how many people are truly gonna participate. At least the 100SRM are a ez win

>> No.21351762

VC tokens are locked for years
IEO were only small bags for a few lucky winners

>> No.21351779

i saw the staking price mentioned in a thread just as this project went live so im guessing there will be a few people doing it. gonna give it a go anyway

>> No.21351806

Beta pic related

Still trying to find the 2-3 weeks statement but I'm 100% I saw SBF saying it.

>> No.21351840
File: 175 KB, 1236x542, Screenshot_20200813-142920_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic..

>> No.21351923
File: 127 KB, 1052x449, Screenshot_20200813-150650_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it but I think it's just the beta dex that is launching in 2-3 weeks

>> No.21352193

anyone can copy this coin, is just another stupid exchange coin

>> No.21353006


>> No.21353055

Chico likes this one. I'm loading up.

>> No.21353724

>tfw spent the last few months accumulating Ren and Kyber
>tfw this makes both of them obsolete
>tfw too attached to sell my bags and will ride them to zero

>> No.21353728

I also checked SBF posts on twitter and yeah, he's talking about the first trade coming live this week.

Sounds good to me.