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2134583 No.2134583 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise pain of loss is felt in higher intensity than pleasure

>tfw you know soon there will be a 60% (at least) correction on the whole crypto market

>tfw you are too pussy to sell, because you are a long term bagholder

Anyone else feeling this? I currently have 285k$ in cryptos. It shouldn't be rising this much, I expected it to achieve these numbers in a few years not in a month. I remember just about 3 month ago I had only 33k$ in crypto or so. Literal increase by 250'000$ in a few month without doing anything.


And possibly soon, this is way too hyped

But I still can't sell, because I told myself I will keep holding until I don't actually have to sell this shit.

I remember I bought first BTC for 30$ and kept holding with the same psychology.

>> No.2134591

Normies are still just learning about this shit though

>> No.2134596

What's up with all those "IT WILL POP NOW" thread?
Are nocoiners trying to cope this hard?

>> No.2134612

I think we have a while. I don't have near as much in crypto though because I'm a poorfag

>> No.2134622

>tfw brk a is now invested in ETH

>> No.2134635

So take out 100k and put it somewhere safe. You've tripled your money and have plenty in crypto to ride the wave

>> No.2134638

As long as you are holding majority ETH/BTC you'll be fine.

This is why you only use about 20% of your portfolio to gamble on shitcoins

>> No.2134658

If bitcoin corrects it will probably be due to a fork or something related because the system is constantly tested at unprecedented scale.

If btc falls singularly it will get pumped immediately by an influx of normies and wagecucks buying the obvious dip. I do believe it will correct but the dip will be short and some alts might be steadier. Rather keep my money in the alts and risk it than put it back in fiat which I know is a fucking scam.

>> No.2134665

Will ETH be bubble proof?

>> No.2134667
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>atleast 10 threads "muh bubble" on queue
Fuck off chink

>> No.2134673

It's because they're trying to single to everyone that they've taken econ 101 at a community college and are therefore qualified to analyze a fascinating new market place that the world has never seen before.

Let me explain something to you fucking idiots. Crypto is not the stock market, the shit you learned from your loser poorfag peon parents doesn't apply here. 99.9% of people do not know, understand, nor care about crypto, UNTIL they learn about it. Then they invest thousands.

Consider us "early adopters" of something massive and globally relevant. That's why you're making so much money right now. There will be a bubble eventually but not for 3-4 years.

HOLD you fucking morons.

>> No.2134680

treat yourself. I just bought 400 euroheadphones on alza, that was like 0.2 bitcoin lmao.

cash out a little bit, even if its just on an exchange, then cash out a few hundred every few weeks.

>> No.2134683

COPE, I don't think that is true at all. Normies are in for gains and therefore the price bubble. It will be painful. I expect to lose the "gained" hundreds of thousands in the following months, because I'm sticking to my long term strategy, but I can feel it coming.

>Are nocoiners trying to cope this hard?

I'm not a nocoiner, I own 285'000$ worth of crypto now.

>So take out 100k and put it somewhere safe. You've tripled your money and have plenty in crypto to ride the wave

I don't want to pay taxes on it and go through all that hassle. I think this can increase 5x in the next 10 years or so, making me a millionaire, which is one of my life goals, so I'm keeping it. But it has risen way too fast for these last few months. As I said, I expected this raise during a few years not months.

>As long as you are holding majority ETH/BTC you'll be fine.

65% ETH, 20% BTC, 15% random shitcoins.

I had less in ETH, but the recent spike made me have more ETH.

>> No.2134727
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>Let me explain something to you fucking idiots. Crypto is not the stock market, the shit you learned from your loser poorfag peon parents doesn't apply here. 99.9% of people do not know, understand, nor care about crypto, UNTIL they learn about it. Then they invest thousands.

"NEW PARADIGM EVERYBODY" - another typical sign of a bubble.

Oh well...I survived the Bitcoin crash from 1200$ to 400$ without panicking or selling, I will survive this crash as well.

I remember my father and ex-gf saying "well, derp, I dunno, this could be a bubble, 30k is a lot of money, I would sell" and I was like "Nah, 30k is not lifechanging, I'm keeping long term".

Well, it popped due to MtGox and SilkRoad and shit and then went straight down to 300$. I think I actually bought more at that point.

Now it's over 2000$. So holding payed off.

>> No.2134775

I'm with this anon
We're only on the beginning stepping stones of what will be a long and grand road for cryptocurrencies in society. Anybody who looks at crytocurrency for more than a few minutes can see the potential it has. It will become a major part of how we use and circulate money, it's just really a matter of time and development.

Why not skim some of that sweet sweet market growth for yourself? Especially when we're at a stage that the large majority is still unbeknown to it - even a lot of the traditionally wealthy are only now beginning to catch wind of what's really going on, the time to invest is now.

>> No.2134809

>new paradigm

>> No.2134815

I would even argue that by "catch wind", most people barely know about Bitcoin and Ethereum. Investing in this market right now is literally guaranteed high returns over the coming years.

>> No.2134825

Anyone have insight on what would happen to usdt? Would it actually be worth more than the usd in this scenario?

>> No.2134826

The thing with bubbles is that they can last a few months or a few decades.

>> No.2134837

Sorry, but that is major cope. Most people know about Bitcoin. It was on the news several times. Recently about ransomware attacks.

>> No.2134843

Everyone knows that crypto is a highly disruptive technology, yet the mainstream opinion (even on 4chan, which is as contrarian as it gets) is that altcoins are in a bubble. But that's because most people are here based off of speculation; Not many people speculate by focusing on tech, but by focusing on the BTC-ShitcoinInParticular exchange rate.

>> No.2134859

They know about it but they aren't investing at all. They all think it's too late or don't know how.

>> No.2134866

i got 4k ready for a crash

>> No.2134867


Most people have heard of it yes. Doesn't mean they are invested in it or understand it. I talk to people every day about Bitcoin at my job out of random conversation and one out of maybe twenty even know anything about it and I live in a huge tech city.

>> No.2134886

They heard about it, realised it is bullshit and passed it on. It means normies don't actually want bitcoin.

>> No.2134887

goddamn anon congratz. im kinda feeling the same way. put in 8k have around 15k and was thinking about putting in more. dont know if i should tho

>> No.2134939


Just like how every major trend starts.

They have no concept of what it actually is besides "internet money."

>> No.2134959
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The worst pain is having to peel myself away from the monitor and do normie stuff like go to work.

>> No.2135149
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obvious bait

>> No.2135185

OP and dear colleagues,

Remember that you can use stop orders. They're great for minimizing losses. Let's say bitcoin starts dropping. If y'all have a stop order, you are safe. And when the dip is over, buy again.

Onto the matter at hand - the bubble. Yes, deny it all you want, cryptos are the future, but this is a textbook bubble. And this will pop. I've been following the market since 2012, and the moments that shit hit the fan were always sparked after a bubble. Investors are way too optimistic, buying way too much and then an article comes out. The article doesn't need to be that huge, it doesn't need to be a "you can create free bitcoins". When you're in a bubble, even trump saying "I don't like bitcoins" out of context could pop it.

The higher we go, the bigger the bubble, the bigger the drop will be.

>> No.2135233

This anon gets it. You're investing in the technology and what it's going to bring to the world and release so fucking many people from wagecuckery because no more intermediaries fucking with our shit and taking the cream all the time. Plus robots and AI are coming and we're going to be putting our human minds to better uses instead of being flesh eating robots for our entire human existence.
>new paradigm

>> No.2135302

Take profits.

>> No.2135415

>Remember that you can use stop orders.

These don't work on cryptos, because they are insanely unpredictable. It can drop to 100, then jump to 200. It is all crazy.

>Yes, deny it all you want, cryptos are the future, but this is a textbook bubble.

Agreed, it checks all the marks.

>> No.2135428

But doing that would prevent me from further long term profits in the future.

>> No.2135451

It does, but you need to set them accordingly to your risk avoidance. In this market though, it's true that it may undercut your profits, but hey, better to make a few bucks than to lose a lot, that's the philosophy behind stop orders.

>> No.2135503

>but hey, better to make a few bucks than to lose a lot,

Yeah, but...how am I losing anything if this shit will raise maybe 5x in the next 10, 20, 30 years?

If I sold something due to stop loss now, I will most likely miss out of those profits, because that implies I would use stop losses in the future and that would make me miss "rebuying" in at some point, resulting in getting off the crypto train while it slowly becomes integrated in the normie culture for decades to come.

>> No.2135517

That's fomo and it costs you money in the long term.

>> No.2135567

But isn't it legitimate?

I mean, Warren Buffett made his insane returns, because he bought and hold for like 50 years.

And it turns out that if you just buy and hold index funds by reinvesting in them for your entire life you end up with shitload of money.

Assuming that during the next 10, 20, 30 years one of these crypto technologies will create at least one mainstream application, the logic dictates they can rise 5x, 10x, 100x even.

So in that case simply holding patiently might pay off dramatically.

>> No.2135618

>using Warren Buffett
Great example, no troll. I'm just saying, are you really willing to lose 50% and maybe recoup it in 2-5 years or do you prefer only losing, let's say, 20% and buy in when the rocket starts up again? Nothing against holding, different people have different trading styles, I'm a holder myself.

>> No.2135647

>Normies are in for gains
No they aren't. Not yet.

t. Made shit tonnes of money and of everyone I know almost no normies know about this and the ones that do can't figure out how to buy BTC

>> No.2135669

>Great example, no troll. I'm just saying, are you really willing to lose 50% and maybe recoup it in 2-5 years or do you prefer only losing, let's say, 20% and buy in when the rocket starts up again?

This would work, but the problem starts in the part where you say "buy in when the rocket starts up again" - this is highly subjective and market timing. And market timing generally simply does not work unless you are really good for some reason.

Here I see the major risks:
- Stop loss triggers, but I don't get to buy in - the rocket goes further and I'm split with a dilemma - buy in at a higher price or abandon it altogether.

- I buy the dip, but then it raises and then it falls again, now I have to time the market several times and be precise on it every single time.


- I just hold them until "normie adoption", meaning when actual normans are buying cryptos as they are buying gold and silver now.

Then I will probably not even need to sell my cryptos and pay capital gains on them, because I will be able to buy stuff literally in Bitcoin. Great for tax purposes.

Of course taxes can be avoided, but it is costly and if you want to buy big stuff like a house you need to pay taxes in the end.

>> No.2135692
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>> No.2135728

>but it is costly and if you want to buy big stuff like a house you need to pay taxes in the end
Nothing wrong with your strat, it's yours and you should be faithful to it.

About the taxes, you can transform the coins into cash using an atm card (Bitstamp offers that) and then use it. If you really want something big, maybe buy gold and say you found it on your dead grampa's shoebox? I don't know.

>> No.2135741

>Is a girl
I guess right?

>> No.2135788
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The funny thing is if you look at the history of money, this is what people said at nearly every stage of it.

>ooga booga why u trade shells as third good, no value!
>Hingr Dingr coins are sinful trick of Loki!
>Merciful heavens, legal tender is a scam
>Good lord, stocks are imaginary!
>How can this currency have any true value if it isn't tied to some mineral in the ground???

People also said this at every stage of communications technology.

>"Books are destroying the ability of people to remember things" - Plato

>"The abundance of paper spoils students, they should write on slabs and focus harder on memorizing information." - Teachers in the 1800s

>"These smartphones make everyone spoiled and dumb." - Your dad

People are right to be skeptical, but...

>> No.2135814

thats what some people are saying

>> No.2135833


>> No.2135911

>"Books are destroying the ability of people to remember things" - Plato

I find hard to believe that Plato could say something like this also because he literally wrote a shitload of stuff compared to Socrates and because it's short sighted, how are you supposed to learn without books? Doesn't sound like Plato

>> No.2135913

I've made gains and my roomie still won't even give crypto a second chance despite seeing the gainz I've made

>> No.2136167

>About the taxes, you can transform the coins into cash using an atm card (Bitstamp offers that) and then use it.

I have plenty of cash and run into the same problem - can't buy "BIG STUFF" or I will get audited. I have bought everything smaller that I wanted, but I don't see legitimately how I could sell my cryptos now and buy the following without paying a hefty tax fee and all the paperwork and explanations:

- an apartment

- a lambo (kek)

- stocks

If I would cash out now, I'd invest in index funds, but to do that I have to have money in bank. One way could be to create an offshore account, deposit money from Kraken / Bitstamp to the said offshore account and then deposit money from the offshore banking account to Interactive Brokers or something. Problem here is due to AOeI (automatic exchange of information) all of these countries have to report to my home country and I might get in shit later on. The big bonus I see about these cryptos is the fact that nobody can really be aware of how many you hold, where you hold them and they cannot confiscate them in any way. And if you actually buy stuff with BTC and what not - no need to pay taxes.

>> No.2136298

But you are using the "paradigm shift" argument now, which usually means we are in a confirmed bubble.

>> No.2136307


But I can't buy a house in my neighbourhood with that money. I need millions for that.

I also already own everything else and don't have to worry about bills due to income from my business.

Only thing I'm considering is selling and investing in index funds, but I might be passing 100% annual gain for a 5% annual gain.

>> No.2136365

>And if you actually buy stuff with BTC and what not - no need to pay taxes.
Unless it's a big thing, careful about that. Even with bitcoin they can ask where the money came from. The IRS are a bunch of gipsies.

>> No.2136406

Plato barely wrote if at all. Socrates was the one who gave his accounts of Plato in written form.

>> No.2136491

>Unless it's a big thing, careful about that. Even with bitcoin they can ask where the money came from. The IRS are a bunch of gipsies.


Good that I don't live in USA I guess. IRS here is more lax. In USA, yeah, IRS will rape you in any case.

>> No.2136512
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>%100 annual gain

>implying DGB isn't going up %100 every other day

>> No.2136518

>implying DGB isn't going up %100 every other day

>implying I'm not holding DGB as well

diversify, diversify, diversify

>> No.2136545

>y the dip! It's only upwards from here on
xenophon actually you illiterate fuck

>> No.2136683

Should I buy after the bubble pops? How long until cryptos come back to these levels after the pop?

>> No.2136723


But yes, buying the dips has been historically a good choice so far.

But bear in mind that bitcoin has history of 8 years.

If you do long term investing you have to take into account growth of productivity, growth of tech and population growth along with its implications on your crypto holdings.

>> No.2136807
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>backed by nothing
>talks in USD

Did you tell him yet?