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21337609 No.21337609 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing a lot of digits threads lately for XRP. Are they fake digits and using bots? I bought 2k USD worth of XRP today and I am wondering if I got scammed like a newfag.

>Is XRP a shiller scam PnD that or will it actually Moon and be revolutionary

>> No.21337625

It's time anon

>> No.21337637

It's times 4 wriches

>> No.21337669

Whether or not you think XRP will moon depends on how much you're willing to believe random anons on /biz/. 99% of what XRP bagholders claim will happen is based solely on the (intentionally vague) words of a few people who pretend to be "insiders". I can testify to this because I actually LARPed as an XRP insider myself

>> No.21337678
File: 126 KB, 1200x1200, 9DE92032-B9E4-46C3-BD62-0476BDB00C7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will m00n. 589. 2000.

>> No.21337692

piece of shit has literally not moved more than 50 sats since i bought into it 2 days ago. sorry guys.

>> No.21337711

know that people have been asking this same question for the last 3 years. join the club anon, we still don't know

>> No.21337722

Fuck anon. Can you explain the benefit and purpose of you larping as an insider? Funny troll or was it a money scheme?

>> No.21337741

Based poster with idel of Kek speaks truth. I am an insider, but not really, just inside enough. Can confirm, be right back, pregnant

>> No.21337754

Ok so even if the chances of it doing anything are low, if it was going anywhere it would be this year of all years for sure. 2020 is the year of happenings.

>> No.21337761

It’s like Pascal’s wager. If XRP moons, congratulations you’re a millionaire. If it doesn’t, at these prices you might double your money and recover initial. Very low risk. Who knows. I see enough “evidence” to suggest a return to $3 organically before everyone dumps the bags they’ve been holding since 2018.

>> No.21337773
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we're all on the edge of our seats bro, believe me

>> No.21337791

I don’t give a fuck about the schizophrenic posters. All I cared about what gold silver and xrp all lining up at 1776

>> No.21337930

That was some shit. Dreams aren't just memes, but that was stronk.

>> No.21338027

Hey you mouth breathing troglodyte, you do realize that post numbers are fucking linear, right? There is no special magic behind a post number ending in repeating digits. They go up one by one, it is always going to happen. People created bots to prey on your retardation that aim to get these numbers, they mean nothing, there is nothing special about them.

As for XRP, it is a moneygrab useless POS. Ripple has paid shills for years because the only profit that company generates is from selling you their billions of premined tokens. Nobody gives away alpha for free, you are being sold something.

>> No.21338044

Won't deny that xrp will moon during the bull run but keep in mind everything else will moon 5x harder than it during then as well

>> No.21338083

He didn't get double or trips,
Fake and gay poster

>> No.21338650

>I don’t give a fuck about the schizophrenic posters.
>All I cared about what gold silver and xrp all lining up at 1776
Becomes schizo poster haha.

>> No.21338667

the ppl here "fudding" have nothing to gain from "fudding" 0.3 dollars is as cheap as it gets in this bullrun.

>> No.21338757
File: 218 KB, 597x1178, 1547591666498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linear counter go up by one
>but me too stupid to realize importance of words said sometimes
>me too dumb to realize that despite a linear counter, hundreds of posts are made across many topics, and some with repeating digits ring out among the consciousness of many people

but you still won't see the point of dubs, will you?

>> No.21338778


>> No.21338831

These XRp fags are not from here. They must have a contract every once in a while to come here and shill. Notice how they never check digits.

>> No.21338987

XRP bled so much money from the crypto space FUCK XRP

>> No.21339213

XRP has to much supply for some random shilling on biz to make a price increase. XRP has enough meme potential that some people on biz have latched on. Also mainstream enough normies follow it for different reasons.

>> No.21339335


>> No.21339372

the curry smell is getting unbearable

>> No.21339436

It really did

>> No.21339590

XRP is a dead scam stop posting this bullshit

>> No.21339637

>hello its the bearable bull here

>> No.21339762
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>2 days ago

>> No.21339807

I have no financial incentive. I only did it once though (didn't feel assed enough to LARP too much).

>> No.21339896

Fucking this, it's like all these people forgot you can use a script to give yourself repeating numerals. If it were a few dubs and trips it'd look genuine, sure, but the fact that lengty posts stating that XRP will be the standard or go to XXX price got multiple quads and sextuples make it rather obvious that somebody with a script wants to shill Ripple

>> No.21339933

Its fake. EOD the XRP shills willl hang themselves.

>> No.21340294
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>> No.21340715

don't worry about it OP best just forget about it

>> No.21340785

>Are they fake digits
Wherever you came from you need to go back.
Just hodl until EOY jesus how weak are your hands?

>> No.21340836

Now that's what I call fudding

>> No.21340934

I just traded all my XRP for SXP. Tired of this shit.

>> No.21341011

no cares nigger this isn't your microblog lmao

>> No.21341068

Lmaoooooooooooo - too fucking true

>> No.21341102

We just found out we're getting a free airdrop based on how much you hold. It's gonna cause a pump, stock up and sell after the airdrop eventually goes out, rebuy after the dump, now you have a shitload of free FXRP and more XRP in your bags than before. This is FREE FUCKING MONEY

>> No.21341143

Anyone know how to get the fork tokens?

>> No.21341229
File: 698 KB, 1242x1233, 1810DCFA-93FD-41EC-9A29-9B7502A9422D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s real OP, XRP is being memed to greatness.

>> No.21341270

It will moon like no other.
You have been warned.

>> No.21341375
File: 59 KB, 640x799, 41 - B39cd3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy exactly 777.