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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21327626 No.21327626 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21327755
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>> No.21328058

Why is no one talking about this

>> No.21328091

I hold Link, Xrp, and Algo. My shit is blowing up,
Minus Xrp :/

>> No.21328111


because we are the early adopters and we're going to get rich

>> No.21328147


>> No.21328206

there was actually a huge algo thread earlier today for a change.. they usually just get 2 replies and die. people finally realizing that this is a sure thing

>> No.21328244
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>> No.21328300
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it's a spicy one, that's a for sure

>> No.21328399
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I'm holding nothing but Algo

>> No.21328421
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p.s. can the anon who was making that kino ALGO art photoshop something on the chalkboard here? I believe it has meme potential.

>> No.21328432
File: 676 KB, 1080x2220, Idex-ALGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the trips of truth.

>> No.21328444


we're all gonna make it
keep buying

>> No.21328477

when will it dip

>> No.21328479
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>> No.21328521
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>Trips of truth

Checked and Holy shit

>> No.21328554
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okay fuck it i'm all in

>> No.21328606
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cats out of the bag friends

>> No.21328614

Holy fuck even your all in was almost checked. This thread is about to become the holy grail

>> No.21328622

I'm a fellow ALGO bro (obviously as you can tell by my demeanor and affliction for Professor Micali (PhD [pretty huge decentralization]), and I've been constantly calling out the trips and dubs in these fucking ALGO threads. it's a sign that THE ALGORITHM IS WORKING.

>> No.21328639
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der u go

>> No.21328687

Okay this is getting scary

>> No.21328769

Kek has spoken, all in on Algo bois

>> No.21328919

LMFAO. someone post the one of Adam Sandler in the ALGO shirt. this shit is hilarious.

>> No.21328927

Even hit the Chad Checked anon. Nice.

>> No.21328982

actually had something shitty happen to me about a few weeks ago. could of had 2k algo but a transaction i made on cb didn't go through due to my irl casino trip and pending transactions overlapping. long story short, cb took half my algo to cover the transaction lmao

>> No.21329280

Based ALGO has a clawback hook programmed right in. BULLISH for bank usage.

>> No.21329734


>> No.21329817

$1k in ALGO just now. fug it

>> No.21329884

how does 100k sound?

>> No.21329951
File: 502 KB, 634x720, algosandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we comfy

>> No.21330447

Would it be a smart idea to convert all my LINK to ALGO?

>> No.21330513

me too bro.
Lets, as they say, "make it."

>> No.21330716

Are you going to be a stinky linky or will you contribute high quality FUD, memes, etc to suppress the price so we can accumulate for as long as possible?

>> No.21330877

fuck it just converted 1000$ worth of xrp to algo
2000 algos
hope I make it
only 7500 XRP now
watch xrp go to 2000$ overnight now

>> No.21330974


Fuckin checked. They just keep going...

>> No.21331067

Unironicaly just bought 500 algo. See you in 10 years.

>> No.21331113

Traded ETH for Algo fuck it

>> No.21331158

Just bought 750. Gonna buy 500 dollars more if by tmrw its gaining consistently.

We're all gonna make it!

>> No.21331226

What's the best wallet for staking? I bought some ALGO on CB but I can't stake it there.

>> No.21331250

hoping to make it with 1500 algo
checking back in 3 years

>> No.21331299

nigger, you will come back here in 30 minutes to see who else bought in, don't even LIE.

>> No.21331311

Use the dedicated Algo wallet in google play or ios store. It stakes and tracks rewards for you. It's amazing and easy to send person to person.

>> No.21331331

>algo at $1000 in 3 years
That would the luckiest bet ever made.

>> No.21331355

i said my stack in 3 years you fag, not /biz

>> No.21331398

i mean ngl $1000 would be great, but let's be realistic...

>> No.21331410

nigger, you know you will open the wallet every 30 minutes to see your staking rewards, don't even LIE.

>> No.21331455

Well it's running way past XRP right now, so there's that

>> No.21331482

Cool. I'll do that rn

>> No.21331488

Realistically how hight could this coin go? How much should I buy for at the very minimum a new Lexus post launch?

>> No.21331504

>Staking rewards
Newfag here. What is that?

>> No.21331521

Wait you can stake it? How? I have a small stack on CB doing nothing. Teach me how senpai

>> No.21331566

Hold your ALGO in their official wallet (or Atomic or Binance) and receive staking rewards for holding (10%).

>> No.21331574

Digits Checked

>> No.21331576

I’m unironically going to stack this to the goddamn moon. These gets in this thread and that big one are a fucking sign.

>> No.21331588

Thx anon

>> No.21331613

jesus brainlets, get it together. https://www.algorand.com/wallet

>> No.21331633

Get out your phone and set up an account. Your wallet info is there. Did u use coinbase or something else?

>> No.21331643

Holding Link, a bit of Algo and Lend

>> No.21331689

I have never seen so much GET in one thread. kek wills it

>> No.21331712
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it moves with link. That might be good for you or bad idk

>> No.21331870

Link vibes...All in after Sept 1st token distribution. biz could actually sweep all of ALGO like it did Link early on.

This will be the start of the memes album

>> No.21331897

You can stake in Exodus wallet, too!

>> No.21331915


>> No.21332028


>> No.21332068

Open algo wallet, next to your name there is a QR code icon and the options buttons, click the qr, copy your address, go in to coinbase a do a send to that address. Try sending like 1 algo first, the transfer fee is .001, so nothing to lose. If it's right, transfer the rest later.

>> No.21332175

God bless you

>> No.21332228

I hope it 10000x for you anon.

>> No.21332317

Thank you anon

>> No.21332368

That was fun to do. Thanks for the info. I was reading up on the rewards system. If you have ALGO on Coinbase, since the wallet is technically not yours, the rewards go to Coinbase. Fuck that, I'm glad I got it out of there.

>> No.21332916

I'm about to just dump 700 bucks just for the hell of it. Downloaded the app, so it's that simple to transfer it from coinjew? That's where the money is sitting at right now

>> No.21333055

It worked thank you

>> No.21333078
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To be honest guys please don't post Algo threads until we are at $1.00 on the 21st

We are in a XRP threads phase right now Algo is still undercover

>> No.21333180


>> No.21333289

I have a 2 day hold on my Algo from GoyimBase cause I just bought some there, those fuckers.

>> No.21333321

after setting up the passphrase, seconds.

>> No.21333390

This whole thread sounds like a commercial

>> No.21333437

Maybe it is. You gonna buy this shit or not?

>> No.21333477

The test send of 3 Algorand worked! About to send the whole 1300 in a bit. So it's a percentage of what you hold per month dumped into your wallet. I was reading the FAQs and it said, for example, if you hold 7m tokens they give you 13m? There's no way I'm reading that right. Perhaps it's the other way around

>> No.21333483

kek. Already did, bro

>> No.21333556

Will a 400 ALGOlet like me make it brothers

>> No.21333589

After a few minutes of transferring 100, I got 0.0001

>> No.21333631

Of $4000 is making it yes probably in 10years.

>> No.21333671

Just checked and got .000003 in literal minutes. And to think coinbase is literally robbing holders of their rewards on this shit.

>> No.21333876

Total supply: 3,303,088,850
Circulating supply: 771,817,007

You will be dumped on for years to come. Enjoy faggots.

>> No.21334050

Good anon, keep the fud. I need to buy more before $1