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21321111 No.21321111 [Reply] [Original]

XRP Flare network, smart contract utility fork announced. Allows enterprise grade defi dapps to be built on xrp ledger, for banks by the banks. Meanwhile International Monetary Fund, IMF, goes to bat for Ripple in their latest financial sector assessment program written to the US. Big boy pants only. Normies and bizlets not freaking out. Lol. Guess it’s too technical.

>> No.21321276

The writing is on the wall. It's a shame so many will miss out because of their idealistic cyberpunk utopia dreams.

Currency is power and power will never be decentralized.

>> No.21321391
File: 45 KB, 550x550, 28A730C5-4B9F-4F73-8888-1F96508A1CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it’s happening again! XRP IS THE MOTHER F*CKING STANDARD!!!!

>> No.21321483

the digits can no longer be ignored

>> No.21321488

What wallet do you need for airdrop?

>> No.21321549

Digits confirmed

>> No.21321636
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>> No.21321640
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Right. The irony of them farming Yam tokens, it’s like they’ve embraced their serfdom and have metaphorically begun digging in the soil like peasants.

>> No.21321762

Sounds like any wallet other than an exchange. Go to flares webpage, they’ll be posting wallet snapshot date and more details soon.

>> No.21321779

Extremely based. Moon confirmed.

>> No.21321957
File: 447 KB, 833x435, DDA355BB-B53E-4063-AEE7-49E4318A2379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. fucking Christ.

>> No.21322054

Holy checked

also checked>>21321488
but fr what wallet, mew fine?

>> No.21322257

Checked. Dare I say?

>> No.21322337

digits and I'll add to my stack

>> No.21322462

Idk would toast work? Not sure. Hopefully they make it clear. All in xrp and link so would like the forked coin too

>> No.21322485
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Let me just leave this here XRP bot army.

>> No.21322522
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I rounded out my stack this morning, my body and mind is ready

>> No.21322550

Fucking checked. So many nice digits in XRP threads. Kek is with us, XRP frens.

>> No.21322568

I just got off the phone with you Rasheesh

>> No.21322574
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>> No.21322609

Not true, Flare will support exchanges. It is just a matter of whether the exchange will give the coins to the user or not. We will have to wait and see what individual exchanges say that their policy will be.

>> No.21322626

>$61m market cap
lmao cute

>> No.21322641

Both awesome.
My portfolio is literally 40% pnk 60% xrp
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.21322644

Digits confirmed, launch sequence soon boys!

>> No.21322662
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>> No.21322663

HOLY SHIT BUT WHY!!?? WHY? Why XRP gets all the quads, triples and such

>> No.21322671

I doubt it. Exchanges can be super gay about forks but we shall see

>> No.21322684
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>falling for this kike shit

This shit has been shilled since I first came here years ago. It's done fuck and will continue to do fuck all. You missed your golden ticket years ago newfags.

>> No.21322683

Because kek wills it.

>> No.21322796

I bought at $0.005 and still holding 90% of my stack. I didn't miss shit. The best is yet to come, fuckers. strap in or get left behind.

>> No.21322843
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Nice digits but it’s already been kek confirmed... no need to keep shilling.

>> No.21323160
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 76C77FE7-B02B-46E3-B3EF-0490C8EFA2FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The men building the power structures of the world aren’t in their boxers mining defi gems. They also aren’t at “casual” meet and greets with Russian autists arguing about technical updates and crypto pipe dreams. They don’t talk to you in AMA’s or chat rooms. Youll never see them because they don’t spend their weekends buying adidas at the local outlet mall drinking Starbucks. Buying xrp isn’t about flipping defi scams and chasing pajeets. XRP is a system token primed for the new internet value. It’s called following the money.

>> No.21323216

a true oldfag biznessman
Holy shit

>> No.21323677

No it's actually a coping fag who bought at 2.8 a year and half ago.

>> No.21323810
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>tfw its the only "cryptocoin" option focused on Enterprise Solutions for Banks
Exactly this. This is for long term hodl lads, see you at the shareholders meetings at the yacht club

>> No.21323816


Go away this is our thread

>> No.21324546

Based and comfypilled

>> No.21324659
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Those digits

absolute confirmation

>> No.21324850



>> No.21325048


>> No.21325107

you seem a lil upset let me shed tear while playing my miniature violin

>> No.21325142

I don’t wanna go all in on XRP, but what’s a good amount to hold for fun anons?

>> No.21325183

5k ripple

>> No.21325203

How are we going to turn our xrp into fiat without leaving a tax trail??
The exchange I bought with is connected to my name and bank account so the gov can track my activities. I will need to find an exchange that doesn't trace my identity but can put fiat into my account. Any ideas?

>> No.21325233

I've got 2k, stack in it not a huge investment, but if it does moon then I'll feel it. Was thinking about halving it down to 1k, seems good enough for the memes desu

>> No.21325252

10k suicide bag

>> No.21325318
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To be honest, I would just pay the tax unless its some outrageous 40% shit. I value a clear conscience, so I do not always want to be looking over my shoulder for the IRS. I will just hold until its classified as long-term capital gains.

>> No.21325398
File: 6 KB, 160x250, 8CA4C9AA-7B26-4B91-823D-0ACD0488D7B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek has been with us in XRP threads for weeks now. The past 72 hours have been undeniable. It is time.

>> No.21325401

Literally the only good take on /biz/ RN

If you aren't schizo it's hard to see the signs, but I've been connecting dots for years and they all point to the moon on this one

>> No.21325432


>> No.21325544

Ummm... xrp is decentralized, we are getting true defi through flare.

The whole point of xrp is that they forced to jew bankers onto a level playing field because the utility xrp provides is impossible to compete against.

The whole world is about to change.

>> No.21325601

XRP defeats the beast and the snake
Parasite reptilian Babylonian banking is faneto

>> No.21325678

Trump killed the fed/IRS in March. These capital gains/payday loan cuts are info for normies...can't just come out and say that both are dead.

The banking system is being replaced by xrp and their version of defi. Its not eth, its not link as they are not needed, smarter people made better tech. Adopt or die.

>> No.21325795
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Nah i just want some big titty broads on my boat and a pet monkey since itll be international waters

>> No.21325950

I've heard some countries don't tax crypto like portugal. Also germany doesn't tax after one year. But becoming a resident and opening a bank account could be an issue.

>> No.21326216

>t. newfag

>> No.21326274

I am just worried this DEFi run is going to flip XRP out of the top 10. If that happens it would suck balls.

>> No.21326466

Just the fact that every XRP thread comes included with debt-slaves enboldens me to trust XRP even more, the more succes the more FUD, with bitcoin it was the normies, XRP the idealoges

>> No.21326522

Then bet both. In the one hand you have organic growth of ethereal defi but a retardedly broken ethereum platform. In the other hand you’ve got the system, big money, guys in suits adopting crypto for how they want to use it.

>> No.21326599


>> No.21326847

XRP just won DeFi
Buy your sui stacks or seethe eternally