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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21318422 No.21318422 [Reply] [Original]

>summer 2020
>doubting Chadtalik and ETH 2.0
>not accumulating ETH before 2.0 launch is 2 weeks away and this shit moons to $900+

I seriously hope you lonely nerds don't do this

>> No.21318488

dumping this pos coin once the fomo kicks in.

>> No.21318949

Stop thinking it's going to be different with ETH 2.0 its not going to solve the scaling problem.

>> No.21319099

>buy my ethereum killer v. 3726 pls

Go back to your shitting street

>> No.21319423

Like Myspace your outdated technology will disappear

>> No.21319536

Jesus people holding and buying this unverifiable shitcoin are going to be devastated when it all unravels

>> No.21320040

Where did they say ETH 2.0 was two weeks away? Not hatin, just curious.

>> No.21320088

Says the guy all in on bebo lol

>> No.21320786
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Eth 2.0 is never coming.

>> No.21320789
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>> No.21321238

oh that was supposed to be 2 months btw, got distracted while typing

>> No.21321332

If they don't roll out 2.0 soon, they're at serious risk of losing their first mover advantage. Pretty fucking sick of the network congestion.

>> No.21321363

>moons to 900

If all you want is a 2x just gamble on shitcoins

>> No.21321518

All token pumps are only to accumulate eth.
Nobody is going to remember those 'defi tokens' including link in a few years.

>> No.21321635

Yes, your shit tokens will die if they don't get off ethereum immediately.

>> No.21322205

>If they don't roll out 2.0 soon, they're at serious risk of losing their first mover advantage
this is wrong, bitcoin didn't lose dominance in adoption because of scaling, it lost because it didn't have full smart contracts - ethereum could do things bitcoin couldn't at all.

Contrary to intuition, scaling is irrelevant as a sole competitive advantage because poorest users are priced out first, and poorest users don't have enough wealth to make other platforms grow. This creates a weird dynamic where lack of scalability impairs growth of crypto as a whole as poor newcomers are turned one-by-one completely, but prevents the emergence of a currently more scalable alternative.
It would take something like facebook's libra to dump millions of users at once to change this dynamic, but no current 'ethereum killer' has this capability.
In other words, ethereum is there to stay and no decentralized competitor is ever going to unseat it in terms of adoption (market caps are another thing, xrp pumped above eth once). Ethereum has turing-complete smart contracts so there's no functionality left that ethereum can't do at all.

If you thought that's 'anonymity' that's wrong - few realize this, but full anonymity is coming to ethereum AND those transfers are going to be cheaper than current eth transfers (including for tokens).

>> No.21322417

delusional btc maxis are getting insecure

>> No.21322704

Scaling and ease of use is important. If your entire network stops functioning because of some tiny thing like cryptokitties then big businesses physically cannot utilize it.
>no current 'ethereum killer' has this capability
This is true but eventually someone will come along and put Vitalik out of business just like Microsoft did to Netscape Navigator unless he adapts.

>> No.21322733

>stops functioning because of some tiny thing like cryptokitties then big businesses physically cannot utilize it.
dumb meme, gas fees were much lower then than they are today, people just were used to fees being next to zero.

>> No.21323037

they are literally creating an entirely new network to solve every issue.

>> No.21323124

Crypto kitties performed on chain dna splicing. Most dApps realized its not required to execute that level of computation on chain. Even so 2.0 will unlock that bandwidth

>> No.21323254


>> No.21323323

2.0 doesn't even support smart contracts & you can't go back so we get 2 coins on coinmarketcap. Smart contract PoW Eth 1 & PoS no contracts Eth 2.0. Gayest shit ever.

>> No.21323383
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Kek wills it, pic related

>> No.21323389

The don't realize it doesn't support smart contracts & probably won't till end of next year - jesus people literally do 0 research
There are no smart contracts on Eth 2.0, you can only stake. Smart contracts come with a later version probably released late next year at the earliest.

>> No.21323494

The difference is bitcoin had the gold meme - you can build a society around a stable store of value (gold hasn't been needed as USD has been the global currency & we have investments). For crypto to work there has to be a non fiat store of value.
Eth has "oil" meme and most of it's value is based on smart contract ideas that will move if a better solution comes along. It obv has huge first mover advantage & if it scaled it would be fine. But don't kid yourself thinking the global smart contract platform will be held to same standard as store of value gold meme.

>> No.21323495

But how long do I have to wait to get my linkies out of aave? Not paying fucking $80 USD to do it.

>> No.21323522

You say do research but you haven’t been researching enough. Finality for the ETH1 chain is being added as a shard on ETH2 chain. They dont have to solve for stateless contracts yet. They can literally just use ETH2 as settling layer and transaction costs will fall dramatically

>> No.21323720

ahhhh thank you. I was trying to figure out how many TPS simple PoS chain could handle as I know it's significantly more (maybe 3X?) yesterday but got lost after 20 min.

>> No.21323746

the gold meme was created after bitcoin became congested

>> No.21323833

Yeah my guess is each shard can handle 3-5x as many transactions per epoch, i think end game is 1024 shards

>> No.21323985
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>> No.21324092

Check out https://docs.ethhub.io/ethereum-roadmap/ethereum-2.0/eth-1.0-to-2.0-migration/

Under “New proposal “

>> No.21324116

Unironically ready to sell at 900+ for the next defi platform, LOKI

>> No.21324623

Lolz - I can't wait for the actual bull market when Eth fees hit $100
> Old proposal vs new proposal
This is what kills me about Eth - and don't get me wrong it may win out in the future but I was around when Vitalik was saying PoS in 12-24 months (or something like that) - sharding 12 months after that.
Every time I hear it's about to happen it gets delayed - and then I see new proposals. When I was trying to find actual state of the project I saw Vitalik saying by the end of the year for Eth 2.0 and another dev saying not before first of next year due to holidays with some type of spat. And then last time it was supposed to be launched in like June or Jan of this year I thought?
Eventually the noise to signal (likely due to size of project), delays, proposals (of which I have no idea how much weight they hold etc) leaves me feeling lost as to trying to download an actual project status to my brain.

>> No.21324756

And if all of that wasn't enough - there are like 2-3 (or more) L2 solutions that are currently working right - like Raiden and some Zk-snarks solution? It's like Bitcoins lightning network - no one uses them even though we've been discussing them for 5 years.

>> No.21324975
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>If they don't roll out 2.0 soon, they're at serious risk of losing their first mover advantage

You sad this during 2017 kek its 2020 and eth is still king of inovation and 2 palce

>> No.21325030

Their projects are building on other platforms & other platforms have EVMs along with Eth chain bridges. This isn't 2017 with EOS.

>> No.21325132

>actually caring about anything other than Chainlink
> 3 years and anons are still this retarded

>> No.21325225

Like binance chain kek?
Name 1 defi project with any traction on other chain anon

>> No.21325341

Not yet - the high exchange volume capable DEXs that need high transaction speeds to pry us free of the continued govt crackdowns will be the first to force it.

>> No.21325462

Thats uniswap lol imune to crackdown and hi volume closing on coinbase soon
For tps part there is literally l2 rollups on eth today and guess why noone uses them?...they are making so much fucking money they dont care about fees and tps lol

>> No.21325540

ahhhh i remember the time BTC maxis said RSK on top of bitcoin was plenty good enough for a smart contract platform.
We'll see who is right in this next bull run anon :)

>> No.21325963

Dude l2 slutions are literally working today thing is defi is just whales not giving fuck about fees im using loopring right now and its blazing fast but what we need i zk uniswap i guess...

Can you just shill your shitcoin allready?

>> No.21326550

I have no idea - NEAR is probably the most promising. I imagine Harmony will be the Raiblocks / Nano. Algorand team also looks legit.
Cardano I can't figure out when they are going to release smart contracts or if they'll have an Eth bridge, Tezos has no goals to scale. Sounds like you have a similiar problem to bitcoin "scaling is literally here just no one will use it" - onboarding normies with more complexity or $20 fees is gonna be rough and I guess I just put that friction at a higher value than many.
I bought Eth when the bitcoin maxis kept yelling scam, no need for smart contracts, we can do this with RSK etc.
I have a hunch that the next bull market after BTC hits $20K is going to melt faces so it is going to be interesting to see what happens on the scaling front when there are 19,000 projects on Eth hammering the network.