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213158 No.213158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>UK Student
>Top 1% GCSE scores
>Dirt fucking Average A-Level scores, maybe even a little worse
>Now attending Uni that is only just in the Top 50% Nationally
>Half way through a Medical Science course
>That I've lost interest in entirely
>And I'm currently failing

What do I fucking do? Is there any hope?

Forgetting the debt I'm racking up, it's now questionable that I'll even pass this shitty degree; fuck the fact that I can no longer give a rat's ass about the content or the whole fucking industry and just want to make some fucking money.

Where do I go from here? Can I break into a monetary sector to actually make something?

Have I trashcanned myself entirely this early?

>> No.213188

At least your not me OP

>UK student
>fucking all C's except fucking art which was an A*
>went on to a BTEC videogames course (3D modelling programming)
>went in thinking I was going to be learning more on the lines of design
>quit that fucking course teachers didn't give a shit about the students nor did it teach us what they said
>now waiting till September to join an actual design course
>worried about the no jobs epidemic
>learning stocks

At least you can pull yourself out of where you are, though I guess I could always change my course to a more profitable job at uni.

What should I do /biz/ carry on and try to break into design (concept art) or try to go for a job that can guarantee me a good payroll. Though it wouldn't be as fun ;_;

>> No.213193

Find the inspiration and passion that took you in this direction initially. If it was never there then take time to meditate on the career your choosing and find something that can rekindle your interest. Take a few hours away, somewhere tranquil where you can clear your mind. Reach out to your support in either friends or family. You can do this.
Remember, basing decisions on emotions is foolish, something only children (should) do.
And this may not be something you considered but pray. This is your life, your path and your time. Don't waste it brother. Gonna even go as far as to say seek God on the matter.

>> No.213208

Well not all C's mostly of B*'s to be honest, I'm not that bad at everything.

>> No.213236

Absolutely everyone goes through "epiphanies" where they suddenly think they don't care about something that previously fascinated them. It isn't real, you're just a little burnt out or going through some a phase. Think of it like a runner's high, and instead of getting down on yourself use it as inspiration to push yourself harder. You'll fail at whatever you do if you let even your subconscious push you around.

>> No.213237


Do they last 3 years? I've been pushing the envelope of apathy for 2 years and I'm 2/3 of my way through my 3rd.

I'm talking about missing entire assignments because I just didn't feel like doing them and thinking "I'll make up for it in the finals"

>> No.213240

>I'm talking about missing entire assignments because I just didn't feel like doing them
Yeah you're right it's not an epiphany, it's pure laziness. You'll never be successful.

>> No.213248

That's a little different. Have you considered seeing a therapist or something? I know there's some stigma about that sort of thing, but they're going to do a far better job than us at figuring out where you need to go from here. You might just be in the wrong field, but it's just as likely that this is something you'd run into regardless of what you choose.

>> No.213247


Does it help if I amend that although I wasn't doing assignments, I HAD spent the time on deadline night reading about business practice and markets instead?

>> No.213258

Slightly, so you're not lazy, but you don't honor commitments and act impulsively without seeing things through, sort of like a woman.

>> No.213264


>Considered seeing a therapist or something?

No, I hadn't considered it at all. I suppose I hadn't thought it would be of any help, but it might be something I should look into.


>Basing decisions on emotions is foolish

And arguably the exact opposite of what got me into this mess... As I recall, I'm fairly sure the only reason I ended up doing this degree was not so much passion as proficiency.

>> No.213452

get the degree broseph, no use having £40,000 in debt and nothing to show for it

and get a 2:1 or first, then the uni doesn't matter so much any more

what uni?