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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21310668 No.21310668 [Reply] [Original]


Two years of waiting are finally coming to fruition this month.
i just payed $20 in gas fees this morning to unpool some liquidity and buy a dip. This problem is only going to get worse and the defi (new SweetPotato projects and YFI v5) keep rolling out clogging the ethereum network. Onchain solutions don't work and only L2 will sustainably fix that problem. But L2 integration isn't easily (let only cross chain L2 interactions), but XSN has proven it is not only possible, but that such a solution will be available to the public in a few short weeks.

Defi is the goldmine, XSN will sell the shovels

>> No.21310702

Upcoming tasks from the devs:

1. **HF/ HW support in wallet** (enable Cold staking and MN mgmt from light wallet)

Beginning of our XSN chain upgrades, starting with a core wallet update (within the week) to allow TPoS and MN mgmt from HW such as Ledger & Trezor directly from our light wallet

2. **Ethereum support in wallet**

basic ETH and ERC-20 support (followed by
in wallet support + $ETH trading pairs)

3. **Launch page & website launch** for public distribution of wallet + DEX

Leading up to #3 will begin live trading on the DEX as planned, also will release continuous build updates and improvements to our beta groups ensuring a hardened and stable candidate for release

>> No.21310770

xsn is going to moon so hard if this dex works as well as anticipated. If this bullshit defi bubble keeps blowing, we're going to see $10 XSN purely from siphoning away Uniscam's volume

>> No.21311376

Unironically going to be $5 end of month.

>> No.21311468
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>soon I will

>> No.21311649

I think this might be a reason why XSN is slow to take off. Most people are used to the metamask -> uniswap system which is made ridiculously easy. But once volume picks up and people see the trade fees and speeds frm XSN they will eventually migrate. There are so many people here with 1-5 ETH stacks who are getting wrecked by fees

>> No.21311695

I don’t think people quite realize yet.

Stakenet is the centralized exchange killer.

Everyone is going to use it. Why wouldn’t you? There’s no KYC.

>> No.21311858

>There’s no KYC.
To be fair that’s not really a selling point since uniswap can also claim that.
However, every other point made in this thread makes it clear it kicks the shot out of uniswap.

>> No.21311860

I get the feeling Uniswap and other ETH DEX’s are about to get fucked with this if XSN team are smart about it. Until it gets to hydra where MN owners make the fees the team still have control right?

If so what’s stopping the team from approaching hot new Defi projects and getting them to list first on XSN DEX? They could offer them sweetheart deals where the project get like 50% or even all of the trading fees generated by their coin back so projects would actually get paid to list there and would want everyone trading on it. They wouldn’t need to pay any other exchange for listing as that would take volume and money directly away from the project. In the mean time XSN team gain a fuck load of users who see how cheap and fast XSN DEX is and they never return to Uniswap or other exchanges because they can get what they want straight out their wallet.

>> No.21311888

because fiat on-ramp

>> No.21312206

Agoradesk needs more people
XSN actually makes BTC over LN usable. Hopefully that helps BTC scale and grow P2P fiat <-> BTC markets.

>> No.21312593

how long do i have to buy MN? or will it drop far enough after the bullrun to buy in?

>> No.21312597
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What did kek mean by this?

>> No.21312680

40c shitcoin
$1 when

>> No.21312952

This does seem like a really great idea, but i get the feeling that the team would be reluctant to do something like this. They want organic growth. they have plenty of money in the treasury (that they are nevertheless using conservatively which is great), so it doesn't seem like they'd be the type to cut deals and create shortcuts.

That said, i wish they would do something like this. Uniswap is in part so popular because it's an easy project onramp, if XSN can be the same (plus all its other features) it really will make uniswap obsolete

>> No.21313285

It means we are going to be fucking rich lads. 1mn to retire everything else is gravy

>> No.21313814


>> No.21313953

I know it’s not there style but if they take an aggressive approach on this it would essentially make XSN the worlds biggest DEX overnight and then they start taking marketshare away from CEX’s shortly after.

>> No.21314006

The real question:
>are people willing to spend 30 mins to download & sync the dex, to save themselves $5/trade or more
depends on a lot of factors:
1) trust in the platform
2) annoyance with on-chain tx speed & cost
3) how difficult the dex is to set up, and whether X9 provide a "retard-proof" how-to in order to go from dex.exe to first trade.

>> No.21314255

They don’t want that because, it will take time. No doubt there will be unknown bugs and shit that come with launching a completely new product to thousands of people. They don’t want to spend millions promoting something and get all this attention and then something silly gets brought to light. The dex should actually I think, just be promoted through twitter and stuff and get organic growth.

Then in a few months when new bugs are ironed out and everything is sweet. They go full of shill mode when the android/iOS app drops. Then we explode do to higher adoption.

>> No.21314302

Only have to do that once, once your channels are open you can leave them open and it syncs in seconds when you re-open it

>> No.21314307

Green id and digits. Damn maybe 2021 I’ll make it. Praise Kek

>> No.21314688
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>> No.21314869

2000 stakelet reporting in.
Will I make it?

>> No.21314900

They really need to put out a video showing the whole process from start to finish fresh wallet install. Maybe they already have.

>> No.21314919

How goes 200k sound

>> No.21315072

If this shit actually hits $100 in the golden bull run I'm cashing out and retiring and investing in boomer shit

>> No.21315104

what's that, 200k sats?

$25 XSN is pretty good.

>> No.21315157

100$ is with hydra.Golden bull run would be even more

>> No.21315190


>> No.21315204


Yeah thats my only worry, that the devs dont understand that a large portion of their customer base is tech illiterate retards like me.

Their tutorial videos make me think they got it covered.

How much will they suffer not being fiat on-ramp?

>> No.21315800

Stakenet vs Harmony One, which is better?

>> No.21315946

2 MNs reporting in. Give it to me straight /biz/ will I make it?

>> No.21315980

If only takes couple dozen of bots to arbitrage between cexes to sent trade volume into the moon.

>> No.21316071

Next to no effect. Anyone willing to use a DEX atm will have an on-ramp somewhere else. It’s like asking how much will the Pirate Bay suffer due to not having a subscription streaming service.

>> No.21316132
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KEK better fucking deliver and do not come at me with the "we have to approve every shitcoin that comes on our platform" make it into a fucking casino Humans have loved casinos since they've existed you give them a cheap fee to gamble then give them the platform to gamble on. Loopring has like what 10 shitcoins? We want venom, the vile, the explosive, piss fuckers, black jacked hookers. Give me the program, let me play it proves to attract. The rest will come like flies

t. not buying back in until I can trade any shitcoin on it

>> No.21316412

XSN has a better potential for returns.
ONE will do well, but it's not anywhere near as encapsulating.
This isn't really a good comparisons, though. They both do different things.

ONE solves the ETH scaling problem while XSN solves the BTC scaling problem and then combines BTC with ETH and gives us a much more convenient way to trade in a global manner.

ONE can certainly see generous adoption. There's no reason to count it out. It's unquestionably a top 20 token, but there's a chance that it sees the top 10 and stays there if it's able to suck a bit of MC away from ETH.

My guesses, considering I'm in both, are a peak $100 for XSN and a resting $40-50, whereas ONE should peak around $1-3 and rest around $0.4-0.6

>> No.21316589

Its literally criminal how cheap XSN is at this price. If uniswap is this popular with enormous fees, XSN will do everything done by uniswap but faster, more profitable, safer and inexpensive.

So my price prediction is 3$ soon which places it at 300 mil market cap. So do your own research and do your own math. The guaranteed profit is out of this world, as it makes link appear like an overhyped coin.

>> No.21316652
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how stable are the LN channels and the whole tech of it? are the transactions guaranteed?
is the tech "production ready"?

same for raiden:

low usage?

>> No.21316774
File: 326 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200812-211116_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving 5$

Pic related. From today

>> No.21317232

Fair enough but what if its utility is so powerful that everyone buys your cheap XSN for you and you have to buy in at $7

>> No.21317559

>trade any shit coin on it

Yeah I don’t think that’s gonna happen

>> No.21317601

Very much agree that they need to go balls out, and “approve” everyone who wants listing. It’s basically going to be lottery on crack. People like crypto, because they like gambling. Admit it or not.

>> No.21317620

I'm always watching, ready to buy back in. Same thing was said in 2018 when fees were getting expensive, idk how much they claimed they have done/were going to get done. everyone running off pure hype except maybe 10 coins