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21308933 No.21308933 [Reply] [Original]

It may not he as promising as LINK, but I believe this is the new train to hold with iron hands. If you don't get LINK vibes from two years ago from STA idk what to tell you. Same amount of baseless FUD, same iron handed community, same roller coaster of ups and downs. If you have held STA since the beginning and had the iron hands to hold through everything, you unironically are going to make it.

>> No.21309025

Well said, anon. In a year, people will be talking about how they stupidly sold their big STA stacks somewhere between 25 and 45 cents, kicking themselves for missing out on millions of dollars in profits. Between the burn mechanism and sweet LP rewards, there's no reason to swing STA or sweat its price fluctuations.

>> No.21309085


>> No.21309129


>> No.21309133

People already mad they sold at 9 cents. Now we will have people mad thry sold at 40 cents. These short attention span buyers lose money by fomoing instead of lesrning to hold comfy tokens like LINK and STA

>> No.21309174

How do I accumulate pool tokens instead of just plain Stat?

>> No.21309249


Lets start getting some good memes on this.

$2.50 EOM

>> No.21309279

this coin hasn't moved in 2 days

why am i holding this

>> No.21309323

friendly reminder that if LINK or ETH moons, this moons as well no questions asked

>> No.21309810

Ofc this is like LINK. Anon Vets already know what's up. Hodling Link since .47 with 80% stack remaining. This is just a valuable. Don't be an idiot Anons. Just don't. This is BIZ! Not teading View chat box shilling XRP and ADA. We hodl the gems!

>> No.21309955

Super weak fud my guy. 3 straight days of new highs? Now pulling back in the 20s, waiting to break out again? Where were you?

>> No.21310054

“pull back”, more like “dumped on”

>> No.21310165

>this is the new LINK
ultimate sell signal

>> No.21310190

Anon we are up 372% over the past week, the only ones who got dumped on are retards who bought the top, when it was obviously overbought

>> No.21310245

Definition of a pump and dump. This shit is going to 0, just like BOMB, BRR, and all the other deflationary shitcoins before it.

>> No.21310249
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Ha do you realize what you just said? How impatient do you have to be to complain about something not mooning after 2 DAYS? STA actually hit ATH 2 days ago and it's finally corrected. Now we'll see more organic growth as more listings happen, not to mention the refund.

>> No.21310251

you're not wrong

>> No.21310294

kys you stupid fuck

>> No.21310300

I don't think you realise how obvious it is you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.21310314

We had some whales take profits since they made a fortune after buying at 1 cent. We also had brainlet anons who bought the top and assumed it would just keep going up in a straight line forever. News flash, when something makes a parabolic 500% move upward, it's going to retrace a bit.

>> No.21310368

There was no incentive to hold those eme scams. Statera is meant for holding. You don't see real traders flipping index funds, dummies. They hold them or, in the case of STA, pool them to reap sweet yield farming rewards.

>> No.21310462

>some whales
you mean all the whales? shit dumped 50%. In sorry if you bought into this fraud

>> No.21310463

So many shitcoins come and go but when something is legit the collective mind of /biz/ picks up on it and it becomes integrated into the community. It's unclear how exactly the whole process happens but it's something we all can feel, especially those who've been coming to this board for a while. It's organic. It was like that with LINK and now the same is clearly happening to STA. This coin is the future of /biz/ and if you hold it right now you should count yourself lucky for being early. Do not fucking sell this.

>> No.21310579

yeah that's why there's so many good breadcrumbs and serious discussions on this right
gtfo discord tranny (now 5 "1 post by this ID" will attack me)

>> No.21310603

Based, I got hard reading that

>> No.21310608

niggr i saw it go from 40 cents back down to 18

>> No.21310649

Yeah. This. Mong here who bought at less than 1c and sold most way too early. Realized my fuck up, bought back at 30c. Gonna hold forever from here.

>> No.21310682

doesn't have the memetics of LINK

>> No.21310721
File: 8 KB, 652x130, stateraswing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sell faggot

>> No.21310727

sounds about right. kys

>> No.21310787

What exactly does statera do? All I see people talk about is the ebin thanos maymay and it being deflationary from the burn rate. But that alone doesn't provide value. What is it's purpose?

>> No.21310841

Only if BTC, ETH, and LINK go to 0 too

>> No.21310851

There's been an insane amount of serious discussions on STA going during the last few days. People have been explaining the project and answering questions left and right. I know that because I've been following these threads obsessively so I won't fall for your lies.

>> No.21310886

None of the top 15 have sold, what are you talking about ???

>> No.21310913

How much does it have to be for you to cash in?

>> No.21310918

i havent seen a single post talk about what this coin does besides endless shilling of moons and what not. shove your ponzi trash up your ass streetshitter

>> No.21310958
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>it took you this long to realize
Better late than never I guess. We are going straight to the moon

>> No.21310987
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>> No.21311042
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>didnt read the whitepaper

>> No.21311087
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Congrats, so did everyone else. I saw it go from <.01 to .47 in 2 months after loads of road bumps, it all depends on what timeline you're looking at.

Please sell, I'm serious. I don't want to be involved in a project with dumbasses like you in the community. You don't deserve to make gains if you can't deal with volatility.

I'm still comfy AF as a top 150 wallet with 100% faith in where we are going. Of course there will be dips, that's the crypto market for you. If you don't have the patience, you don't deserve to get rich.

>> No.21311099

gos this place is a fucking cesspool honest to god hope you all get cancer and die

>> No.21311115

It's a decentralized hedge fund, basically. It automatically swaps between ETH/LINK/etc (only legit tokens) to keep the fund on average performing better than shitcoins without the risk of choosing a single horse. Historically this is a task done by some asshole shitposting all day in a bank's basement. Much more effective to let an automated contract handle the risk-mitigation. Obviously it can't perform as well as whatever the best coin in the portfolio happens to be, but it'll always perform better than the worst - usually better than the median. Hence 'hedging' your bets. The fun part is that it's crazy undervalued ATM because its value is a function of the portfolio, so at $0.30/ea it's a fucking steal.

>> No.21311137

Literally every thread has the same pasta And links for you to read. It’s been repeated literally every hour. I wouldn’t buy it if I were you. Stay far away from this shitcoin.

>> No.21311204

If it's basically a hedge fund of non-shitcoin tokens, then why isn't it basically just moving at the same average rate as the coins in its portfolio? And if it's a token hedge fund, how is that any different than just holding a healthy mix of non shitcoin like ETH/LINK/BTC/whatever

>> No.21311226

its basically a mutual fund for people that dont know how to buy crypto.

Its actually harder for a normie to get sta than most crypto.

> same roller coaster of ups and downs


Actually its one up with ATH in Aug 11 (where the bubble popped) and now its one way down!!

No one is buying your bags. Pack it up.

>> No.21311244

sick fud

>> No.21311250



>> No.21311278

Replace XSN with PNK

>> No.21311308

Is it bleeding out?
Is it all ogre?

>> No.21311338

This. Exactly this. Only experienced bizraelis will understand this. I only bought a suicide stack of Link when I could easily afford a make it stack. Not happening again

>> No.21311424

no im waiting until .4 so i can dump u back down again

>> No.21311433


Its a passing thing

Its bagholders that cant integrate their loss into their perception

Give it a few days more. When they give up and sell it all at -50% they ll go shill other coins.

>> No.21311443

>then why isn't it basically just moving at the same average rate as the coins in its portfolio?
The liquidity in the pool is used as buypower for the balancer. The higher the liquidity the higher buys.
>how is that any different than just holding a healthy mix of non shitcoin like ETH/LINK/BTC/whatever

If you only held those you wouldnt get extra 16.8% APY from balairdrops (could be higher if it goes up in price) And you would also miss out on all the fees you get for owning a poolshare and providing liquidity. Statera is like jetfuel when its combined with a balancer since its deflationary. That causes alot more volume in the pool and you will get paid more in fees.

>> No.21311466
File: 316 KB, 1280x721, 1596745221954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new LINK is unironically PNK
Statera could be the new PNK in a few years time, I admit that, but it will likely be LOCK desu

>> No.21311469

I didn’t even keep my suicide stack of link I sold it. By the gods I’m still in this flesh heap and I’m not missing out on STA

>> No.21311494

The hedge fund locks in gains and limits losses. The token burns put pressure on the token price... AND you get paid to provide liquidity.

>> No.21311521

>It may not he as promising as LINK, but I believe this is the new train to hold with iron hands. If you don't get LINK vibes from two years ago from STA idk what to tell you. Same amount of baseless FUD, same iron handed community, same roller coaster of ups and downs. If you have held STA since the beginning and had the iron hands to hold through everything, you unironically are going to make it.
nothing but hot air. wtf is statera other than a uniswap shitcoin, asshole

>> No.21311535

Unironically, I will cash out 5% if (when) it gets to $5. From there I will reassess, but be prepared to hold indefinitely

>> No.21311539

PNK has a female dev team, it's going nowhere except where SJWs pump it

>> No.21311544

can you explain this part or link something with a tldr? Basically you get staking rewards for contributing liquidity to the hedge fund?

How exactly does that work. Do you just hold the token and your wallet gets deposits of more, or do you need to lock it up on some smart contract platform first

>> No.21311549

PNK is quite literally a curry coin, fuck off.

>> No.21311557

What does it do? Also
>It may not he as promising as LINK
Then it's not the new LINK because the new LINK is as promising or even more so than LINK.

>> No.21311574

it sounds like any other shitcoin scam that will eventually implode. fuck off

>> No.21311633

it's a staking coin with a high burn rate, it's neat but yeah not groundbreaking kek

>> No.21311665

you probably said the same thing about link 3 years didn't you

>> No.21311693
File: 86 KB, 246x251, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staking coin with a high burn rate

i'm going all in. what could possibly go wroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

>> No.21311727

When you pool in the phoenix fund you own a set % of each asset and a share of the pool. You get airdropped a small amount bal weekly but its atleast 16.8% APY. You also get fees from the daily volume that gets added to your poolshare.

>> No.21311737

your shitcoin isn't link, you stupid cunt

>> No.21311826

You pajeets have so many vpns in India, it’s impressive

>> No.21311845

>Still dont get it
How do you think a normal token in a pool with 346k has over 100k in daily volume? It doesnt. The Statera token combined with a balancer will create more daily volume in any pool its in so higher fees are getting paidout. Its the deflationary part combined with a balancer that makes it possible to create more volume in whatever pool its in.

>> No.21311944

>still makes 0 sense
scam lol

>> No.21311954
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fart think pee pee a normal token in a pool with 346k poo poo has over 100k in daily volume? It doesnt. The Statera fart token combined fart with a balancer poo poo will create more daily volume in any pool pee pee its in so higher fees fart are getting paidout fart. Its pee pee the deflationary part poo poo combined with a fart balancer that poo poo makes it possible to create more pee peevolume in whatever pool its in poo poo.

>> No.21311982
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>I lack the brain capacity to understand it so its a scam!

>> No.21312189
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I bought 10k STA and seeing people who can't spell shill it makes me nervous...

>> No.21312239

I bought at 1 cent, 5, cents, and 7 cents. Stay comfy, Sta bros. I'm still holding.

>> No.21312316

Haha, this is so true.

>> No.21312398


Defi Roll Call

Chainlink, LINK - Decentralized Oracles
Synthetix, SNX - Synthetic Assets
AAVE, LEND - Decentralized Lending Borrowing
Yearn.Finance, YFI - Decentralized Yield Farming
Statera, STA - Decentralized Deflationary Index Fund

I hold a bag of each. But, If you missed on LINK, SNX, LEND, YFI get a nice bag of STA its the only sub 30M MC defi token left.

The only reason it isn't already double digits because of the Balancer Loophole that slowed the project down in the beginning. When Balancer launched, STA did the first BPT airdrop and introduced thousands of people to balancer pools. Completely run by the community pretty much from start. The balancer hack happened and curshed the price of STA. People figured out it was Balancers fault not STA and are now fomoing back in.Balancer is even refunding the STA pool.

Get in there and do your DD. You wont be sorry. STA is the Bitcoin of Defi.

Good luck Anon.

>> No.21312458

retard here, how do i buy this scam

>> No.21312466
File: 870 KB, 771x775, Cheers STAggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe has given you another chance. Bless your gains.

>> No.21312482

There's a lot of brainlets chasing pumps and are salty they bought the top of the recent pump. But the OG STA holders aren't phased. We know that the token is a crypto index fund, not some pajeet Uniswap PnD. Index funds are meant for stable growth and holding. Plus, Statera is a deflationary index fund that also provides yield farming opportunities via the Delat and Phoenix LPs, so there are ways to make your STA work for you.

So many short sighted anons angry that the token didn't keep providing 3x gains every day after an already 500x increase this week. If you sell, you're NGMI.

>> No.21312490

i can't find it on uniswap, where to get?

>> No.21312496

Uniswap add contract 0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Slippage 1.03%-2% no decimals in the STA amount.

>> No.21312524


>> No.21312641


In simple terms.

The STA coin is what balances the fund keeping the ratio consistent of each asset. In doing so, the STA coin, is continually bought and burned, sold and burned. Hence why the term Deflationary index fund.

So there is a lot going on with Statera. The index funds are just the start. Yes, they will have index for every field. Think IOT, AI, currencies, etc... Now imagine STA being utilized for each fund balancing and burning. Also, imagine more pools other than balancer. The STA token will be one of the most used tokens in Defi.

Theres more in what they want to do regarding deflationary lending and borrowin. but lets not overwhelm you.

Once you dive in and do the research you will realize STA is the BTC of Defi.

>> No.21312708

I listened and bought link in 2018

It just makes sense to hold sta

>> No.21312754

why did my bank account just get cleared out by a guy in nicaragua, wtf bros

>> No.21312778
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>> No.21312923

Statera has a female dev as well.

>> No.21312958

Statera is now correctly priced. Sell the next bump and stay out.

>> No.21312970

lmao damn good fud

>> No.21313020

>he must have not seen the chainlink team then

>> No.21313134

It's going to be a volatile ride to the top, the weak and feeble minded paper hands will not make it. I am with you few proud and strong sta brothers.

>> No.21313224

Where are you clowns buying this? I’m seeing pool shit but that’s it.

>> No.21313229
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 1591409757234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read about LINK here for so long, one day I decided to take a look into one of the shitcoins threads /biz/raelis were shilling, maybe I can get in on one of these early.

It was Statera, I'm a top 40 holder. I can't believe this is happening to me!

>> No.21313275

It always was the next link when it was released. It’s like you guys weren’t here for the initial breadcrumb from based Scott. The memes were great, the anons were great, and we all shit ourselves when it went 13000>% in two days.

Too 25 here and my only regret to this day is I didn’t buy more when the hack happened. I had the eth there and everything. But I kept my original stack. So all good.

Come back in a year from now when the bullrun is just starting, there’s only 5M STA circulating thanks to the burn, and the index is generating 500% every month and is worth 40M due to full bull mode.

I genuinely think if anyone can hold a 10k suicide stack through till then you’ll make it. Not to mention us in the top 20. The only thing I’m thinking about is the immense gas fees when I wanna swap my sta for DAI in a year lmao.

>> No.21313323

Why would the refund not just dump the price?

>> No.21313330

any newfaggot stupid enough to fall for this shit deserves this, whatever

>> No.21313389

my question is, how much will the refund benefit those of us that bought after the hack?

>> No.21313405
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>> No.21313455

The refund is about 1.6 million right now and only 20% of that is STA

>> No.21313584

I'm dumping now, fuck that lol

>> No.21313626

Not an index fund. Not a mutual fund. Holding STA doesn’t automatically get you into BTC, ETH, etc. STA is in balancer pools WITH the other coins. If that makes STA and index fund, then every stock held in the S&P500 is also an “index fund”.

>> No.21313666
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 40169419-A1D6-4D10-877C-A48E8D61AAA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what shit. Statera has been around for months now. Multiple generals, all organic growth from the anons right here. We fucking started this token my dude. There was only 400 wallets around before they started posting to Twitter and shit. Haven’t looked at the wallets in months. Is the comfy frog poster still around? Or the guy that lived with his mom or whatever that story was lol

The only thing that really pisses me the fuck off about this though, is now we don’t use the Thanos meme as much because the *snap* doesn’t happen on balancer. That fucking *snap* meme is ours too. Fucking top class.

I genuinely hope balancer gold comes out, institutional investments come in and we go back to the snap thing on there. Just for my own personal satisfaction. I just liked that *snap* meme so much.

>> No.21313756

These post and responses reek of curry and street turds sirs

>> No.21313825

Lol STA is shilled by discord trannies 24/7

>> No.21313838

what's the current marketcap

>> No.21313852

They just got listed on 1inchexchange and zapperfi so I'm expecting gains pretty soon boyz

>> No.21313921
File: 233 KB, 600x600, ECDEB476-9BCF-427B-B8A4-26B8C9CBBA4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NOT FUCKING SELLING meme is kind of cringe but I’m in for the long hold. 5k stack

>> No.21313933

So it's an elaborate ponzi like the rest. Got it champ.

>> No.21314066
File: 569 KB, 800x670, feels good 1594834193990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not gonna make it

>> No.21314113

yeah, and its a fucking miracle it hasnt moved any more, look at literally the entire market fuckhead.

Not even that big of a correction for the change of price- and with BTC and ETH taking a shit on monday and tuesday, you expect this uniswap shitcoin to hold 40c?? Clown

>> No.21314135

>New tech that is easy to understand
You wont get it cheaper pajeet

>> No.21314247

I don't understand are you not reading the other comments or do you have such a poor command of the english language that you can't understand simple words

>> No.21314369

>the immense gas fees when I wanna swap my sta for DAI in a year lmao.
We'll have ETH 2.0 by then, so gas fees will no longer be an issue!
The ETH 2.0 also means that ETH value is going to above $5000. Link too, and whole DeFi space.
STA will be $1000 at minimum by then!

>> No.21314460

listen up bois this is going UP UP before Friday and the refund goes live. Get in now or save some money to buy a rope

>> No.21314468

I suck at maths. How do the Uniswap buy/sell walls work?

Also how does marketcap work? if we pump 1 million USD into a 10M marketcap does it turn into 11M, 20M or 100M ?

>> No.21314490

Based and redpooled

>> No.21314564

there are no sell walls thats the best thing about defi exchanges, it either pumps or dumps

>> No.21314565

>he thinks BTC, ETH, and LINK are going to 0

>> No.21314640


>> No.21314715

I'm stuck in a uniswap transaction due to a very low gas fee paid by coinbase earlier, what the fuck do I do. Gas fee only keeps increasing, this transaction will be pending forever.

>> No.21314754

Can someone please help me on how to buy this? This uniswap has me confused.

I'm on Binance, Coinbase and Bitbuy as I'm a Leaf.

Please ELI5 thanks

>> No.21314858

42mins so far for me

>> No.21314859

it will fail when you run out of gas

>> No.21314962
File: 696 KB, 775x845, 1497472508795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need an eth wallet, I would use metamask browser add on. Send eth to that wallet adress then connect to uniswap

stick with me and I'll help you through, try to reply quickly so i know you're there.

>> No.21314993

Do you have any idea when the gas limit is reached?

I swear this is bullshit, I've never seen something that badly constructed. Talking cuckbase, obviously. How can you not be able to adjust the most important thing for the transaction to actually work.

>> No.21315016

If you want to constantly autobalance your portfolio and perform daily arbitrage while having a balancing mechanism built in with upward price pressure from deflation and compounded fees for passive income all while keeping it fully decentralized and immutable then be my guest.

>> No.21315017

You can not buy STA on any exchange.
Create a metamask wallet (just get the chorme extension)
transfer ETH to the metamask wallet
go to
click the STA box and this will link you to the correct uniswap address (you will need to add it due to STA still not being whitelisted *hint another reason this still hasn't reached its full potential
this use the ETH to buy STA
LEAVE some ETH for gas fees later (they are like 12$ or more right now)
Enjoy being rich anon

>> No.21315101

this right here, I was gonna go that far but I figured you'd reply and say you could only use your phone or something

>> No.21315125

>LINK is just a jsonparser...

Dude, the STArchangels are OG link marines like myself. You fucking think you nulinkers will ever understand?

>> No.21315130


Sorry guys doing a million things at once.. auction, brother's wedding stuff.

Alright starting with the metamask addon for Chrome and then will transfer eth to that.

Thank you so far!

>> No.21315179

I believe you need coinbase pro to adjust gas. Gas is absolutely insane right now due to the massive influx of people using ETH. The address alone are up 40 million from the start of the year.

>> No.21315239

OK good start, you'll make it
When you do the ETH to STA swap on uniswap input a whole number for STA (no deciamls), go to the settings wheel top right and change slippage to 1.03%. You'll need to save some of your ETH for gas to make the tx, use fast amount

>> No.21315246

Anyone else notice how STA threads are full of newfags asking how uniswap works? What the fuck is going on? Is this some kind of shill tactic?

>> No.21315264

>Not getting stellar lumens - currently at 10 cents a pop
Who else /moon/

>> No.21315284

best roi in crypto history
in a way, it has already outpace Link

>> No.21315286

This dude gets it.

>> No.21315336

Nah desktop only for this stuff (unless coinbase coin purchasing with my bank)

Alright the browser extension is installed.

Now it is asking

New to MetaMask?

1.No, I already have a seed phrase
Import your existing wallet using a 12 word seed phrase

2. Yes, let’s get set up!
This will create a new wallet and seed phrase

Obviously 2 yeah? Not some wallet on one of the other platforms? This is specifc only metamask? Sorry guys but I'm no computer expert and doing my best to follow how advanced you all are. Most tech saavy with coin was mining Dogecoin on this desktop like 7 years ago haha.

>> No.21315359

it's the start of the next bullrun, led by DeFi

>> No.21315360

Mate it’s so simple. The volume of transactions in the pool is down to the deflationary mechanics of STA. thats it. It really is that simple mate. Put a folio together without STA and look at the volume. It’s nothing. Volume generates fees, you get rewarded.

The best ideas are the simplest ones.

>> No.21315369

You can buy it in hotbit

>> No.21315414

2 yes, write your seed phrase down securely
then this

>> No.21315468

Bro the funny part is we wont have to wait 4+ years to reach the moon on this one KEK with the Golden Bull Run around the corner this one is a no brainer. Moon mission literally in months. This time next summer well be zipping fine champagne and slaying 10/10qt Thots.

>> No.21315503

it was p much like this towards the end of 2017

>> No.21315523

Ok do you recommend using 1password? It was one of the tips

Have the pass phrase written down

>> No.21315578
File: 974 KB, 1258x415, le 10 cent face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I think about it?

>> No.21315580

What wallet site can I buy this from?

Honestly I only use coinbase.

>> No.21315604

How did you discover this board?

>> No.21315612

i dont even know what you mean by that

>> No.21315660


Is there a way to calculate this?

>> No.21315669


Where can I buy it from?

>> No.21315683

We need to bring back the Statera general threads that had all of the info posted

>> No.21315688

Probably Chico faggot crypto or .. one of the new you tubers trying to be edgy like that Wendy O Thot that was pimping out her sister lol Kek during the pandemic.

>> No.21315796

what was she doing with her sister?

>> No.21315801

It was a tip for storing the pass phrase. "1password"

Alright I'm on the Metamask ETH page. Going to send now from Coinbase

>> No.21315809

I need to add the general info to the pasta posts.

What is an index fund?

An index fund is a fund that can track and adjust a specified basket of underlying investments. In this case: BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzNhe5Hd0do)) [Open].

The rules are that these coins are set in a fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever a STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of STA is burned). You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY (https://medium.com/@stateraproject))

The power of STA is that the ripple effects of: (1) compounded fees/locked/pooled tokens, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token. Much like how BTC is out of Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

>> No.21315872

Cant wait untill the whales stop supressing the price. We get new holders all the time atleast, so once they are out we will moon hard like recently.

>> No.21315956
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>> No.21316002
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>> No.21316035

What the fuck did you just say to me you degenerate piece of filth? How dare you even look in my general direction you simpleton. You don't deserve to be in my general presence and you must now die immediately. Henceforth your ancestors will suffer immense pain and suffering due to you sheer ignorance. You are a glutton for punishment and I will deliver the pain. May you forever remain a poorfag

>> No.21316050

Wow, just 2 days away!

>> No.21316065

She posted a Twitter saying her sister needed to get married or something lol i forgot. And was inviting bros to hit up her bbq to meet her during a fucking Pandemic. Not bad looking she was cute from what i could tell. Tbh i like her channel she shills our biz memes and is getting a lot better at charts.

>> No.21316138
File: 11 KB, 245x345, 1596849748412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statera is not on Coinbase, so I'm not getting. Fuck that Uniswap scam shit. This is a fake coin.

>> No.21316162

Based as fuck, remember me from the early threads lad? Always posted with pic related.
Also here is an archive link to that holy bread

>> No.21316173

Dont listen to the Fud guys people are trying to shake you out so you can sell your bags. People fudded Sxp the same ways 2 weeks ago when it was $1.40 and wouldn't rise I listened to them and sold. I regret it now. Fudders just try and pick up your bags at a lower price.

>> No.21316242
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>> No.21316248

Fuck off Normie go back where you came from. Imagine buying the standard shit coins on Cuck Base..baka never going to make it. I bet you are too late for Chainlink too.. we will have feats on the shoulders of normies taking us to the top.

>> No.21316347

bet you paid a nice fat fee when you bought link at 16 too right

>> No.21316369

Hey new to this

Eli5 how do i buy uniswap on coinbase ?

Thanks strangers

>> No.21316424

we're all gonna make it

>> No.21316430

read the thread

>> No.21316438

Hello R*ddit

>> No.21316548

Aye. I Remember.

I miss all us talking about buying private islands and shit. God eh, BACK IN MY DAY.

And to think it’s only 3 months old or something. Just think what it’s going to be like people bullrun when there’s no supply. I don’t even mind going to work in the mornings, cause something tells me deep down, in a year from now I’ll have made it

>> No.21316635
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>> No.21316642

guys im getting scared this is the only fucking STA thread. I knew this was a fucking pump n dump pajeet shitcoin, FUCK I shouldve just bought more linkies.

>> No.21316684

The others got maxed out.

>> No.21316707

All the people brought back here by Link are noticing the Sta threads and want to get in early since they missed link, and of course they wouldn’t understand uniswap

>> No.21316716

There wont be breadcrumbs about STA becuase everything about STA is already known its all out in the open. STA doesnt have the same promise as link and might not succeed due to btc being a shitcoin but, ETH SNX and LINK are going to soar and what the fuck do you think happens to STA then you fucking brainlet?

>> No.21316768

whats the marketcap
I see volume is 1.5 million, lots of liquidity I'm sure

>> No.21316831

25ish mil

>> No.21316851

Over 20 million right now.

>> No.21317129

>I don’t even mind going to work in the mornings, cause something tells me deep down, in a year from now I’ll have made it
Based, me too. I now even do extra hours I normally wouldn't so I can buy even more statera.
Also, I really don't think an island is unrealistic if enough of us are serious about it.

>> No.21317263
File: 63 KB, 480x520, Statera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You idiot if ETH, SNX and LINK soar that will make STA soar.

I swear some of you guys IQ is just too low to understand Defi. Thats why you guys are late on ETH, SNX and LINK. For once in your life buckle down and do some research.

Its clear you guys have no idea how STA Deflationary Index works.

>> No.21317395

I’ll be buying one in SEA probably. You can get a lovely, decent sized one in the Philippines for a couple hundred thousand. Then build my mansion on it haha

>> No.21317449

why is this thing dumping so hard?

>> No.21317499
File: 27 KB, 795x488, Statera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Statera is just going to commit a repeat of its first pump.

It's the same people with the same mentality.

>> No.21317538

So basically I predict we're going to about .02 cents and then a long hold, maybe 3 months + and then a new pump to a higher love.

A listing is probably inevitable for this coin.

>> No.21317543

Alright so last noob question. I bought the STA, confirmed on etherscan. Now where exactly are they sitting?

Can't add it to binnance wallet, don't see it as an asset on metamask.

Don't laugh anons, you do realize when things get simpler, you all win and get richer.

I consider myself very patient and will figure something out where others will get frustrated being laughed at and just say fuck it and walk away.

>> No.21317547

Literally a chink scam

>> No.21317585

if its going to 2 cents i dont give a shit if imma become a bag holder Imma smack 100$ at it like no tomorrow.

>> No.21317628


you need to add the coin to meta mask

>> No.21317630


South African***

>> No.21317631

Whale with over 2.5 million STA at the beginning of today has been unloading. Hopefully he doesn't sell the entire bag.

Wallet address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xba11610e28406a4cd34d9e993edd9e7f2ea90d53#tokentxns

>> No.21317636

Steady hands boys....

>> No.21317639

No wait I'm sorry I meant .20

I think the lowest we'll see is .13

>> No.21317725


copy statera contract on Etherscan
paste contract in the the "add custom token" section on metamask.


>> No.21317786

A lot of projects already out there tryna outdo link or ride on the shine of link is quite cool but I think everyone will need to chill out

>> No.21317821

omg guys its over

>> No.21317843

Done, there it is. Thank you!
Impressed how clean all of this is

>> No.21317853


>> No.21317890

Add custom token on metamask reddit spacing faggot.

>> No.21317906


>> No.21317924

>swapping to ampl

>> No.21317931

Thanks got it from anon above. There added now. Learned about Uniswap today.
Now time to gigslave on Ubereats so I can keep on adding cash to these tokens. I don't go home until minimum $150. It's easy to even make 200-300 in 8 hours. Getting paid to bike, exercise, and look at pretty girls downtown.

Cheers anons

>> No.21317964

exit scam soon

>> No.21317971


>> No.21317984

boys boys don't mind the drop. This is going to pump right before the refund. Just get off this shit hole website and come back in a year rich rich

>> No.21317995

Signal that money can't buy you a brain. LOL at trading STA for SCAMpl.

>> No.21317999

kek this dump
STA $0.02 eow

>> No.21318001

Haha thank you, got it from above. Reddit is cucked, I'm not on there

>> No.21318033


>> No.21318051

this drop is actually perfect
already at 0.2, if it hits <0.1 i will literally drop 10k on it

>> No.21318086

cheers anon, don't worry about the dip and you'll make it. Idk if you read about it yet but we had a balancer pool exploit and crashed below a cent. This project is so strong.

>> No.21318094

The storm is brewing for AMPL right now. Massive 600+ ETH buys last night, whales filling bags.

>> No.21318137

Holder ath is still getting broken each hour. We are going to moon hard once the whale is out.

>> No.21318147

me as well. Everyone was crying about how they hadn't got in earlier. Well anon now is your chance is this pumping to a $1 EOM

>> No.21318158

>Is this some kind of shill tactic?
holy shit youre right anon, unloading my bags right fucking now.

>> No.21318169

what do you mean by holder ath is getting broken?

>> No.21318193

go back

>> No.21318194

Checked. And blame some rich ching chang chong for the dip. Also, buy more.

>> No.21318219

More people owning STA

>> No.21318222

it means hes shitposting

>> No.21318236

ath means at the hill, doesnt make sense in that sentence lol, put more effort in your shills

>> No.21318252

There is an increasing amount of new holders and new wallets happening everday.

>> No.21318254

All Time High, dumbass

>> No.21318273

whatever lol, this coin is shit anyways going to sell if it goes below 0.18

>> No.21318298
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Obviously theyre going to fucking exit scam when the refund hits. anyone saying otherwise is shilling and trying to take your bags, run the fuck away anons. this shit is a pajeet scam

>> No.21318315

And I'll happily buy them, because this thing is going to the moon long-term.

>> No.21318325

> Sell a dip
> at the hill

Fucking stupid

>> No.21318340

just because i dont know things doesnt make me stupid

>> No.21318342
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i bet newfags will say this is just the first sell off, but if u compare this to the meme graphic statera is unironically going to 0

>> No.21318356

ooh, selling the bottom, amazing plan anon

>> No.21318365

>Devs hold 3.1%
What are they going to do?

>> No.21318380
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>> No.21318389
File: 52 KB, 738x551, staterapool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoon feeding

Let’s assume that for one day every cryptocurrency stays flat except ETH. What would happen?

1. The value of Delta will go up and the 50:50 ratio would be out of sync, ETH would need to be sold and STA bought to keep the locked in split. This causes STA to burn

2.The Phoenix fund is 30% ETH and 40% Delta. It would then need to sell both assets and buy wBTC, Link and SNX to keep the predetermined asset weights. So now both Delta and Phoenix are back in balance, but it doesn’t stop here

3.As Phoenix sold Delta there is a negative impact on the price, but the actual quantity of ETH and STA inside of it didn’t change after the point 1. As a result, it would be beneficial to unmint Delta to realise the full value of the underlying assets. This unminting process causes STA to burn. Something like this is generally done by arb bots.

4.But now as some STA has been burnt there is upward price pressure and the inverse of point 1 happens. STA is now sold to buy ETH, causing STA to burn. Initially this may not be significant but as supply decreases the impacts of this will get bigger.

5.Point number 4 means that the value of Delta has changed, which means Phoenix needs to sell Delta and so the cycle goes back to point 2
Please note, that the impacts of point 4 and 5 are probably too small to see this early in the project but it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

now think there is zero chance that ETH is the only asset to move in price for the day. THEY WILL ALL MOVE.

Now think how many indexs Statera will be putting out.

Now think how many indexs Statera will be putting out on platforms like balancer (yes balancer will not be the only one.

Multiple indexs on multipls platforms different pools using the Delta coin.

STA will be the most used coin in Defi soon.


TL:DR for the mentally impaired annons.

In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume farming"

>> No.21318406

0.16, told u guys lmao, gonna sell this shit

>> No.21318421

Literally 1 guy that got in early that is selling.

>> No.21318434
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youre retarded, the devs hold 3.1% but will refund after a "hack"

the hack is fake, they schemed this all along and they got themselves hacked and will refund themselves and then dump that shit.

retard faggot

>> No.21318447

im gonna find him and tell him he ruined our lives ffs whats wrong with him?? goddamn i hate chinks so much

>> No.21318467

You are literally retarded.

>> No.21318469

You're not going to financially recover from putting $40 into a shitcoin?

>> No.21318473

it's like I'm in a plane that is about to crash and the person next to me is explaining why logically the plane is actually staying in the sky

>> No.21318512

what is good exchange for ameriamutt

>> No.21318531

This is the same poster that 3 years from now is gonna shit post about how "you got lucky"

>> No.21318532

fuck you guys you told me this was the new link i cant believe u guys backstab other frens like that man not cool... wtf im shaking

>> No.21318548

Funny thing is that it isn't even the whales dumping, I think it's the dolphins.
Unless I'm not paying attention to etherscan properly.

>> No.21318550

look up "ponzi scheme" and read the Wikipedia article

>> No.21318572

Fee Fi Fo Figger
I smell a stinky nigger

>> No.21318574

literally every coin and stock is a ponzi scheme
welcome to life

>> No.21318589

Damnit I want to get more eth to buy the dip but I hit my card's daily limit on kikebase

>> No.21318593
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Should I exit at a 50$ Loss and run home with my .25 ETH ? Tell me now frens

>> No.21318600

He's the number 5 wallet that is dumping total whale

>> No.21318605

Do think a balancer is a ponzi?

>> No.21318611

Feels good dumping on a bunch of reddit newfags.

I SHIT on all of you. How does it feel to take a hot steaming load on all of your faces? Thanks for the easy pump and dump faggots.

>> No.21318646

Im literally trying to sweep up as much as I can as this whale is taking profit from his 10x.

>> No.21318652

I recently got into crypto and don't have a lot of cash to put into it as i live in a shitty eastern european country, this shit is like 50% of my total portfolio

>> No.21318666

My profits will thank your paper hands

>> No.21318675

Well, no, some tokens actually have utility, like say LINK and PNK. STA is literally just "it'll make you rich if you stake early."

>> No.21318677

this is why none of you are going to make it. Please sell. Please. Im begging you

>> No.21318679

>nothing else
>checks market value

>> No.21318694

Have fun at 0

>> No.21318729

or her

>> No.21318736

sold all my sta just now, no one here will make it probably

>> No.21318744

which is literally a ponzi lmao fucking suckers.

still have a 1k suicide stack tho not gonna lie bought at 5 cents so im comfy as fuck when this actually does turn out to be big.

doubt it tho fucking ponzi shit

>> No.21318756

You should and then buy back in in 30-40 days.
I'm expecting it to repeat itself with a massive spike and then selling.

>> No.21318775

god I need to colonize a black cutie just one time

>> No.21318776
File: 2.85 MB, 540x540, 1AEF7005-D3D1-45DC-BF1C-F67A0F19B715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Pnk will be at $1 soon.

>> No.21318818
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>all this fud
Cant wait for the posts on saturday that fell for the fud and sold.

>> No.21318830

top addresses aren't even selling is the thing, just wait till it goes sub 10 then buy back in slowly

>> No.21318849

screencapping your post and i will make a thread with pic attached, cant wait to tell you told you this shit is going nowhere

>> No.21318851

Meh, still hodling

>> No.21318868

>it'll make you rich if you stake early."
So like an index fund?

>> No.21318915


The breakdown of the Token usuage is above. scroll up friend.

STA is instant wealth in about 3 months.

>> No.21318921

You guys really believe this is going anywhere?

>> No.21318939

Ill do the same thing.

>> No.21318944

what are you talking about the person selling is THE TOP wallet

>> No.21318953

this just in: sometimes lines look like other lines.

Its like you fucks are trying to get people to sell or something

>> No.21318958

Though I wish I had some funds left to load up more cheap STAckers

>> No.21318960
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>> No.21318966

don't even bother it'll cost you 20 usd to move that eth anyway.

>> No.21318984

0.15 now, changed ur mind yet? we are going to 0 lol

>> No.21318995
File: 5 KB, 220x229, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even sell it if i wanted, the fee would cost just as much as my whole shitty STAck, FUCK IT I'M HODLING SEE YOU AT TOP BROS

>> No.21318994

rank 5

>> No.21319000


>> No.21319007
File: 22 KB, 1402x513, 362D4A1A-B614-4A13-B50F-09F7C91D0DEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you broke bitch.


>> No.21319012


how the fuck do you buy back in slowly with $20 gas fees ? What do you buy with, ETH?

>> No.21319028

team selling their token, exit scam
no github activity since weeks

>> No.21319054

it looks like your ID is I cash out

>> No.21319062
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>> No.21319067

No weird when the rank 5 wallet is suppressing the price. You will see on saturday.

>> No.21319076

Lol .16 still above ath from months ago. Refund not even out. You were crying for sub 25 cent yesterday. Here you go. Lol but it's red so they scared now...jesus

>> No.21319082

i sold btw, it was at a -50% loss but atleast it wont go to 0 and lose all my stack lol, cya guys

>> No.21319114

Why does this cunt cash out before the refund what the fuck nigger

>> No.21319115

If you don't sell right now you will hold for 2 months

>> No.21319118

I'll say it again:
STA $0.02 eow

>> No.21319121

Welp I'm like $270 loss atm with 4k STA

It's going even lower than yesterday's dump gundamnit

>> No.21319150

Just hodl, it will pump again. Probably Friday/Saturday

>> No.21319153

I'm ok with this

>> No.21319164

You get it fren.

>> No.21319165

someone explain how this is down 50% when LINK is up 20% and every other token it is made up of is up

>> No.21319171

what refund are you talking about?

>> No.21319208

>you will hold for 2 months
Omg 2 months, how will I survive for two more months

>> No.21319211


Gonna hate seeing this shit dwindle below .10 and become like a third of my input, but it will inevitably rise back to ~.20+ and get me back my money

>> No.21319213

Fuck it's going back up. This is what I get for being greedy and trying to wait for it to get even cheaper.

>> No.21319251

I am so fucking glad you guys fud and the based whale suppressing just for me so i can buy some more once i get my refund

>> No.21319256

im buying now

>> No.21319263

Don't worry it will dump another 25% in about an hour.

>> No.21319288

thx for the cheap bagz

>> No.21319299

Has Whale Number Five been responsible for this whole crash from ATH all along?

>> No.21319305

>pink id
Buy PNK if you respect almighty KEK.

>> No.21319312

Still can’t buy due to cuckbase cucking my transaction, I’ll end myself.

>> No.21319326


>> No.21319337

Because Thanos liquidity isnt big enough yet to counter a massive whale profit taking.
T.700k+, not worried, not selling before 10$+

>> No.21319381

A whale is dumping his 2,1 mil tokens

>> No.21319389
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>> No.21319488

I feel u man $200 loss here just gtfo

>> No.21319534

has that dude finished dumping all his coins already? anything else going on?

whats the refund about?

>> No.21319565
File: 93 KB, 633x724, 0.4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anon did you fall for the fud and sold?

>> No.21319588

Lol yes. You know you are early when 1 whale can do this :)

>> No.21319604

Never sell and you'll never lose

>> No.21319606


>> No.21319648
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>> No.21319650

Listen boys. Old fag here.
Go take a look at the charts for LINK from a year ago
then look at the threads during that time
all the same shit you are seeing right now
goes up 50% and
>wow can't believe I bought the fud and didn't get in where can I buy a cheap rope
goes down 50%
>fuck this scam. can't believe I fell for this Ponzi

just relax anon and enjoy the ride you'll make it

>> No.21319688

You know you’re early when it hits 0

>> No.21319712

Just got another 25k @ $.17. Thanks based dumper.

>> No.21319720


>> No.21319729

Nope, he had about 2,6 mil, still has 2,1 mil left

>> No.21319805

24hr trading volume just started to tick back upwards, this is bouncing back to .3

>> No.21319823

so hes probably gonna wait til it pushes back up to .3~.4 and re-dump
pretty smart

>> No.21319850

Phew, back to .20. Are we gonna be ok?

>> No.21319889

If you panic sold you will never make it

>> No.21319997

Thanks fren!

>> No.21320002

>bought 2m at 0.1
>sells 2m at 0.4
>$600k profits

>> No.21320085

the second eth 2.0 comes out this shit will explode, if you're selling now you're a fucking retard

>> No.21320096

Fuck me and here I am getting upset about potentially losing $40 fuck my shitty life lol

>> No.21320100

Price predictions for what my 26k stack will be worth in November?

>> No.21320115

>Are we gonna be ok?
Yes, we always were. Its good when whales starts unloading so new people buy them up. Makes it more spread out and harder to crash

>> No.21320138

lmao chainlink took a year to get to that point, also it isnt literally a pajeet pump n dump coin, try again anon.

PNK is the new LINK

>> No.21320145

the whale who was dumping still has a fat stack. probably he's going to routinely suppress the price every time it hits a certain mark.

too bad this isn't one of those coins that has a balancer pool that counteracts whales fucking with the price, I hear those things are like magic and totally protect the price from dropping

>> No.21320169

If you don’t sell this dead cat bounce then idk what to tell you. Kek wills

>> No.21320182

Volume went up 500k in like 5 minutes.

>> No.21320207

Exactly this. Especially when the whales are smart and do it slowly unlike with ampl where it practically killed the project.