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21301595 No.21301595 [Reply] [Original]

I just dont understand the parabolic movement for an erc20 token. oh wait it must 2017 again and you know what that means

>> No.21301627

>I just dont understand


>> No.21301630

hey bud just dropped in to say that you have a very low IQ.

>> No.21301675

It’s not an erc20 token

>> No.21301702

>2017 again
>everything is red except LINK

>> No.21301714
File: 139 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200812-093326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes it is

>> No.21301732


it literally is a erc20 token.

>> No.21301767

It's an ERC-677
That info is wrong

>> No.21301820

The LINK token is an ERC677 token that inherits functionality from the ERC20 token standard and allows token transfers to contain a data payload. It is used to pay node operators for retrieving data for smart contracts and also for deposits placed by node operators as required by contract creators.

>> No.21301890

LINK is the mark of the beast. Someone sacrificed some children to Moloch and Satan. No other explanation for the pump. Its a scam token from day 1.

>> No.21301927
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You had 3 years

>> No.21302019

Yea I know the euphoria of hitting 10k net worth

>> No.21302302

link is shit with no adoption. i know why its pumping, because you all fell for the meme.

an oracle is really fast and easy programmed by any other DLT-Project and in case you need it and program it, you dont have any hassle with 2nd shittoken called. LINK.

Think about why many projects dont have oracles, its just literally not needed, and if its needed, its programmed really fast.

LINK is literally the meme of the early crypto-shitmarket where memes, near to religious shittalk and whales come together. kind of "robbery" on another level.

be warned, you'll get all pissed on, newfags. I've seen such p'n'd with many other coins, antshares is one of them.

>> No.21302334

Yea I know. It's all hype and memes. It will crash no doubt

>> No.21302349

If its 2017 all over again that means we’re going to 10x from here

>ans->neo made it to 140

>> No.21302438


Every year forever

>> No.21302661

>it must be 2017 again
But Link is the only top coin mooning.
In 2017 literally everything was mooning.

Copety cope.

>> No.21302756

erc token

>> No.21302824

The token is merely the medium of exchange/staking.
Chainlink is a network of oracles, which are inherently off-chain.

Maybe you should do at least some research. Maybe then you won't miss out any more than you already have.

>> No.21302831

When is the sell point/whale signal? I don't want to get memed again.

>> No.21302971

yea a network of oracles for a platform whose only use is to make new tokens and pump n dump them.

>> No.21303045

When Chainlink is trending worldwide on twitter and major news outlets are doing explainer articles. Then you get out

>> No.21303092

>a platform whose only use is to make new tokens
That's exactly why Chainlink exists: to allow smart contracts to use external data so they can finally do more than make new tokens.

Also, Chainlink is blockchain agnostic.
It can use all smart contract platforms, not just ETH.

You really, honestly, truly have ZERO clue what any of this is about.

>> No.21303169

why is this? isn't this when retard money is coming in even more?

>> No.21303207

You answered your own question, anon.

>> No.21303334

why is retard money bad? money is money that is inflating market cap

>> No.21303372

Zoom out. You literally just have to hold you dumb faggot. Greedy fucks like you who chase 10% moves by gambling their golden tickets were never meant to make it.

>> No.21303421

all you are saying is buzzwords doesnt change the fact that its a scam. same level as xrp

>> No.21303456

>hurr ETH only makes tokens

>Chainlink allows ETH to do more

>durrr buzzwords

>> No.21303485

keep drinking that koolaid boy. and never sell

>> No.21303492

Top fucking kek

>> No.21303535

>I just dont understand the parabolic movement
LINK is huge as an oracle. TMobile has adopted it. Other companies will follow. You are so early that LINK doesn't even have a wikipedia yet.

>> No.21303553

>keep drinking that koolaid
Said the faggot dying of thirst.