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File: 1.49 MB, 6793x3682, british-flag-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21299881 No.21299881 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else ditching their country when they make it?

>High taxes
>Major cities look like Pakistan with sprinkles of Mogadishu, immigrants are incredibly rude and hostile to most of the population
>Refugees flood daily, they are all put in four star hotels and handed tax payer money weekly, they will literally never work in their lives
>Muslim grooming gangs have raped tens of thousands of girls as young as 12 (seriously google it)
>Refugee beheaded a 5 year old months ago, no marches or coverage
>Weak and pathetic police force will let brown people do literally anything while arresting Whites for transphobic Tweets
>All this with a Conservative government, it will be 10x worse with leftists in power
I really need to leave this shithole.

>> No.21299900

Where will go

>> No.21299911

I'm going to estonia
Australia can fuckin sink in the ocean

>> No.21299942

Yeah, moving to somewhere in eastern Europe, the US is a sinking ship and I'll lose everything to reparations for joggers at this rate anyway

>> No.21299977

how do you stupid mentally ill cunts actually believe this shit?

>they are all put in four star hotels and handed tax payer money weekly

are you all as stupid as the curries you're pretending to hate? fuck off and die

>> No.21299994

US is still better than 90% of the world. Move to the northwest. Rural Oregon, Idaho, Alaska. Stay home white man.

>> No.21299999

Are you American? The US is by far the worst country in the world next to maybe South Africa and the DRC kek

>> No.21300008

Interesting you focus on that, but have nothing to say about the rape gangs and massive ethnic shift of the country

>brown ID
of course

>> No.21300010

Is it hard to move to Estonia? I am also Anglo-Australian. I'd like to visit Japan, New Zealand, and some Pacific Island's. Not sure I could live overseas as I like to think I would defend my country from an armed Chinese invasion and can also defend my country politically by voting for Pauline 'I've got the guts to say what you're thinking' Hanson.
When I make it, I'll move to Queensland.

>> No.21300012

Britain is fucked.

No future other becoming turd world brownoid shithole.

The funniest part is that since brown pypo cannot run a functioning high trust society they will just find somewhere else to ruin after Britain becomes a dump lmao.

>> No.21300017

what does any of this have to do with amerikkka? i live in australia.

>> No.21300022

Buying my parents a countryside place probably on the south coast, and getting myself a villa in Portugal. I mean, that’s when I make my multiple millions of course

>> No.21300031

get rich and move to singapore (they wont take you otherwise)
paradise on earth, I should be moving there hopefully next year. There is no opportunity left in the UK for young people, whether it be employment, safety/security or raising the next generation in general

>> No.21300043

It depends what your goals are.for as much hate as USA gets here it does have good places to go off grid

>> No.21300063

I mean I love the US but 2020 has been pretty rough and beaners are flooding my rural community in the mountains right now. I'll look into other areas though.

>> No.21300066

Checked, quints of truth.

>> No.21300069

Nah you anglos stay where you are. The world already took you in and you wound up killing everyone. No more.

>> No.21300071
File: 884 KB, 475x590, praise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

born into a depreciating povvo seaside town
gonna move to portugal and take my family with me when i make it

>> No.21300074


>> No.21300078

At the moment yeah, but you can apply for digital E citizenship, hold that for a few years before going. Need to pick it up in person in the ACT though

This gubment isn't getting fuckin shit from me

>> No.21300084

you are describing germany but added a british flag as image, I am confused OP

>> No.21300096

wtf do i know you? i've been planning to do this for a while and telling all the australians i know to do the same

>> No.21300139

there's no conservative party in germany you brainlet

>> No.21300141

whiny faggot. leave and get rekt when whatever shithole you go to can't compete.

>> No.21300203

Having been there briefly, the level of TECHNOLOGY in everything is amazing, but I'm not sure I could handle the constant hot, humid climate.

>> No.21300235

Portugal doesnt want ur racist asses.. We racist free land .. Dont bring white chavvie trash we dont have enough bins..

>> No.21300336

Laters fuckstick. You don't deserve to be here anymore than the rapefugees, you coward. A country is it's people and the people belong to the land. Run if you want but you will NEVER belong anywhere but your native lands. Citizenship is a meaningless concept, only being native maters.

>> No.21300338
File: 5 KB, 301x167, estonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another future estonian chad

> low, flat, 20% personal income tax
> no corporate tax on reinvested profit or if you live there
> cheap as fuck
> easy immigration
> hot women
> crypto/tech friendly

>> No.21300417

stop reading the daily mail you fucking ukip voting moron

>> No.21300448

They give you a digital nomad visa if you make >3.5k eur

>> No.21300479
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If Brits were willing to put bullets into the head of every leftist politician and muzztard then I'd be all for it, but they aren't. They just vote for the same establishment parties which will never stop mass immigration.

>> No.21300533

LOL he is right in what he says, just a coward for leaving. There are foreigners everywhere even in rural Devon. It is a joke and multiculturalism is cancer. The only con is using % instead of pure numbers because the native population has not declined, we are very much being overcrowded and pushed out of communities though. This whole situation stinks and we need to kick out 300 million non-native twats including half of parliament. Better yet a revert to full monarchy, everything since Cromwell has been a mistake. This country should never be multicultural and the natives at a minimum deserve reservations. Fuck this shit. Only cowards flee though. If you are not native then your opinion does not matter. CivNats get the rope too.

>> No.21300548

Oh, it's worse than that OP

>Economic decline and inflation
>Enormous personal and public debt
>Import more than we export
>Nosedive in pound sterling
>Evisceration of the education system and grammar schools
>Younger generations have literally no idea of their culture, identity and history, of what it even means to be British, they only know nauseating "lad culture" and raves
>Thousands of students with useless degrees and no skills who end up as wageslaves in a low wage economy
>Failing criminal justice system, overflowing prisons, crime rates skyrocketing, major cities and towns are hotspots of violent crime
>Criminals are neither prosecuted nor punished
>Powerless police who chase crime instead of preventing it
>Cities are unlivable to most of society; inhabited by the very rich and the very poor, ghettos of immigrants who didn't integrate, fragmented society
>Uncontrolled mass immigration and overpopulation, transformation to a failed 'multicultural' society, general discontent
>Islamisation of society with no foreseeable end, large radical minority
>Loss of Christian faith, multiculturalism and socialism have filled the void
>Feeble and toothless monarchy
>Collapse of marriage and the stable family, high divorce rates, single mothers
>NHS reaching its limits, patients left for dead in emergency rooms
>Flight of capital (namely doctors)
>Waves of unending Islamic terrorist attacks
>Imminent breakup of the union
>Foreign ownership; slaves to Saudi, America and China (the latter, a Communist dictatorship which we've newly granted access to our data infrastructure)
>Deadlock 'democracy'; two Socialist left-wing parties completely out of touch with the population
>State power increasing, personal liberties decreasing
>Weak minded population enslaved to the state, distracted by consumption, entertainment and drugs

>> No.21300620

It is more than that. The entire democratic system needs to come down and we need full monarchy. Even the 'conservatives' are mostly lefty now and foreigners. It will happen eventually or we will get reservations, the natives are slowly digging their heels in and have had enough. Shit like distracting from the hundreds of thousands of legal migrants with a few thousand illegals is just another bullshit tatick of the elite,they are desperate to quell the rising hate for non-natives... this includes 'white' Europeans, they still do not belong here.

>> No.21300651

Is that you , Hitchens ?

>> No.21300674

>full monarchy
NOT the Wettins... A real native one. Most likely balkanize into kingdoms. The Empire was a Jewish venture.

>> No.21300690

>Refugee beheaded a 5 year old months ago
QRD or source?

>> No.21300691

I live in Canada and realized I could get a UK ancestry visa.
>Oh boy! Life in the UK as a software developer
>lets look at jobs and salaries in london
>fucking 30-50k pounds a year
>still have to live in one of the most expensive cities on the planet
>literal rape gangs
>constant surveillance

How did the UK get so shit so quickly, the US seems on that path too. The pay is fucking trash for anything besides cock sucking in finance.

>> No.21300704

Glorious, not too long until we crash and burn, then we can rebuild.

>> No.21300739
File: 411 KB, 719x782, 1550880236435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in Canada
where abouts?
SW On (not in a city) here

>> No.21300825
File: 90 KB, 989x556, EWAuRtNWoAAEEqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is cheap... Except housing because of the migrants. We pay less for food and white goods than burgers.

Money does not matter though, it is better off to be poor in your native land than rich in someone else's. Pioneer stock chose their path centuries ago and left, you no longer belong here, those that did died trying to survive in the colonies. IF you are not from the founding stock of Canada/America then fair enough. Supermarkets allowed anybody to move anywhere but it also meant they never adapted to belong there so you don't.

>> No.21300829

there isn't any in the UK either

>> No.21300873

What does /biz/ think of Switzerland?

>> No.21300940

Almost as bad as Israel. Do not trust the Swiss CIA/Bankers/Papal asset.

>> No.21300961

>The world already took you in
>invaded and colonized literally the world

>> No.21300992


>> No.21301005
File: 225 KB, 802x1041, 1539753425113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really we deserve this for not siding with Hitler.

>> No.21301084

The UK is the most fucked country in Europe.
The french at least despise multiculturalism and the americans have a lot of space and guns+free speech, but here we have neither.

Once boomers die this country is over, we're stucked on an island with filtht ugly brown immigrants breeding like rats with the most oppressive thought police on the planet.

>> No.21301155

Yep. Moving to rural Mexico ranch within the next 5 years (got land there) already 1200% up and alt season is just starting so at this rate won't take long

>> No.21301203

You are not welcome in Estonia

>> No.21301205

I'm Finnish, so Estonia is not far. How good is it for crypto? Is there like a list of crypto friendly countries?

>> No.21301210

This country is a joke, a parody of its former self.
No sense of community, girls are ugly ugly fish faced orange slags, wages are shit whilst cost of living is sky high, weather sucks, houses are tiny, taxes are high, immigration ruinous, food is bad, government are incompetent blah blah

>> No.21301275

>The French

>> No.21301342

>this includes 'white' Europeans, they still do not belong here.

Literally heaven on Earth. I went on holiday to Switzerland in summer 2015. Such a beautiful, clean, White country with gorgeous women. I unironically fell into a depression when I had to return to the UK. As soon as I arrived at Luton airport on a grey, grim day I felt a deep loathing as I was surrounded by an Indian family who reeked strongly of spice. Fuck man I need to learn Italian and German and move there.

>> No.21301403

The French love Houellebecq, they are all closet racists. Of course they have a vocal minority of fags just like here

>> No.21301408

yup. thinking about it. not giving the gov 30% or more of my fucking early retirement nestegg.

>> No.21301435

I've been to Zurich a couple of times. Last time, summer 2019, there were blaqs everywhere. I know major city is not representative of whole country but I was still disappointed. Is very beautiful otherwise.

>> No.21301443

I concur with every single word of >>21301342 regarding Switzerland. That was the first holiday that made me fully realise how shite the UK is.

>> No.21301492

Yes, this is my plan honestly. I’m from the US and plan to move to Europe. I already have a remote job and all I need is the capitol to make the move.

I have no hope for the US as no matter where I go diversity will follow. Even though parts of Europe is bad I have hope and know Europeans will take it back as they’ve always done. My ancestors came from England and Germany. I don’t want my future wife and kids living in a slowly dying nation with no identity or having anti white propaganda shaved down their throats.

Right now I’m really only wanting to move to northwest Europe. Starting with Britain since it’s an English speaking country and moving to any other country if that doesn’t work.

>> No.21301514

40% if you trade regularly, 20% if not. Either way they can fuck off. I am willing to pay tax (begrudgingly) on income but capital gains tax is literal theft.
I took a risk buying internet monopoly money, I had the balls to make these trades... it's not like a job, why the fuck do I owe a penny to the tax man when the tax man had no stake in my potential loss? It is completely morally wrong.

>> No.21301549

I’ve been all over the world and pretty much everywhere is a shithole. luckily none of you are going to make it so you don’t need to worry about that.

>> No.21301557

Be Me
British Computer Science Chad
Too hot to work in comp science
Trades Forex
Open offshore
Store money in offshore
Gamble like pajeet on technologically sound altcoins
Move to Singapore
Filthy Rich
Live Like King
Brit Family mad at me for living in asia
MFW im only 23.
Escaped British Poverty Hole

>> No.21301610

Il be gone too, I love the UK but it has gone way beyond repair. Immigration should have been controlled decades ago, the country is fucked

>> No.21301624

and then you woke up and saw the empty bottles and half-smoked blunt

>> No.21301670

Also your terrible English makes it clear you are a LARPing curry eater which is completely pathetic

>> No.21301699

>thinly veiled /britpol/ thread on /biz/.

I like it

>> No.21301715

I'm British, moving to Poland with my crypto gains and Irish (EU) passport, and will make money on the side as a flying instructor doing something I love.

>> No.21301736

checked for truth

>> No.21301913 [DELETED] 

I'd hate to leave the US - it might be the greatest singular piece of real estate that will ever exist in history - but a Vanuatuan passport might be a good asset to have if the political situation gets much worse.

>> No.21302023

how does it feel to have brown skin

>> No.21302084

What makes you think the Estonian population would accept you? What if shit really hits the fan? You'll always be the foreigner who doesn't speak the language. Having lived abroad, trust me: not speaking the language is a huge disadvantage.

But then again, what options do we have? I was personally thinking about Canada, NZ, Austria, or Switzerland, but CoL is a bit higher in those countries

>> No.21302091

For me its somewhere cheap and tropical like costa rica or SEA, build a hurricane proof house and fucking chill.. all these landlocked politics obsessed places are rotten. The first world is fucked

>> No.21302155

Right? Looking out the window of the train and seeing Swiss families hiking, rafting and cycling in the valleys was the biggest redpill of my life. This is how life is supposed to be. The UK is a multicultural dystopia.

>> No.21302271

Based. Also planning on moving to Poland when I make it. No EU passport but Polish gf so may be some way around that. Thinking of setting up a small business to get by.

>> No.21302327

Just moved to Wales, Anglo.
99% white here, everyone’s friendly.
Land is cheap. You can literally never work again and buy a mansion with with £1mil after taxes.

>> No.21302398

Dont tell them

>> No.21302463

We all need to pick a couple countries, so that we can stand together. I'm so tired of getting dabbed on by fuckin nogs in the u.s. I'm looking at Montenegro and Portugal. Both are geographically easy to defend, and both have low or no taxes on crypto.
No it's not. I live in Idaho, and while it is based rn, we are rapidly losing the demographics battle retard.

>> No.21302766
File: 35 KB, 500x500, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13% of the population are immigrants including both good, contributing immigrants, and free loaders.
>Whitey claims 13% somehow managed to fuck over the rest of the population which are white.
>Over 50% white British are on benefits - BUT MUH IMMIGRANTS ARE TAKING OUR MUHNEY
>OP totally not falling for a coordinated FUD by the government to cast societal and economic problem THEY CREATED towards a escape goat that are immigrants.
>Meanwhile bankers and owners big corporation are either getting bonuses, and bailouts.

>> No.21302954

>Meanwhile bankers and owners big corporation are either getting bonuses, and bailouts.
If I've learned one thing from this thread it's that retards always have bad grammar (probably because English isn't their first language)
Seriously, if you're trying to make a point it helps if you don't type like a five year old with learning difficulties

>> No.21302985

Mate are you trying to move to Europe for less diversity? You may be in for a bit of a surprise.

>> No.21303005

>escape goat
It's scapegoat, I'll let you off because mistakes like that are a diamond dozen.

>> No.21303038

>can't argue
>throw insults instead


>> No.21303054
File: 36 KB, 500x500, fad3d42f00dfb914ca1f9bf0137b9b27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13% is huge. Especially since they're concentrated in England and less in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, so actually it's higher than 13% in reality. Plus they're in metropolitan areas where most people live.

>Whitey claims 13% somehow managed to fuck over the rest of the population which are white.

>Over 50% white British are on benefits
The native population is entitled to be on benefits. It's their country.

>The bankers the bonuses!
Kek you are literally a meme. Fuck off paki and go learn how to write English properly. Entitled piece of shit goblin underage scrounger.

>> No.21303055
File: 651 KB, 734x840, rica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to costa rica when I make it.

>> No.21303081

How much net worth do I need to move there?

>> No.21303113

Not sure how I insulted you Sanjay, I was merely posting memes popular around these parts.

>> No.21303192


>> No.21303210
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t. brown

>> No.21303294

what back in 1995?

>> No.21303360

"The native population is entitled to be on benefits. It's their country."

>Literally staring at the problem

Didn't know I was dealing with idiots who can't piece an easy puzzle here.

"Kek you are literally a meme. Fuck off paki and go learn how to write English properly. Entitled piece of shit goblin underage scrounger."

>Literally ignoring facts.


>> No.21303440

If you get a good accountant, it can indeed be written off as gambling.

But the problem comes trying to cash out. Hmrc gets notified and then you have to explain it, and the onus is on you

Malaysia might finally accept btc as currency. So you can just go there and btc-monero-btc-buy house and be good. If you’re from the UK. Malaysia isn’t hard to go to, and the major cities are pretty damn nice. Avoid the north east territory, it’s all terrorists

>> No.21304141
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The problem here is that you only see the message and not the reality; my wife's grandmother escaped Germany during that time and it wasn't as you would think for normal Germans; same as South American countries concentrate money into the hands of the few it was the same then. The problem is weak minds looking for a easy win (like race) and not focusing on progress. The truth is if you can't make it now you never would. It's your plight to be a bump in history; nothing more.... You can always get with like minded ppl and massage each others fantasy like Confederate southerner's in America. It works out pretty well

>Praise my wisdom; I give it freely to the foolish and the clever

>> No.21304691

Have you been to the US? It doesn’t take a scientist to understand that the US has much more diversity than Europe.

England is still what at least 85% white, the US overall is around 60% and prolly lower

Either way it’s about the long term. Long term the US is going to shit, Europe will have its issues but will get through this and recover. Europeans actually take action while Americans sit back, worship Muh constitution and expect some fucking civil war to kick of them they might do something.

>> No.21304989

The state of this country is very sad

>> No.21305186

I want to be become a jap desu

>> No.21305310

In the UK just for career reasons. Will move back to Italy in a few years to start a family. Fuck raising kids in this country

>> No.21305788

It's just living in London that is intolerable, fuck knows why my parents moved here.

Just move literally anywhere else and you can buy a nice house in a pleasant area.