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21294692 No.21294692 [Reply] [Original]

If money isnt everything and look also not, what is it????

>> No.21294731

Grass is always greener, the only thing that matters is your capability to generate wealth. In other words: you should have maxed out your luck stat before you were born.

>> No.21294755

That's a man though.

>> No.21294808

Kill all commies

>> No.21294826

>I am a model I never been ugly in my life, so let me tell you, based on my experience, which is an experience 99% of humans never experience, why it’s not everything
Dude people who actually saw the title and clicked on it, should be 100% bluepilled
It’s almost the same as how rich fucks tell others that money is not everything and poor people actually agree with them.

>> No.21294838

the most important skill in life is the ability to cope very good

>> No.21294854

Imagine looking like Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg. All that money and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.

In this world beauty isn't everything. It's the only thing.

>> No.21294964

>believe me, i've never been ugly in life

>> No.21295137

This, I hope she gets into a car accident

>> No.21295144

Only people who have either say you need neither.

>> No.21295171
File: 19 KB, 355x414, D6A3EA87-56C4-4954-A9B3-937D486C1E66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s discipline. And none of you have it.

>> No.21295177

she'd still find a way to be condescending

>> No.21295181

This. Imagine being such a whiny crybaby bitching about something you have 0 control over (genetics). Might as well kill yourself at that point.

>> No.21295184 [DELETED] 

God what an arrogant cunt. I hope she gets raped by a pack of retarded gorilla niggers.

>> No.21295206

Meaning, Discipline, Creating. These things are far more important.

>> No.21295251

You know what is funny to me?
Is that poor fucks defend rich fucks statements about more money= more trouble, that it’s not happiness and people in comment section of that video (over 80%) INSISTING that what she said it’s true and confidence is everything and her message was beautiful, and they are ugly themselves.
Like what the fuck is that.
This is the saddest kinda cope I know of. To agree with rich and beautiful to think that good looks and money will cause trouble.
Normies are fucking dumb

>> No.21295261

Oof I wanna see that now so hot

>> No.21295271

Looks arent everything. If you knew this then you wouldn’t be an incel. With that being said, the girl has to look at least half decent.

>> No.21295286

It’s genetics and some of us don’t have it and some do have it.
And no I won’t cry over it, it is what it is.
But I don’t pretend that it’s nothing and it cause trouble and it’s not everything.
Instead I try to do surgery and implants to make myself look better.

>> No.21295311

>looks isn’t everything
>ye bro it’s so over rated...ye so overrated that people pay me millions to be in pictures

>> No.21295319

Alright Bog

>> No.21295333

skin colour is the only thing that matters. wpww 1488

>> No.21295349

>calls me a bog
>salivate whenever he sees a girl with boob and butt implants
Your attachment to your body is disturbing
Let go and become better

>> No.21295429

Everything is everything, you dolt.

>> No.21295452

Fuckin pajeet can even grasp the concept Kek. Kys

>> No.21295464

>t. literal retard

>> No.21295501

What concept?
That people agree with rich and beautiful Becuase they need to cope somehow?
That money and beauty is the best?
So they listen, and say shit like, “ye money is bad, it’s too much trouble, beauty is overrated” all I can see is bunch of people who lost on genetic lottery coping .
I lost too, but I won’t cope.
I am trying to make as much as I can to become rich and I try to do all the surgery I can do to become beautiful.

>> No.21295527

it's social skills

>> No.21296062

If you really lost then you are already coping because there's no way surgery is going to make a proper genetic loser beautiful. Not yet anyway. Plus you'll still have your bitter horrendous self esteem issues on the inside anyway.

Maybe when you're a little older you'll start to understand why, although money and looks are great, they aren't EVERYTHING.

Plenty of fuck ugly poor people in the history books.

>> No.21296240

There are alerady gene-editing companies in the world working on that. Money is fucking everything, not looks

>> No.21296352

>girls get boob jobs, attraction goes 10x
>girls get butt jobs, attraction goes 10x
>but if man get chin job and a lipo auction and maybe abit of muscle sculpting or implants he probably got self esteem issues and a pretty bad person and loser
Summs up your idea.
Cope is when you think beauty and money is not everything because you are so far gone to think that you can’t EVER achieve them, and that’s pretty bad
Me however, won’t agree and try my best to achieve both

>> No.21296353

t. blessed with Buddha brain

>> No.21296537

>Summs up your idea.
Your logic is dogshit.

>muscle implants and lipo
LMAO How about go to the gym you fucking failure.

>> No.21296724

How about being smart? Taking the easy way and won’t worry about shit you fucking wage cuck?
Plus my logic is much better than “hurt durr rich beautiful saying money and beauty ain’t shit...yep that’s it, so I won’t try to become rich or beautiful In anyway possible”
That’s “shooting yourself in foot” mentality
I worked out enough but I can’t have really big chest and arms.
So I go implants, ye say what you want.
But you won’t recognize me afterward.

>> No.21296791

Life itself is all that matters. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.21296800

>But you won’t recognize me afterward.
You're right because you'll still be a nobody.

>> No.21296828
File: 28 KB, 504x608, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worldly things are temporary only Christ and god is eternal and offers eternal life to those that love him

Give freely and more will be added to you :3

>> No.21296862

Cool bro.
Like I actually care a “muh easy way is bad” opinion.
I let a plastic surgeon work his magic.
You try going to gym and waste your time.
Imagine being born in a time were you can enjoy augumented beauty with a bit of cash but you refuse because you been brainwashed to deny the opportunities that make you look better
You prob gonna be the fag who denies memory implants because “not natural shit”

>> No.21296978

You should try augmenting your penis into a vagina. Doesn't seem like your testicles are doing much for you at the moment anyway.

>> No.21297010

Incel jokes
My testicles provide me with enough testosterone to don’t get into “cope” mentality and rather do everything I can to get what I want
I think that’s enough for me

>> No.21297028

Anyway, have fun with coping that beauty and money are overrated.
Enjoy being poor and ugly.
I go to sleep, you keep the seethe

>> No.21297083

Yeah... Good luck, bro.

>> No.21297173
File: 1.05 MB, 3264x2448, 1585974795216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A relationship with Jesus Christ. Amen

>> No.21297238
File: 968 KB, 1908x886, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21297279

it is simply being alive my friend
that is the true gift worth cherishing

>> No.21297286

The arrogance of some people. I don't blame her though. Her entire life she's received special treatment and she doesn't know what others go through. But fuck does she have hubris.

>> No.21297343

I agree, that's what stoicism is pretty much.

>> No.21297369

Maybe her face gets disfigured and she gets a clue.

>> No.21297373

Lol. He looks weak as fuck.

He wouldnt survive 2 months without food.

Meanwhile the average 200lbs American can survive 6 months without food and can beat him to a pulp because their muscles work hard to drag around all that weight.

Basically its pic related with a 60 pound weight vest. Who do you think is stronger?

Id rather eat steak than discipline.

>> No.21297395

This you, anon?

>> No.21297525

confidence and self actualization

>> No.21297710

>Just bee yourself bro

>> No.21297916


She's actually right though. Looking better or having money won't make me happier. I might be calmer and not have to work but I'll fundamentally feel the same things as I do now.

We acclimatise to whatever level of lifestyle we have very quickly. That's why we always want more and are never content. I can visualise myself in a comfy home with a nice computer, no stress or fear, good food but I would feel the same as I do now. I'd get bored, I'd daydream of better things. If I was a billionaire with a jet full of supermodels and literal tonnes of cocaine, I'd still want more. Better drugs, more respect, better women, better...

>> No.21298107

It won't make YOU happier but for a lot of people it would make them significantly and arguably objectively happier and better off.

>> No.21298163


>> No.21298326

reinforcing the idea that looks trump money

>> No.21298489

Luck and confidence. Unironically.
I knew fat ugly fuckers, who pulled mad pussy. I knew a 80 IQ idiot, who was making six figures. It's all God's will.

>> No.21298497

Even if they don't get me happiness I'd rather be unhappy and cry myself to sleep in a mansion or even a comfy apartment than in a shitty house shared with college students. Same with being a sad cunt vs an ugly sad cunt.

>> No.21298959

This. Sadly.
t. Genetic god in terms of looks but zero points in social skills

>> No.21299147


>> No.21299836

who gets more pussy though? and reddit spacing too kek

>> No.21300214

I love 'ED Talks

>> No.21300354

Someone that has experienced being good looking should know better than anyone what it's like.

>> No.21300360

faith in god

>> No.21300392

Attractive people usually have good social skills because everyone they met for their entire life instantly liked them and gave them the benefit of the doubt. Paradoxically they are the only people that don't need to have social skills, but they usually do anyway. It's a similar thing for rich people, where they have an arrogant sense of entitlement and swagger from how their father raised them, their maids and Nanny's treated them, and their private school education.

>> No.21300478

Money attracts jealousy - being able to ascend the social hierarchy is difficult because there are limited positions of power and those who control them will do whatever they can to hold onto that power.

>> No.21300717

Why get implants when roiding is simpler with better results?

>> No.21300960

I read 1000 pages + thousands of articles about roids.
It’s not gonna end well.
Though if I make it, I can get a lawyer, make a contract with a doctor who will put me under “hormone therapy” with weekly shots and blood tests.
That be great.
But implants are just an addiction. And anyone who think implants are bad is a pleb who don’t want Beauty or aesthetic.
Now You can’t that strength With implants and I am aware of that.
I am in army, excercise every day and fit. But I don’t have that sort of aesthetic that I want.
Plus I want my chin to be better.
Hell I may even go for some calf implants who knows.
Last time I checked, it cost me about 50k to do all the surgeries that I want.
I can literally do it right now, but I won’t.
Becuase I don’t want to spend the money when I could have invested it.

>> No.21301062

Yep good looks I definitely overrated, same for rich people and money, it just causes trouble.
Stay away people, these things are bad, never try to achieve them, let we humble people carry the burden and pain on our humble shoulders.

>> No.21301092

I know tons of people who have tons of money, but if you see them in streets they look like average joes.
Fame bring jealousy. Money bring jealousy only if you go around and dump it everywhere (99.99% of niggerrapers)

>> No.21301125


>> No.21301179

Also that person who is good looking would have been ok with minor “inconvenience” if she was able to live one fucking day as an average joe.
She would be “crying” herself to sleep and be depressed as fuck all day.
Next day she be dying to be pretty 10/10 again.
Then if she would be able to call beauty “overrated” I would have been agreed.

>> No.21301181

nothing is everything. many things make everything

>> No.21301215

Correction it’s not addiction I meant to say addition

>> No.21301249

This, people make fun of copers but it’s a good skill to survive this life.