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21291484 No.21291484 [Reply] [Original]

What caused that big LINK run? announcements soon?

>> No.21291537

Pretty sure it was just normies since it was done on a saturday and normies don't like BTC anymore or never liked ETH

>> No.21291732
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I wonder what is going to happen to LINK by now. I did so much stupid shit.

>> No.21291752
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I've gone to the proper authorities (congress) regarding this scam token.

>> No.21291768

Staking by the end of August

>> No.21291785
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look up who is speaking at smartcon

>> No.21291787

What’s staking

>> No.21291809

Literally who?

>> No.21291813

Someone hated Simeon, that's it.

>> No.21291839
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>> No.21291881

Imagine being named Moe.

People automatically associate you with an old timey slapstick retard and a suicidal cartoon bartender

>> No.21291883

Stinkers will tell you all about how it was the stellar shining fundamentals and iNsIdErS wHo KnOw sOmEtHiNg, but the truth is that it ran for the same reason anything else runs: because the right set of circumstances came together at the right time. Like, who knows, a whale or exchange did something that pushed price up, a bunch of shorts got mass-liquidated pushing it up further, then algos reacted, FOMO got triggered, people started talking, more FOMO, etc. etc.

There is no "cause." It's just retarded humans and bots tipping off dumb, self-perpetuating chain reactions. For the most part, that's all the crypto market ever is.

>> No.21291925

I have 100 link and unironically I don’t know anything about any of this

>> No.21291974

I think it's called uhhh
what's that word

>> No.21292433
File: 264 KB, 631x616, BB6E8E9D-EB96-4B4A-B219-7461D964DCAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
