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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 513 KB, 2756x1436, thanksbiz - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2128697 No.2128697 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, one of you came to /Pol and warned of the last chance to get < 20 dollar ETH.

It took me a week, but I got 60 ETH, and then started researching daily.

You literally gave me a 1000 percent return.

Avoid the shit coins, hodl the dips with legit coins, sell the crap (shadow coin I'm looking at you) and don't day trade.

Hands of steal and we'll all make it famalam.

>> No.2128723

Bud wud aboutha cumming dipp?

>> No.2128726


I'm also from /biz/, but somehow was warned in a similar fashion, something that peaked my interest. Ended up going in big leauge on ETH when it was ~$50. Which led me to the altcoin market, so on and so forth. I'm extremely ahead after being warned and I absolutely have a different view of money after making more in 2 months than 5 months on my wageslave job. I wish more of my brethren were awake to inherit the earth.

>> No.2128728


I'm happy to let my 2500 dollar initial investment ride.

>> No.2128734

(Sorry to be a shithead ITT, I'm proud of you OP and praise Kek, but it is a slight concern at least)

>> No.2128738


This isn't without potholes or traps, but when I see people bailing because of a 10 percent dip after a 200 percent pump... Dumb.

>> No.2128752
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I agree, I hear the magic number of BTC is 21 to be in some club. That is the goal. I'm basically there... I require more. I am becoming the JEW

>> No.2128767

>I agree, I hear the magic number of BTC is 21 to be in some club. That is the goal. I'm basically there... I require more. I am becoming the JEW

If you can't beat (((them))) join them.

>> No.2128768


>20 dollar ETH

But Polo lists 1 ETH as costing $124.

>> No.2128771

It was probably me as I try to shill eth on /pol/ from time to time. Remember that it's both in your interest and other to shill eth yourself. /pol/ is the perfect place to recruit.

>> No.2128781


I got on board in March.


Thank you friend. The thread said 'reminder this is literally your last chance to get eth <45 dollars.

I no longer frequent pol, only biz.

>> No.2128786

Yup I came here from pol as well Ive been into Bitcoin for a while and when I heard eth was the next Bitcoin from some dude on pol I came here and now I'm seriously going to become someone in life. All from a fucking business and finance board on an anime website

>> No.2128787

/pol/ here, bought about $250 worth of crypto because of you guys a month ago, thanks niggers now I'm at $600 and running

>> No.2128799

Anyone got a goal target in mind?

I'm thinking half a million...

>> No.2128819
File: 46 KB, 1020x925, 2017-04-17 21_59_56-Global Charts _ CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this one:

PSA: This will be your last chance at buying Ethereum before it explodes to 300 USD. Missed the bitcoin train? Don't fuck up this time.

Some info:

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (Microsoft, Intel, JP Morgan, Deloitte etc) are currently in the process of building decentralized applications (dApps) on top of Ethereum. All of this will increase the value of Ethereum by an absurd amount. Some of their prototypes will be released here:


Other Ethereum related news can be found here:

Monitor price here:

You can get Ethereum from coinbase or Kraken. Or buy bitcoins at localbitcoins.com and trade it for Ethereum on Poloniex. Visit /biz/ for general Ethereum discussion.

>> No.2128852


That's the one.

>> No.2128889

Whoever that faggot was that shilled about ETH on /pol, thank you. It caused me to take a chance and now I'm up 50% of my initial investment.

Thanks to the real anons on /biz that taught and gave me the resources to further my knowledge in crypto and teach me about taxes.

>> No.2128896

/pol/ and /biz/ are truly the strongest boards

>> No.2128898

>Thanks to the real anons on /biz that taught and gave me the resources to further my knowledge in crypto and teach me about taxes.

The evolution of a 4chan member,

/b, /pol, /biz...

>> No.2128926

I don't even check pol more than one a day but biz is open for at least 12 hours a day.
Very true.

>> No.2128970
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>how did he know
I feel like I'm a CIA project sometimes.

Agreed, but I'd still add /fit, /lit, and /his to that. I've learned a lot from those bros. Plus, I don't think I've seen any board help the r9k NEETs out as much as /fit, which takes a lot of willpower. It's really amazing to watch.

>> No.2129099
File: 255 KB, 1200x675, 1491942960477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/int/ here, one of you came to my board and mentioned DGB. I thought fuck it and bought loads and god damn it didn't let me down. Bought more into Sia after cause I thought it was a cool idea but not really because I knew what I was doing and IMAJUN MOI SUHPRISE!

Currently have DGB, BTC and XRP. I'm not very wealthy and so I can't really spread myself out over loads of coins but I have set aside a small amount (£500ish) to trade short term and try and make enough money to funnel everything I earn above £500 into long term alt-coin holds.

Am I doing it right? I remember having so many BTC back in 2010/11 when I used silk road. I remember paying what would now be $120,000 for an ounce of Lebanese hash that got delivered to my door and I didn't hold a single fucking BTC. I don't, I won't miss out again.

>> No.2129118

/sci/ is good too. Looks like lots of us are here from all over. How do we improve our new board?

>> No.2129133
File: 142 KB, 960x540, buterinv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biz, one of you came to /Pol and warned of the last chance to get < 20 dollar ETH.
>It took me a week, but I got 60 ETH, and then started researching daily.
>You literally gave me a 1000 percent return.
>Avoid the shit coins, hodl the dips with legit coins, sell the crap (shadow coin I'm looking at you) and don't day trade.
>Hands of steal and we'll all make it famalam.

>> No.2129135

I did the same thing and blew all my bitcoins on the same shit im not fucking up again this time and holding ETH no matter what. You're doing it right, put as much as you can into the top coins and you're set for long term. You're gonna head a lot of FUD and have to hold through it but why would these coins have billions of dollars backing them if there wasnt any future for them? Any top 10 coin i think is a safe bet. Hell top 25 even

>> No.2129171
File: 541 KB, 1205x1038, 1493835932813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good time to maybe slam some into ETH (pls be honest)? I don't know much about it yet and cause my DGB/SC did so well I wasn't really bothered but now I sold my SC for BTC I'm looking to learn a lot more about the market. I'm also on a solid income and capable of holding for the long term (years) while being able to put a small amount extra in each month if I wish.

Also going to hold my larger investment in DGB long term, I know it's not a top 10 or even 25 coin but I genuinely really like the tech and it's transfer speed is enough to make me wish it just replaced BTC so i could use it instead, profit or no profit.

>> No.2129215


Invest in tokens that are linked to the success of ETH