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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21281850 No.21281850 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not buying some Robonomics (XRT)

A $3M mcap project that

>is the cheapest Polkadot project and will be launching on genesis block
>Ethereum co-founder who invented Solidity is #2 top contributor on their GitHub
>Been in development since 2015
>Already has working robots-as-a-service dApps
>Last robonomics release was literally 2 days ago

Currently consolidated around $14-15 after price discovery. Circulating supply is 271,008 XRT (see here: https://circ.robonomics.events)

They fear the robo

>> No.21281900

it's an erc token right now
will there be a token swap later?

>> No.21281930

based thanks

>> No.21282112

The XRT token will be on both Ethereum and Polkadot because the network is cross-chain between the two.

There are in fact, two tokens. XRT which is for the regular transaction fee model and RWS which is for subscriptions to robot services. XRT is the main token though.

You can read more about the token model here: https://blog.aira.life/rws-overview-part-2-heterogeneous-tokenomics-afc209cc855

>> No.21282156

is this chink made?

>> No.21282274

No, not at all. Check website

>> No.21282455

is this similiar to IOTA? building a network for robots/devices? Or is this more niche?

>> No.21282506

oh its russian...

>> No.21282530

>Imagine not buying some Robonomics
I don't have to imagine.

>> No.21282567

If you look at the current dApps, you’ll understand. It’s for robots providing a service which could be data infrastructure or IoT or smart cities, etc.

>> No.21283014

what are the current dApps anon? is there a link?

>> No.21283058



>> No.21283361

Deep in Robo

>> No.21283886

I'm really considering going balls deep in this, but why will this pump short term?

>> No.21284044

Because Polkadot is going to probably launch this month or next

>> No.21284149

I just bought 20 ETH on this dip, wish me luck anon

>> No.21284500

Damn son. What a robo chad

>> No.21284607

$3mil marketcap is just too low, look at the run XOR did when people found out it would be used as gas for Polkaswap