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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21281580 No.21281580 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to retire my parents and free them from wageing

>> No.21281640

based and good son pilled, my parents have a ridiculous amount of debt that i'm paying off once i make it

>> No.21281653
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wholesome bros

>> No.21281772

My parents would retire if I didn't have epilepsy (making sure I have healthcare until I turn 26). I truly owe them more than I'll ever be able to pay back.

>> No.21281816
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Same bro, hope we all make it

>> No.21281848

If they wanted to retire they would have learned how to make money to retire early (what you are currently doing)
Focus on your own problems first before trying to help others or you are going to drown in your attempt to help a drowning person.

>> No.21281881

That's a very honorable goal, anon. My parents are 58/59 and deserve to stop working now as well. Unironically makes me think.

>> No.21281898
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godspeed anon, you're a better man for it.

>> No.21282150
File: 713 KB, 1242x1222, 0F87CD58-C7EA-4021-BD9C-2DAAAF679606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe my parents everything
They are terrible with money they only reason they have debt is because they are blind consumers that live pay check to pay check. If I pay paid off there debt they will rack it back up again within 5 years. Keeping up with the Jones’s

I’m the money Miser I am today because I watched them struggle with money and vowed to never be like that and live below my means instead of above them

>> No.21282379

Hoping to make several million from crypto (currently at $230k) and give them a few hundred thousand each at least.

>> No.21282473

Absolutely same. I’m hoping to get enough for a nice house in the countryside in the next coming years if a bullrun happens

Paid off and then they can start to save. Cause they’ve still not paid off the mortgage and my dad is getting old now :/

>> No.21282501

Get in TRANQ!








>> No.21282552

cringe desu

>> No.21282644

Its a very sad reality that money changes peoples perception of you, even family. I hope your parents are the exception OP, you're a good boy. Just firmly tell them to never mention it to any extended family.

I plan to give my mother and sister a portion, and set up my nephew a trust fund. I have never been very capable of emotional support, but maybe this will let them know I have always loved them.

>> No.21282652

And they probably wish you werent born

>> No.21283616

>I have never been very capable of emotional support, but maybe this will let them know I have always loved them.
didn’t think biz would give me feelings today

op that’s a noble goal and you’re a better person for it. make sure you still love for yourself a bit, though. i can guarantee nothing will make them happier than seeing that they raised a successful, happy son

>> No.21284053

>(currently at $230k
How long did it take you

>> No.21284303
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Give freely and more will be given to you :3

>> No.21284754

Me too, Dads 62 and still slaving, I want to help them

>> No.21284996

Both of my parents died in debt and left me with that debt. Debt only. No house or anything like that. I was a kid when my dad died and I didn't know back then that I should've rejected the inheritance to get rid of that debt. I rarely tell this story to people, but I suddenly felt the urge when I saw your thread anon, lol. I hope that you'll make it and that your parents are worth all the effort.