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21277392 No.21277392 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna be a pilot so fucking bad. I went to my local airport and talked with a flight instructor and said my initial flight training to get a pilots certificate is only 7.5k.
>mfw if I cash out my link right now I can afford to finally fly.

>> No.21277470

Expensive hobby to have though.
Gotta fly 10s of hours a year and do certian things just to keep up recency.

>> No.21277534

go for helicopter pilot, easier to monetize

>> No.21277557

Isn't that horrifically more expensive?
its like £100 for a fixed wing lesson and £600 for a rotary.

>> No.21277577

thats always been my dream. my dad was in the 82nd airborne in his youth, and we both flew in a helicopter once. bad ass experience, he was hanging outside of it because there were 3 people in the heli; so we had to take his door off.

>> No.21277633

its gonna cost you more than 7.5k
t. ppl

>> No.21277635

Well my goal in life is to go commercial. Idk how to do it but I figure getting a ppl is a good start.

>> No.21277675

Can you elaborate? I crunched the numbers and that number fits with the cesna my airport has for rent. Also how many flight hours did it take you?

>> No.21277740
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Hey OP,
I'm a pilot for a living.
Ask me anything :)

>> No.21277877
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sup niggy

>> No.21277919

yup, depends on the country you're from.
In Canada (and i'm pretty sure the USA), you start with PPL, then do night rating, CPL, then multi, multi-IFR, then multi-crew rating.
All that costs about $60-70k, and all it means is you can essentially fly and make money. Most airlines won't touch you unless you have around 2000 hours, and in the USA you can't fly for an airline unless you're (i think) 2000 hours. Most either be an instructor for a few years or become a bush pilot. Bush pilot pays a bit better (used to be shit but i made 50k a year doing it).

Also no airline will touch you without a bachelors degree. Doesn't matter what it's in but make sure you get one.

My PPL cost me around $14k, i was told it would be $8.5k, took me 45 hours of flying, but it ends up being more when you take into account instructor hours, taxes, etc. they lure you in with the price.

On the plus side i'm making well into the 6 figure range after 3 years, also look up what places like Air China, FedEx, Emirates, etc. pay first officers.
The amount of money that can be made is stupid.

>> No.21277933

>how many flight hours did it take you?
At least 45. I'm being vaguely obtuse here. That's the minimum.
>I crunched the numbers
It's very unlikely you will complete everything within the minimum amount of instruction unless you fly 5 days a week.
Calculate your budget and then have like 3k extra laying around because you will probably need at least some of it.

>> No.21277960

Holy shit! How did you do it!? What was your path out of highschool? Do you need to go to college to land a commercial role? How much time and money does it take and how do you finance the education if youre a poorfag stuck on a Kazakhstani beekeeping forum gambling on shitcoins?

>> No.21277973

yes, but there is a lot more demand for helicopter pilots.

>> No.21278088
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>no airline will touch you without a bachelors degree
This is so fucking dumb. Why do I have to waste 4 years learning how to vote democrat and drop 100k on a degree to work for an airline? This shit is depressing.

>> No.21278125

So i don't care telling how i did it, i went through university of waterloos aviation program.
I got a fuck ton of loans, made some money on ETH back in the day (cashed out an airdrop on some shit coin and put it on ETH and forgot about it).
I got loans from the bank mostly. They were low interest, 3%. I worked my ass off while in university too.
Came out of the program with a degree and all my licenses.

Alternatively, get a degree and join the military. They'll pay for all your flight training and they offer better training than any civi place, plus you have job security. ex. mil pilots get favour on jobs too.

Start looking at colleges that have a good aviation degree program. Pretty sure Florida has one thats really good.

>> No.21278216

There are programs that are pretty good.
It has to do with professionalism. Look up requirements for first officer positions at any airline, they all say degree.
You can even do it online. Just ignore the liberal cap.
I went to university of waterloo, it was pretty right wing i found, in fact they voted to defund some liberal group when i was there. It was hilarious, libs lost there shit. There's still options anon.


>> No.21278250

>Start looking at colleges that have a good aviation degree program.
Honestly I'm surprised you're recommending that.
OP if I was you I'd throw flying as a job in the bin, make it somehow otherwise, and then fly for fun.
When something is a job you better believe that shit is gonna feel like a job.

>> No.21278285

When I was at my local community college I was talking with usmc officer recruiters about becoming a military pilot but college became to expensive and I ended up leaving to avoid taking out a loan. This shit makes me so sad that you have to take out huge loans to do anything fun in this life. I just wanna fly, not learn liberal arts bull shit.

>> No.21278288

Helicopter Pilot here, he is correct.

>> No.21278330

I disagree. I've been doing my job for some time now, i love it. Everyone in my career loves it.
Only thing that sucks about it is the first few years youre broke af until an airline takes you on.

>> No.21278367

Ill look into it. If my crypto bags moon Im gonna cash out and buy a degree. You said youre able to fly while attending this university?

>> No.21278431
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i know a few pilots, all young guys. Working instructors, private, etc. Have been offered free instruction, just rental costs. I've thought about it.
All of them fucking hate it though. Kinda killed my interest.

>> No.21278434

Honestly, i really struggled financially in school i won't lie.
Most kids in the program came from extremely wealthy families (China, Saudi arabia, etc.). Some kid got a Tesla Model S for his birthday, everyone had Louis Vuitton bags and shit. It was really demotivating to see how easy some of these kids had it in life and how they never seemed thankful while i really struggled with this.
That being said, all my debt is paid off, i love my career, i have lots of free time while making good money doing something i love.
it is worth it in my opinion and all my colleagues feel the same way.

>> No.21278489

flying is actually part of the program. You have to fly in order to get your degree. Takes 3 years for all the flying anyways. So it was the best option in the end.

Add me on discord if you'd like anon. coldbore#1699
That way if you have any questions in the future i can help out.

>> No.21278532

flying instructor is trash. I never did it myself, but everyone i know that did it hated it.
You make no joke less than welfare.
Not worth it at all, just to deal with snot nosed brats all day. fts

>> No.21278587
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It seems like there's a huge gap between commercial pilot and han solo single engine gunslinger. And the only one worth it is the former.

>> No.21278631

I walked 4 miles to my community college every day from home while a lot of people straight up had 15-20k dollar vehicles. It really does suck being poor. It sucks even more that even though Im poor I should have to help pay for these rich fuckers life styles in college. I guess the worlds not fair and I have to find a way around this to get what I want. Im really hoping my crypto holdings will be enough to fund 4 years of college.

>> No.21278727

Shit if flying is part of the program this sounds really based. I was under the impression Id have to waste 4 years before I could touch a craft. Will add.

>> No.21278804

me too anon, i really hope the best for you.
This was my program: https://uwaterloo.ca/aviation/

have a friend that did this program and liked it.


>> No.21278837

no not at all. I did 3 university courses for 2 terms of the year. Flew each term, and did some ground school each term.
You get credits towards your degree with all your licensing/courses.
For example my ppl was worth 3 credits or something like that.

>> No.21278865

Thank you for the link!

>> No.21278952

I live in the u.s. btw. What are the odds of this school accepting someone in the states? I heard its hard to get into the universities up in canada

>> No.21278957
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You might get it done in 45 hours. You might get it after 60.
Then the real expensive part comes..actually flying.
T. CPL in training and owner.
I came to biz so I could learn about crypto. Aviation is an addiction. If you have to ask how much it costs, you can’t afford it. It’s a labour of love.

>> No.21278959

You can do it alot cheaper anon.

First complete your ground school

Then go on facebook and find small flight schools/airports, and a boomer. The old boomers want an excuse to go out and fly all day. A CFI, is about $60+/hr, but some boomers, nowadays will do it as low as $20/30, especially if you book 20+ hours and pay in full, in advance.

You can go every.single.day.

For cheap plane rentals, look for a flight club, you should be able to buy in for about 1k, or less, some don't even require membership, especially if your CFI is part of it, the wet rental can be as low as $75/hr for a C172 (atleast here in Florida). It's easily double for Seattle area (cuck prices man.)

by 30 hours, you should be doing cross country and be independent, and the flight school that owns the plane and the boomer you paid should be going "that anon is great, I knew the youth of today like to fly." and it will open up a million doors for you.

Then you can/should get your IFR done as well.

From C172, you can probably do cheaper in a tiger cub or C150, but those planes are, marginally cheaper. You *should* do a few hours to learn the controls though.

And if you're ready for the big boy league, Cirrus Sr22/Sr20- Try to avoid the older ones, because the parachute probably needs to be repacked, but if you don't crash it shouldn't be an issue. lols.

7.5k is a great deal.

You can do it for 5k if you really want, anon.

Also, don't go to controller and *do not* buy a fucking plane.

Yeah, 25K for a C172 seems good, on paper.

Don't do it anon.

>> No.21279029

Most only become instructors to get enough hours to apply to a commercial spot. Most people cant afford to pay for the hours of rental to get enough for Delta and United so they need jobs that pay awful and are awful to get those flight hours. The real redpill is going Air Force Reserves as a pilot and flying F-22s every so often while getting benefits.

>> No.21279038
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I’ve never even heard of someone doing it for 5k in the last 15 years.
That’s a $650K+ plane lol

>> No.21279070

Theres many schools in the US that offer similar programs, like what i linked.
But i had friends from the US in that program. desu as long as you have an average over 80 you'll get in just fine.

>> No.21279158


I thought that the odds of actually flying anything in the military are 0:1

>> No.21279174
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fuck you literally my dream job

>> No.21279194
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Complete ground school, find a really cheap flight club and a cheap boomer as CFI. It's possible in Florida, though unlikely AF.

Most of the time it's the people that volunteer or helping another pilot teenager get their PPL so they can post it on their FB wall.

I agree, 100% though, 7.5K is a bargain, but I would plan 10k, just for the PPL and maybe, *maybe* IFR rating.

Ground school > CFI + C172 > Check Ride > IFR > PPL op.

Then you can post all the pics you want, in the air, for tinder and bumble whores to woo and wow because "omg r u a pilot?"

>Fuck if you guys recognize this, you probably know my flight school. ;_:

>> No.21279216
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go for it anon, Godspeed

>> No.21279223

Looked it up and the international tuition for 4 years is insane. Its the same with the states. If you attend a university out of state the tuition is 4-5x higher. I live in Wisconsin and couldnt get into madison with sumo cum laude out of highschool so I expect my shot at waterloo to be even lower. College is honestly so frustrating. I dont get how all these people are partying it up with these prices.

>> No.21279238

Pilot slots are hard and you have to pass a lot of tests but no there are tons of military pilots. You go to Undergraduate pilot training if they like your scores then you train on supersonic jets and do other military bs too then you learn your actual airframe with the unit you are in.

>> No.21279278

>I live in Wisconsin
University of North Dakota isnt that far from you. Big aviation program. Its cold though and summer is like a week but if you want to fly 4 years is worth it. Other schools are Embry Riddle (smaller) and Purdue.

>> No.21279292

easier to crash and die
helicopters are unstable

>> No.21279310
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I’m also talking in leafbucks. Our currency is a joke. And the govt has a hate on for general aviation.
Comes down to how much effort a person puts into it. Isn’t like pre 1990 where you could just get a licence cause you feel like it and do it with relative ease. You have to devote yourself to it now. Mentally and financially.

>> No.21279316

Also the usmc has can guarentee a spot in flight school if you make it physically.

>> No.21279318

Why are you ignoring >>21278125
>Alternatively, get a degree and join the military. They'll pay for all your flight training and they offer better training than any civi place, plus you have job security. ex. mil pilots get favour on jobs too.
I know you said >>21278285
>I was talking with usmc officer recruiters about becoming a military pilot but college became to expensive
but that doesn't have fuck all to do with enlisting to become a pilot. You are not going to be paying for that shit and if you need more training after serving they pay for your college. Really seems like a no brainer to me, OP.

>> No.21279396
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Also most girls don’t give a fuck.
This was my tinder profile pic.
If they do care it’s something like “oh..so you’re rich?”

>> No.21279409

take profits, since crypto might crash anyday this is unregulated market, and start working toward your dream. just my 2 cents, and im off this thread. crossing fingers for you kid

>> No.21279415

So i don't want to identify myself too much but i'm currently flying for the military.
After i finished school i didn't want to be flying as an instructor or some crap and joined the military.
I can perhaps give some guidance on that front too.

>> No.21279423
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Hey you flying cunts. Is the earth a sphere? Even flying high as fuck you do not see curvature right? My understanding is they always defer to that being due to the scale of the earth, but if the antractic wall is actually circling the entire edge of the outside circle of earth then you would not really be able to tell the difference, even flying.

>> No.21279442

You don't need a plane to fly. Just a window or a roof top.

>> No.21279460


>> No.21279463

The United states military only pays for tuition if you land a paid spot in nrotc. This represents so few people. Its as hard to land these spots as getting into an ivy. Most officers are stuck with student debt even if they are in rotc but didnt get the scholarship for rotc. The program I was looking at was the plc program which gave a guarenteed flight spot but you still have to pay. Its incredibly stupid and creates bad officers.

>> No.21279468

Dont do USMC aviation if you want to be a pilot and not a marine first. Marines are riflemen first not pilots and aviation supports their ground operations primarily. Also, most of their planes dont work.
>I was talking with usmc officer recruiters
USMC is 2 years training, 8 years active duty, same for navy. Air force is 2 years training, 10 years active. Army aviation is 10 years active as well I think. Keep that in mind if considering military, you will be there a while. Its probably the coolest chance though. No one else ever gets to fly jets like F-16/A-10/f-18 outside military.

>> No.21279501

i've flown high enough to see the curvature. None of my nav would work if the earth was flat.
You do have to fly pretty high to see the curvature however. I can start to see it around 30k feet though.

>> No.21279553

Is it a bad time to become a commercial pilot right now? How bad is the situation for pilots?

>> No.21279569

yeah i have a lot of friends in the USAF. Most went to the academy, however you don't get to know your occupation until you graduate so a lot of people that wanted to be pilots get fucked over.
I know two that got into nrotc, i can ask them any questions if you'd like.

>> No.21279571


excellent b3

which company? i have an aero

>> No.21279588
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I was looking up cool shit the government auctions off while looking up property you can buy from the government. They have a Black Hawk for sale for $500,000 USD. How badass would it be to own one?

>> No.21279610

it's actually a really good time in my opinion.
After this covid shit, a lot of pilots said fuck this and got out of the industry. When things start to open up again in a year or two, there will be a lot of positions available and a lot of people that want to travel. it's a really good time to begin your training.
Again that's my opinion tho, but from what i've seen there's a lot of vacancies open for incoming pilots.

>> No.21279618

The reason youre saying not to do usmc aviation was exactly the reason I wanted to do usmc aviation. I legit almost signed up for infantry after highschool but my parents talked me out of it. Im 20 now and still feel young enough to enlist for 4 years and get the college benefits. Might talk to a recruiter this week.

>> No.21279625

You're doing it wrong anon, you don't do it like that - you have a photo if yourself in headset over controls, not looking like a 1920's red baron - that's for the steampunk cosplayers. Most thots can't relate.

Or a nice photo of you posing with the plane, the key is also having your IG showing photos of where you've been/landscapes that are not common.

It's a great conversational starter, especially if you go "let's talk about it more over lunch/dinner?" etc but the three rules of having to be attractive matter.

I've only taken one for a flight, and saw her for a few months, it was fun but def do not make it all about that.

Also, just lie and say "yeah I work for united, this is what I do on the hobby." worked for me for a few easy lays. They don't care if it's true or not, they just want to believe in the lie as much as we want to believe in catch me if you can.

>> No.21279630

You can fly in virtual reality in the future and probably get paid for it with VRA

Imagine flying irl

>> No.21279663

if you can afford the $10k/hour to operate it sure.
don't do infantry. Unless you want to hate your life.

>> No.21279680

I'd say in my inexperienced PPL life, the best time, all the gramps are being forced out w/ pension changing and severence that they're taking it meanwhile younger pilots are being fucked w/o a future to depend on because whenever the airlines "struggle" the first thing to go are the pension and unions.

You get into this to fly for chinese or asian companies, and then come back home with a nice stack of cash because you're able to literally live out of a suitcase.

Please correct me if I'm wrong commercial pilot anons.

>> No.21279734

we need decentralized flight options. fuck these faggots and their thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to barely even have a chance at getting a pilot job

>> No.21279747

Some anons in army aviation on /k/ said the blackhawk is a meme and cant carry enough gear for the grunts. Chinook was rated better for mission use.
>The reason youre saying not to do usmc aviation was exactly the reason I wanted to do usmc aviation.
Then it sounds like you know what you want. It will be hard and there will be times you hate it but go for it. Most people dont ever get the chance to fly planes on an aircraft carrier.

>> No.21279754
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>i've flown high enough to see the curvature.
Not going to lie that is amazing man. Every photos I have seen is either through a fisheye lens or window which makes a artificial curve. When a non fisheye lens is used, I do not see the curvature even in videos of high altitude balloons going super high. I genuinely want to learn the truth and do not have a stake in the earth being a globe or not.

>> No.21279770

>dont do infantry
Why? Seems based af. Get to shoot guns and workout. I see this as the best job out there.

>> No.21279810

>Get to shoot guns and workout
You are actually going to do neither. You will clean the barracks all day and then fill out papers. Infantry in peacetime sucks.

>> No.21279846

hah, i've been out with the infantry a few times. It's nothing like the movies, etc.
Life is legit miserable. Days without sleep, malnourished, miserable, dirty, etc.
It's not like the games or movies at all. You'll just hate your life.
Plus infantry is basically there to absorb bullets.

>> No.21279850

Eastman leather co. Handmade in England. It’s literally a piece of art. Hand aged. From their .50 cal collection.
Don’t look up the price lol
Got it as a present to myself for finishing PPL.

>> No.21279855

I think it's the "being" shot at part, and the other people who are your fellow men being of low intelligence.

"You have a photo OF yourself in an headset, your hands over the yoke or garmin"

The red baron cosplay looks cool but comes off as to niche, the normie look with yoke in hand is what's most relatable to thots.

>> No.21279872

Damn. Im assuming youre usmc infantry then? What job would you reccomend? Would infantry be worth it if I went reserves? I think I still get free college from reserves.

>> No.21279875


Aero is in Scotland, similar price point/story, don't worry. I know. Love eastman jackets.

>> No.21279937

ah, now this is a good idea. Joining the reserves during school is the only case i would recommend going infantry.
it'll make you tougher than anyone in the air force too lol
i think they pay for some tuition not all of it. talk to a recruiter tho to clarify.
Either way, i love the military life myself. Prefer it over anything.

>> No.21279949

I thought you wanted aviation? You can join the Air Force reserves while going to school, even as enlisted. Then go to OTS when you graduate, then build a resume for a pilot slot. They will know you by then and know you can handle it. Plus as reserves it will pay for alot of stuff. Air force reserves have pilot slots in like every state so you dont need to change your lifetyle that much.

>> No.21280026
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I also have many pics like that.
And I can appreciate the lie lol would only bring it up in convo if they asked.
I flew that stearman, so it wasn’t a larp.

>> No.21280049
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if you're doing fixed wing literally just get a part time job and pump all the money from that into flying. you will pay for approx 200 hours by the time you have ppl + cpl + instrument rating + ATP + all your gay fixed wing extra ratings that i don't understand. but all in all getting a commercial fixed wing license is very cheap.

however, you have to understand that there are no jobs right now. people that are CFIs cannot move on to other jobs, so people that are approaching 200 hours/finishing their own CFIs cant actually become CFIs because the space is saturated. i cannot emphasize enough that the job market for fixed wing is FUCKED right now over coronavirus. rotorcraft is not much better, literally no one is doing tours, there's no charter flying richfags around simply because there's no demand, but there is a lot of other high time rotorcraft work that is entirely unaffected by covid so its not actually as bad as fixed wing because some CFIs can still move on and free up space for low time guys.

get your medical immediately if you intend to do it anyway, and stay ahead of all the ground instruction or do it all yourself beforehand. having a plan to buy your own plane isn't a bad idea either, as its a plausible route to having higher flight time to skip CFI work.

>> No.21280073

Air force cannot guarentee a pilot slot. People get fucked by uncle same all the time and roped into a paper pushing position. The usmc can guarentee a spot in flight school.

>> No.21280110

what do you wanna fly in the usmc anon?

>> No.21280133

270 pounds for an hour of r22 time or 300 USD, but yeah its brutal

>> No.21280161

Yes but you dont pick your air frame I thought. Reserves and Guard let you pick your airframe if you are selected.

>> No.21280163

It seems like a great deal. I have 60 college credits right now from high school and this past year at a cc. If I enlist now for reserves and take a year off I wont be that far behind and can probably transition into the plc program after infantry school.

>> No.21280171

Don’t bother. The commercial industry is completely fucked right now.

>> No.21280193

First of all it's the fucking army, so you are already dealing with a high baseline of absolutely retarded shit that will open your eyes to how terrible soulless bureaucracy can be, second being infantry exposes you you to that to the nth degree. If you are unironically thinking about enlisting, stay the fuck away from the army.
Coast guard has the best quality of life and consistently does cool shit while having a minimum of braindead retards and SAPR/SARC bullshit.
>t. airtard

>> No.21280205

The f35

>> No.21280240

Do it. You only live once. I'm serious

>> No.21280258
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I'm jealous, anon. That looks really cool and must be fun af to fly.

Still, don't give up on thots on dating apps. You have the body, you have the fun/interest, just make your opener be interesting and don't forget, have them come to you. Don't chase them, anon.

Overall, this is a nice thread, frens.

>> No.21280270

I would never join the army. Im talking about the usmc.

>> No.21280383

Sorry, didn't read the rest of your posts. Their situation is slightly less retarded, but not by much.

>> No.21280505
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Was very fun.
They’re also harder to fly than anything the military has today.
And agreed, comf tread. Most flying ones are.

>> No.21280800

I've been thinking about using my life savings to switch to being a pilot. I did a CS degree and got a job doing webdev but I don't know if I wanna do this the rest of my life. I think it's $30k for a commercial license

>> No.21280971

All in, to get a job. You’re into it 80k. And you’d be going into the worst aviation job market in history with the bare minimum when pilots with multitudes more experience and qualifications are on their ass.
‘Make it’ with crypto and just buy a plane.

>> No.21281031

just play the new Microsoft flight sim, that shit is going to be amazing

>> No.21281086

Sim is to flying as sex is to porn.
It does look sweet but not even in the same realm.

>> No.21281169

Anytime i hear people learning to fly i hear about some minor shit going wrong and them crashing...Can you bring a parachute in case something goes wrong?

>> No.21281240

Yes. But planes glide a long time If you’re high enough. It’s a major part of the training.
If you can’t get a plane down safely, you don’t get your licence. It’s the most failed item on the flight test.

>> No.21281310

When things go wrong you're not gonna have time to jump out. If it's just the engine that failed you can just glide down to safety, you don't need to jump out

>> No.21281493

Nice anon. Hope to buy my own lil 150 or 172 hopefully in the near future.

>> No.21281527

There are better and more choices in the States.

>> No.21281545

That has to be one of the cutest Pepes ever made.

>> No.21281918

Get a 172 with 180hp. Makes it into a half decent bird.

>> No.21282438

>because some CFIs can still move on and free up space for low time guys
it is my understanding that you become a rotor CFI towards the end of your career as opposed to fixed wing. Could be wrong.

>> No.21282811

Dude college isn't that easy. At least most real majors aren't easy. It takes discipline and hard work and that weeds out the losers.

>> No.21282999

>he thinks that’s Pepe

>> No.21283239
File: 76 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1596293752949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats king

>> No.21283262

Yes it is. I have over 60 credits and was working on getting a chem major before the fear of loans caused me to stop. The hardest class Ive had to take so far was ochem and it required maybe 10 hours a week of studying. Its just a bunch of tedious bull shit like english essays and other liberal arts bull shit you have to take for the degree. If you have the money up front to take that 4 year vacation, college is the easiest 4 years unless you have a major like engineering. Even then it beats working a real job.

>> No.21283804

I have like 160 college credits and a degree in Econ and Accounting. Maybe you went to clown college.

>> No.21283879

Not true it’s all easy you just can’t be a useless idiot that wastes time al day on biz

>> No.21283922
File: 67 KB, 900x593, 4B98AD82-879A-4FF4-ACEF-6FC174EAD029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bitch of it is having a degree does not make you any better of a pilot.
The best pilots in history were farm boys who barely had any formal education at all.
The ability to fly is something you either have, or don’t. Skill is gained from the experiences you have after getting your licence. You either die, or you don’t.
Aviation is one of the fields that relies on competence alone. Incompetence either inherent or situational is rewarded with death or a wrecked airplane.

>> No.21284073
File: 37 KB, 864x486, paramotor-chase-cam-skybean-review-864x486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

affording flight training is a lot different than being able to afford to fly. Your best bet is to hold for a bit longer and then buy a paramotor, training is minimal and they're more fun than flying a plane. Then hold whatever you have left until you can afford a proper plane.


>> No.21284384

Godspeed brother, chase the dream