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21275498 No.21275498 [Reply] [Original]


>$0.50 EOD
>$1 EOW

>> No.21275678

Please don't I was about to buy

>> No.21275816

Threadly reminder that it makes more sense (and is comfier) to track the price in ETH.

>> No.21276119
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thank you kind sir. I bought mine at 0.0007ETH

>> No.21276466
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We going up bois

>> No.21276559
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I can feel it coming

>> No.21276760

Anyone got the tier list defined by stack size?

>> No.21277580

All I know is I am a STArchangel

>> No.21277851

0-100: STArlets
100-200: STAmina Builds
200-500: STAmp collectors
500-1000: STAstronauts
1000+: Ascended STArchangels reaching for the STArs

>> No.21277981

Could $10 EOY happen?

>> No.21278044

Damn, price is high enough that we had to revise all the labels? 10k used to be the suicide stack.

>> No.21278080

$10 = ~750m mcap.
Yes. Yes it will.

>> No.21278122

I'd shoot for $5. $10 is possible but unlikely.

>> No.21278176
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It's crazy.
I think 100K - 500k was a make it stake a couple of months ago

>> No.21278210
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>tfw could already afford my make it car with my current gains


>> No.21278242
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only women drive porsches. and men who drive like women.

>> No.21278301

I wasn't sure earlier since 24h volume slowed a little, but I think we hit .50 or .55 tonight.

>> No.21278327

Thanks this helped my ego. See you in the 9th dimension anon.

>> No.21278366
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ahhh great

>> No.21278387
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Great day as usual. 1$ EOW

>> No.21278424

FUDers got burned.

Cya on the moon faggots.

>> No.21278429

Question: how will the refund affect price? Everyone already knows about it so its not like good news = price up. Isn't this a sell the news situation?
Not fudding, i have 5.6k sta

>> No.21278442

I give zero shit about what other people think. I hope you do too.

>> No.21278454

Only 20% of the refund are STA tokens and most are still in the community and will pool.

>> No.21278462

Do you guys think this will drop below .3 again so I can buy in? I don't wanna buy in now and see it drop off

>> No.21278478

Legit. Thank you STA for making my life better.

>> No.21278508

I doubt it, seems like .3 is the absolute bottom.

>> No.21278513

You'll wish you did buy now in one week

>> No.21278515
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your ego will fit nicely in that porsche

bet you haven't worked on a car in your life

>> No.21278552

>>21278462We just had a whale dump 69,300 STA and people are already buying the dip. Could have some more large cash outs, but you need to be ready to buy when they happen.

>> No.21278561

Nobody knows for sure but keep these in mind:

>only 20% of the pool was STA so at worst it's a 20% dump
>best case 80% pump
>reality will be somewhere between
>original poolers were early investors who liked the project so they are more likely to stay especially when the price is going up

>> No.21278578

Alright well this is my first time using uniswap. I don't know much about this yet, I've only ever toyed around with simple coinbase transactions.
Is there anything I should know/do, or do I just change my ETH to STA and that's it?

>> No.21278588

probably has a chance to dip to the low .2's again imo

>> No.21278589

Will I make it with 3k bag frens? All I really want is to be able to fund my next moon mission to really make it

>> No.21278722

The only thing you need to know is to set slippage at 1.03%-2% atleast and remove any decimals from the STA amount. So instead of 1000,453 have 1000. And also if you are using metamask you need to add the tokens contract adress for it to show up in your metamask wallet. And also for STA to be shown on uniswap you need to add the contract.
This is the contract

You can see thats its correct here

>> No.21278763

We will all make it fren

>> No.21278830

I really have no clue what's your issue anon.

>> No.21278880

Wishful thinking. We lost a few whales who took profits after making a fortune during this run up. That decreases the risk of huge selloffs that plummet the price.

>> No.21278888
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Thanks a ton for the help
I'm just using coinbase wallet. I already got statera showing up. Going to hold off a bit to see how low it dips and then I'll buy in. Might diversify a bit and only grab a few hundred for now.

>> No.21278889

How does $3000 in 2021 sound?

>> No.21278920

>1000+: Ascended STArchangels reaching for the STArs
Please don't give me hope anon, I don't want to get burned.

>> No.21278943

Can someone explain to me in depth how the liquidity pool works and how to profit off of it?

>> No.21279018
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Comfy anon, Just post if there is any trouble.

>> No.21279049

you put in equal STA and ETH to the pool, when someone swaps ETH for STA it takes from the STA pool, when someone swaps STA for ETH it takes from the ETH pool. Each transaction has a small fee, which you get a percentage off based on your percentage of the pool.

If people are buying a lot of STA, your ratio of ETH will go up and STA will go down. If people are selling a lot of STA, your ratio of STA will go up and ETH will go down.

>> No.21279069
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Went through
Now to figure out where to put my remaining .35 ETH

>> No.21279071

STA is easily $3 eoy

>> No.21279143

So your getting a percentage of the gas fees? How do you do this on uniswap?

>> No.21279208

I just want to see the stars bros

>> No.21279312

no. not of the gas fees. watch this


>> No.21279371

1k. Im going to make it.

Im literally not paying rent this month to get in on this

>> No.21279447
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Just bought some more, This can not not go up!

>> No.21279476

>t. retard and probably a zoomer that doesn’t know what’s under the hood of a porsche

>> No.21279485

How does the fee get paid?

>> No.21279691

Needs to add 2 0's. I dumped in a measly $3k for over 10,000. Suicide stack = 1,000 STA

>> No.21279769
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Hard to be precise on phone,mb, but sell if it drops below this trend imo

>> No.21279797

Thanks I get it now. The question is should I pool while STA is pumping or tanking?

>> No.21279923

When you are in the delta pool you get deltatokens. Fees get added to it and it increases in price and also ofcourse if STA or ETH are gaining value the price of the delta token also increases. You can also pool with the delta tokens in the phoenix pool.

>> No.21280041

dude ive been doing 5% slippage for a solid week

>> No.21280060
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>i bought ampl instead
what's a cheap way to kms

>> No.21280123
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Is it too late to buy this?
Is this just a pump & dump or does it have a good story behind it? Does it have strong fundamentals?

>> No.21280143

Just get STA before its to late. This is just the begining, dont get stuck in the past.

>> No.21280203

Its not to late, the pool roi is insane. You should read the whitepaper.

>> No.21280222

no, look at market cap, This is about to bosom. Gonna be $5-$10 by EOY

>> No.21280250

I swear the price on Uniswap follows Hotbit. Everytime Hotbit prices go up, I say it's not the right price, but then Uniswap price follows shortly after. We're pumping on Hotbit right now I think

>> No.21280251

Yes it does have an amazing story behind it. Sadly for us we are not in the alternate dimension where 1 benevolent whale owned 50% of the supply and vowed to never sell more than 1% per 1 year.

>> No.21280276

STA has a really amazing story, i'm not good at that sort of thing but the highs and lows of this coin are something a more articulate anon could relate

>> No.21280278


Is uniswap or whatever the only place to buy this?

>> No.21280289


>> No.21280309

What's a good stack? I got 1000

>> No.21280324

How does 3 billion dollars EOY sound?

>> No.21280331

You can also buy on hotbit but its sometimes low volume. 2 more exchanges are coming anyday now and one of them was in the top 25

>> No.21280344

More like 0.05 waiting room lel

>> No.21280378

I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow anon

>> No.21280409

I'm at 1800 my goal is to make it to 3k before Saturday

>> No.21280419 [DELETED] 

+2 bpt here

>> No.21280434

>You can also buy on hotbit but its sometimes low volume. 2 more exchanges are coming anyday now and one of them was in the top 25

What do I put for 'referer' on hotbit? Can I put you?

>> No.21280444
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Gonna hit 50c STAt

>> No.21280466

based based based

>> No.21280473

Is 0.3 the new floor?

>> No.21280507

How big refund are u getting anons?

>> No.21280510

Check out defi pie and also PNK

>> No.21280520

>What do I put for 'referer' on hotbit? Can I put you?

Hello? Does anyone on hotbit want me to say I refered them so's you can get free prize or something?

>> No.21280524

you people keep saying this is going to pump but my crippling wallet disagrees

>> No.21280535

>$10 EOM
>$100 EOY

>> No.21280555

Yes put me, my name is Stastrodamus Maximus

>> No.21280571

around 7k STA
sum of all tokens is $5k right now
probably gonna pool it again

>> No.21280576

3k sounds good. I'll have to think about it.

>> No.21280586
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>Stastrodamus Maximus

>> No.21280620

+10k sta and gonna pool it all

>> No.21280640

Based and checked

>> No.21280660

how many STA for a suicide stack?

>> No.21280668

Did you guys see the teams latest tweet?

>> No.21280674

is my referall code. im OP

>> No.21280713


>> No.21280730

tell us

>> No.21280903

you're a lazy bastard you know that right

>> No.21281033

Do tell, big man

>> No.21281056

you people have been saying this shit all day and it keeps dumping

go away discord pajeets

>> No.21281134

Because crypto as a whole is dumping. Do you even know what STA is?

>> No.21281171

half these people don't even know its a staking coin anon, and that its gone x7 in 3 days already
that being said i think it had $1 potential but i wouldn't buy now

>> No.21281200
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>> No.21281435


>> No.21281456


>> No.21281462

>is my referall code. im OP

I entered that code as my referral. What are you gonna get?

>> No.21281561
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I totally just paid it forward! I'm a faith in humanity restorer.

>> No.21281568
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Newfag here, my first crypto investment into STA, currently having 657 of them. I know it's not much, but it's good for getting into crypto. Enjoy your profits.

>> No.21281611

Third one today. So many newfags are getting to get roasted by this shitcoin

>> No.21281649

is this one of those things that collapses once it hits 3 dollars?

>> No.21281711


Please keep fussing lol it honestly just makes more people aware of this bad boy

>> No.21281718

guys..i don't like all this new attention. so many people are coming to sta now expecting some moonshot to happen. while i think STA is destined for great things ($100+/sta) it's not as comfy as being together with the OG holders. the tg is full of new people too trying to get rich quick.

>> No.21281724
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It appears to be, although I wouldn't mind a dip to .25 to grab a few more cheap STAs before refunds.

>> No.21281727

3 dollars would be generous

>> No.21281785

Why would we get roasted?

>> No.21281809

agreed, sell your bags now so i can retire next year

>> No.21281820

I just hope you're not a dirty street shitter sucking welfare in my country.

>> No.21281838

People don't realize this isn't a moon shot, it's a retirement token. We might moonshot since we were in early but that isn't the point of the token.

>> No.21281878
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>that isn't the point of the token.

WHat's the point of the token?

>> No.21281890

I deleted the telegram weeks ago when the tranny and that stupid baguette cunt joined. I can only imagine it’s gotten worse. Just delete it and stay on biz.

Still haven’t sold tho. Still top 25 I think, haven’t looked in a while. Was too 25 before the old ath of 0.15

Not selling anyways. Will just pool once my price point it reached

>> No.21281897

you can still join ocean and pnk for comf

>> No.21281914

So, do you guys think its gonna dump friday when everyone gets their refunds? Mind you these are the STA only refunds, not the other 4 coins. Obviously that refund will pump it, but wouldnt people have incentive to sell their new, pumped coins from this one?

>> No.21282018

Am I blind or is it not on uniswap?

>> No.21282034

Need to get the link from stateratoken.com, it's not whitelisted yet

>> No.21282068

I want to secure some profits to Phoenix pool. Does anyone have some instructions to do it?

t. Newfag

>> No.21282083

Need to add it with the contract

>> No.21282233

what are the chances this thing completely dumps?

>> No.21282254
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I'm top 150 wallet, what's your pooling price point? Just curious

>> No.21282268

Pretty high?

>> No.21282328

Pretty low, at least right now. It's higher than it was this time yesterday.

>> No.21282342

0. we finally got the traction, growth and marketing going. we've survived a fucking balancer exploit. people are waking up to how useful this project is. this is such a comfy hold.

>> No.21282349


>> No.21282354
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Keep watching this chart.

>> No.21282365

it can't dump unless all of crypto does. If you think btc, link and eth will dump. then dont buy

>> No.21282435

megan (trans) has been there since like the first couple weeks bro. she's very helpful too and has been throughout the balancer exploit. why trash talk her?

>> No.21282439

i havent been in the deflationary token game in awhile, do some exchanges still ban deflationary tokens?

>> No.21282475

low but not 0

>> No.21282486

Nope we are getting listed on 2 exchanges anyday now and 1 was top 25

>> No.21282528

>top 25
could mean 25th
if it was something decent they would say top 5 or top 10

>> No.21282537

Dunno lol. Just don’t like her. Simple as

>> No.21282560


>> No.21282576

I never pooled with uniswap before. Do I need to do anything after joining the pool or is it purely passive?

>> No.21282583
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Channel your energies, I call upon the powers of meme magick
$1 EOM

>> No.21282600

Its Top 20.

>> No.21282620

You all are so lucky to have depressed average joe whales. I will never sell, one day my whale body will be fed on by you little plankton in the massive pool. Circle of life. The Statera Way

>> No.21282696

Stop going up you stupid fucking circle I want to buy more

>> No.21282700
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lol gas fees right now....

>> No.21282729

You had 3 months.

>> No.21282742
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Its gonna be Kucoin

>> No.21282757
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Holy fuck we need to get all the reddit tranny sympathizers and discord trannies off of this board.

>> No.21282835

will refund pump or dump

>> No.21282855

put a wig on and gape for us you little bitch

>> No.21282862

It will moon tonight around 4am (Central), then drop to it's new floor tomorrow of around .35-.40 depending on BTC/LINK/ETH perform.

>> No.21282954

>t. drives a toyota

>> No.21282969

noSTAdramus over here

>> No.21282972

I know noone will read this, but one of my friends who was also an early whale locked his liquidity forever. He commuted suicide July 25th, 2020. RIP brother, I'll ride this out for both of us. Buy a lambo for your tombstone.

>> No.21283019

What do you mean he locked his liquidity

>> No.21283031

What coin

>> No.21283043


>> No.21283048

RIP anon's friend.

>> No.21283059


>> No.21283076
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RIP to your fren.
I will be the heartless one to ask, but how much was he holding?

>> No.21283101

If true, sorry for your loss anon. You'll both make it.

>> No.21283108

he killed himself, thus the coins will never leave his wallet

>> No.21283117

lower top again fuck this shit it's never going over $0.4 again

>> No.21283135

I’m sorry bro

>> No.21283181

It will tonight when paper hands Americans go to sleep and iron bugmen wake up

>> No.21283237

anon, was this because STA was falling in price at that time?

>> No.21283244

how 2 make delta track sta

>> No.21283256

based and fuck trannys pilled

>> No.21283279

This will be .50 cents tomorrow.
Don't expect anything epic.

>> No.21283389

It didn't help. But noone is to be blamed besides just life long major depression. Kind of sad because it was fun memeing with him about depressed stuff so often. I did promise to go get help. Just remember Staterabros number on the screen can go really high, but it actually doesn't make you feel better after a few hours. You need to find happiness. If you are ever thinking of suicide please reach out to someone. You are not alone. I'll hold Statera to the end, because it was his dream to start a new life with this project.

>> No.21283495

sucks anon. I've been here since day one. If he was on the threads I've probably read him...
When I make it I will drink to him.

>> No.21283725
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>just bought 2k
how pink am I going to be when I get back from work?

>> No.21283729

come to think of it, the usual sthanos generals threads haven't gone up in some time