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21273627 No.21273627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21273747

>OOPS we couldn't agree LOL
>meanwhile both sides have no problem agreeing to give to Israel what amounts to $5000 per Israeli citizen, something that literally no one in America asked for them to do
Your government does not care about you. They are probably trying to kill you.

>> No.21273823

>Your government does not care about you.
name one that does
>They are probably trying to kill you.
name one that isn't
this is why being a small government american is based and redpilled and why big gov europoors will never make it.

>> No.21273882

>They are probably trying to kill you.
Of course! Getting rid of the old, weak and useless now, leaves America stronger in the future!

>> No.21274176
File: 341 KB, 900x770, 1591910803769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold everything monday. I lost like 200 dollaroos out of the 1700 i put in but im glad im out. Now i got 337 linkies and like 1200 dollars into BTC am I gonna make it bois?

>> No.21274235

The government want you dead by 65 do u dont collect social security also

>> No.21274356

America does not have a small government LOL

>> No.21274600

New Zealands Govt seems to care about their people.

>> No.21274639

cant trump just sign a decree?

>> No.21275032

I thought that's what he did, he signed an executive action to give out 400 dollars a week instead of 600. i think.

>> No.21275127

>comparing tiny New Zealand to America
Holy shit kys faggot. Jacinda Arden has a cock. That’s even a made up female name you fucking glownig

>> No.21275132

>salty shitskin knowing his religion, culture and race is done for
Kek knows
The nose knows

>> No.21275134

I hate Demonrats so much. I get that they have to crash the stock market to prevent their orange Hitler from winning, but at what cost? They are murdering millions of innocent Americans every time they do this.

>> No.21275314


>> No.21275672

>name one

>> No.21276594

>A wealthy, neutral, isolationist country where every citizen must have a gun and know how to use it.
>Things that make you go hmmmmm.

>> No.21276872

Small government ameriKKKans are 56% white while most of Europe is at least 85%.
Cope, sharter.

>> No.21277159

We have parking lots bigger than your country.

>> No.21277268
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the executive branch can't pay for shit unless they play some muh national emergency bs, then they can divert already approved funds
even if states wanted to they can not cough up any money for the extra unemployment, they won't even be able to fund their normal state unemployment their revenues dried up and their expanses went parabolic and unlike the federal gov, they have to keep a balanced budged they can't end up with a deficit
aside from the limited fed-related eviction moratorium Trump didn't actually do anything, because he legally can't and the legislative branch is being their usual worthless retard selvesx100 so no stimulus or funding for anything unless they can pass in a single bill everything

>> No.21277289

Lol, only thing that needs to be murdered is people who think like you.

>> No.21277363

explain for a non burger, so the decree is worthless and he HAS to work with democrats?

>> No.21277401
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Neet bux cancled untill fuhrer notice

>> No.21277937

You also have more niggers than people in my country, big boy.

>> No.21278064


>> No.21278076

Is he trying to lose the election? I'm serious here. How the fuck is he going to blow this and lose to Joe fucking Biden?

>> No.21278108

technically it's only worthless if it's challenged in court, but the law is clear that the legislative branch has the legal authority to spend federal funds, so if it goes to court Trump will lose, so they are trying to use already approved money (hurricane relief from FEMA) to pay for some (but this also can be challenged in court), but it's not enough, will take too much time and also the states are supposed to pay 25% of it, which they can't afford
Yes, the dems and reps need to work together in the senate and the house and even then the actual payouts will take weeks. They've wasted too much time and even if a bill is passed and the market rallies, the gap left in people's income will have a noticeable effect on Q3 and Q4 business revenues.

>> No.21278199

thanks for this.

explains the huge sell off, people need to eat soon