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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21266399 No.21266399 [Reply] [Original]

God project?

>> No.21266625


>> No.21266774

their github is literally one commit and it's the project logo.. lol but still could pump

>> No.21266821

Tiny mcap, locked liquidity, easy 10x

>> No.21267452

how do you know its locked?

>> No.21267501

people have been posting the contract; it's locked

>> No.21267601

but how can you tell its locked>

>> No.21267714

10K to make it

>> No.21268122

God this is such a comfy hold, just KNOWING innately that this shit is going to rally

>> No.21268173

please dump

>> No.21268174

Where is code? Why github empty? Y’all buying white paper only?

>> No.21268246

>anon devs
>absolutely nothing on github
>no code
>top wallets still not locked
>no product
too many red flags for me on this one

>> No.21268314

how can you tell top wallets aren't locked?

>> No.21268424

They admit they’re not locked. That’s the thing about this - everything is “coming soon”, and we are expected to trust these anonymous people with no code and no product to share.

>> No.21268474

i mean thus far they haven't sold a single one from the top wallets, which is encouraging

>> No.21268490

It dumped to 1.40 earlier,you're just asking to be priced out at this point bro.

>> No.21268619

With all the rug pulls lately you're just asking to be dumped on. God /biz/ is dumb. You missed LINK, get over it.

>> No.21268756

The idea behind xft is good. It’s something fresh and new! But I wouldn’t be surprised if it exit scams honestly. Where is the code? ANONS WHERE IS THE CODE ON GITHUB? I WILL GLADLY ALL IN IF THEY POST THE CODE! someone pls ask the devs to post the code. FFS the wait is killing me.

>> No.21268883

Yea, same argument was made when it was $0.30

>> No.21268918

they've confirmed in telegram this will be locked in the coming weeks. but just so you know, no other project really does this despite what their tokenomics say. the only reason they consider it is because of anonymity they want to show good faith.

>> No.21268959

risque for the bisque

>> No.21269005
File: 93 KB, 540x370, speedracerxft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The code will be pushed coming weeks their already hiring new devs. Repos on github are going to be pushed as well. Don't forget its fresh and new projects to the market.

>> No.21269009

and? inflated price doesn't mean it isn't necessarily a scam retard

>> No.21269075

heavy accumulation on this one

>> No.21269100

No more archive, ONLY ZUUL.

XFT + Oracle = big win

>> No.21269166

Missed the miracle blessing dips from yesterday. I'll wait for a $1.30 entry.

>> No.21269220

Price holding up well, team is working hard & putting out real updates, and we have liquidity lock contract.

Boolish! Holding for 100x~~

>> No.21269248

no, it's coming either tomorrow or the day after

liquidity is locked anon, here's the contract

>> No.21269272

No code, expect people to be skeptical. Past few days too many anons got rug pulled. It is better for the community to play it safely and not risk their money. Price can pump and yeah we can stay poor. But if it exit scams, we will also be poor. I’m not fudding, just stating facts that people maybe think twice about investing that’s all

>> No.21269302

priced out

>> No.21269354

the fudders in this thread are going to necc themselves when this boy goes parabolic

team delivers everything one by one. im comfy AF with this one

>> No.21269360

tell me anon, how do you think they'll exit scam when the liquidity is locked? Their tokens haven't been touched at all and they'll be locking them too in the next 2 days. It's a simple freeze function

>> No.21269386

Scam is a word used by brainlets to cope with missing out. I'm here to make money, you can keep crying about muh github.

>> No.21269440

Team delivers? Kek
Where code? Code delivered? Or it’s hiding up your ass?

>> No.21269452

I'm am Buying every dip of this token as it has potential to dethrone haven!

>> No.21269503

Thanks biz for showing me this gem. Already made x2 and waiting for x100.

>> No.21269509

you're thinking too small anon

>> No.21269525

It's natural. FUDders will do everything in their power to influence the price so they can buy more at lower prices. This has all the pumponomics, it's just a matter of time before it pops.

>> No.21269854

frendly reminder that EOS pumped to 9billion market cap last cycle before any code was released.
XFT is still being developed, it's gonna pump hardest before it get released. welcome to crypto

>> No.21269864

i have money invested in this fake scam already lol

>> No.21270026
File: 54 KB, 700x474, 1_nk_Rzv5N2Iexc2JusBsRpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadmap was released yesterday thoughts?


>> No.21270157
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FFS, think about HXV, one of the shiftiest privacy coin. Dumps on its hodlers. Old tech, not DeFi. Cycles of pumps and dumps. No oracles.. bla bla..


>> No.21270234

Incredibly promising, the way the team conducts themselves in the telegram is what made me buy a bag. They're not necessarily 'anti-hype', but they discourage price talk in the main telegram and the devs/mods are good at explaining the technicalities. The white paper is well written and explains the intricacies of the token and the project as a whole.

>> No.21270734

To put it simply, yes, God tier, based af project. Gives Sora vibes.

>> No.21271219

Number of wallets growing quickly. Building a nice price floor before expansion. Don't get left behind on this one friends

>> No.21271294
File: 32 KB, 437x437, pepeglowoffshift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going strong and strong support on this coin

>> No.21271299

Spread the gospel! Roadmap released, oracles integration this quarter!


>> No.21271727

It's not even trading on any cex yet. Market cap, given the potential of the project, is simply laughable. Don't even think just ape in. Unless you want to see your fellow anons on the Saturn without you. Your choice.

>> No.21271758
File: 214 KB, 1864x902, Screenshot_20200811_0943302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta get shifty

>> No.21271759

Love this project, chances are we'll never see these entries again. Don't miss out

>> No.21271783

You can be a pajeet or a XFT holder

Decide your fate anon

>> No.21271817

hype announcements incoming i hear

>> No.21272068

amazing how this market keeps rewarding you poorfags when you still don't buy. don't get used to it. once this belows you will be neccing

>> No.21272106


>> No.21272483

What type of hype?

>> No.21272491
File: 52 KB, 484x960, swimming pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The water's nice, come on in!

>> No.21272673

don't cex listings usually cause a dump tho?

>> No.21273063

First time using Uniswap. I'm guessing I'm done after doing the initial swap between ETH and XFT? I don't suppose I need to add a liquidity pool or anything like that?

>> No.21273074

In bear markets, yes. If you were around in 2017, you would already know that shitcoins would do 10-100x on cex listing announcements. Don't allow yourself to be conditioned into a permabear.

>> No.21273118

If you're using metamask and you've already swapped your ETH for XFT, you're done, yes. All that matters is you have the XFT balance in your wallet.

>> No.21273333
File: 266 KB, 320x240, bootsy baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. Forgot to manually add XFT to see the balance on Metamask. Thanks.

>> No.21274362


>> No.21274669

So this is basically xhv on eth?

>> No.21275223

getting strong BUIDL vibes

>> No.21275244


>> No.21275583

So why is this not a scam? Not trying to fud but it exists barely a month with anon devs and no code yet?

>> No.21275943

it's privacy+defi, anon. It's what makes DeFi so powerful in the first place. their mission is novel and noble.

>> No.21276201

This is what got me in.
And the fact that's it's a DeFi x Privacy

>> No.21276413

Literally the only thing goin up while the whole market dumps right now. Thing looks like LINK.

>> No.21276532


how did you think of that?

>> No.21276729

In the next day or two you will see this bag rip your nuts off

>> No.21276815

Lol how? There’s no similarity

>> No.21276825

Offshift and Buidl gang reporting

>> No.21277004

You basically God it right, S tier gains to be made

>> No.21277011
File: 99 KB, 512x512, XFTunder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving the smell of muh XFT bags.. <3

>> No.21277021

Same here, stacklet in both reporting

>> No.21277053

in pumpamentals

>> No.21277171

Maybe if they had public devs, a working product or some code. But until then it’s an exit scam waiting to happen.

>> No.21277358

You like them tendy XFT panties don't ya?

>> No.21277790

just wait till they lock team tokens per vesting schedule.

>> No.21278290
File: 315 KB, 953x612, 1545998656261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying all dips. I watched people miss out being too greedy on pullbacks all month- not repeating the same mistake.

Happy to sit in my bag too

>> No.21278340

nice fren, may your hands be like iron

>> No.21278893
File: 256 KB, 640x480, arino10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it brother.

>> No.21279718

No, it's a known chinese scam

just check the wechat chats

>> No.21279743


>> No.21279764

no XFT

>> No.21279787


>> No.21280495


Im sitting on 11k shifts. Max comfy hope this thing hits $10.

>> No.21280599

Chinese aren’t interested in privacy.