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>> No.21264341

fuck jannies

>> No.21264358


>> No.21264363
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Trying not to coom today and actually be productive. Need NET to get back past $40.

>> No.21264365

NIO $20 eow

>> No.21264366

TQQQ will take your money

>> No.21264373
File: 148 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200811-103449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the gold dip?

>> No.21264375

Everyone in this thread is gay

>> No.21264392
File: 11 KB, 218x231, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they do it for free? What's the end game?

>> No.21264395

DPST pumping the last two days. Regional banks are much stronger than nationals.

>> No.21264400

Can't prove you wrong

>> No.21264418

be patient but firm
buy a little each day for the rest of this week
don't rush it, don't force it, just let it happen

>> No.21264420

How the fuck is Nasdaq green when the entirety of FAGMAN, which is 90% of its market cap, is red?

>> No.21264433
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DKNG going up these days, but earnings on Friday. It will probably BTFO all gains, right?

Also, I'll keep on shilling LHX!!

>> No.21264435
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>> No.21264437


>> No.21264440

No wonder I was feeling so happy

>> No.21264450

Ok bois i’ev sold some shares in SDL Plc and invested in my potential rocket stock, so now I’m going to shill it to you

Invest in great land gold

What is is?
Gold mining operation in Australia and several other shitholes, it’s a penny stock as it has yet to begin extraction

Yes, any mining operation that has yet to extract can wither and die, however greatland gold is nice and solvent, and has a low debt ratio

How much?

I only invested £25 into it and this will be my meme stock while I invest in less risky ventures.

If the company begins extracting, and if interest in gold remains high/stable, then this stock will rocket, I expect by 150%(at a conservative estimate). As stocks are currently like 16 pence, that means a £250 investment will double my money, followed by late to the gamers pumping it, I reckon I can make back at least £2.5 grand.

Worse case scenario?

You lose a few hundred pounds

Best case scenario?
You make back a few thousand.

Estimated time of profit?

Late 2020 to mid 2021

Thank me later bois

>> No.21264451

SPY is going to break ATH and there's nothing we can do about it.

>> No.21264454

silver bros did we get too cocky??? my portfolio is hemorrhaging!

>> No.21264455
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I met a qt latina last night I think I'm gonna make it

>> No.21264458

>CLSK flat for about 30 minutes now
i-it will go up anytime now right?

>> No.21264461
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they don't have to be your only fren, but they're still your fren.

>> No.21264462

NET is really volatile as fuck. I'll probably sell at 45 and worry about something else, I know I'm being too optimistic with this.

>> No.21264467

BKNG is single handedly pumping the nasdaq

>> No.21264471
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Maybe this semen slurping hobby isn’t for me

>> No.21264485

They think its funny to remove titties but leave up scat posts for an unnaturally long time. Having this power is payment in of itself.

>> No.21264488

£250 not £25 sorry bois

>> No.21264493
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>> No.21264500
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daily reminder

>> No.21264504

About cooming or NET?

>> No.21264509

Why is TSM dumping?

>> No.21264513

my mexican-american practice gf is so nice to me
she is soft and warm and always tells me how attractive I am
feels so good


>> No.21264536

wish I knew.

>> No.21264538

chinks are going to invade taiwan

>> No.21264543
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What would it take for a stock price to hit $100,000 a share? Somebody told me NKLA was heading that way when the garbage trucks are built and I genuinely 100% believe that with every fiber of my being. But idk anything about stocks I just buy from RobinHood so can you guys tell me what would make this stock $100,000 a share?

>> No.21264547
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hi LCIguy

>> No.21264555


>> No.21264556

I'm losing a good amount of moneys today

>> No.21264571


>> No.21264575

What the fuck is a broker?

>> No.21264578

>down $69.420 today

>> No.21264579

woah i hope u trolling

>> No.21264603

i dont get dividends. how do you make more money on divvys than you lose on the movement of the stock itself? do you just kick back and write covered calls until they expire over and over or something? when do you "lose" (i.e. have to sell your shares for a loss at some point)?

to me the stock market is all risk vs. reward and i have always stuck to day trading because i feel like it's the only reasonable way to be able to manage risk because stop losses only work intraday so i can't get gapped on due to something xinnie the poo or drumpf said.

>> No.21264605

I sold.5 shares of TSLA today for like a $1700 profit. I hope that was the right move

>> No.21264609


Not a chance im investing in that piece of shit.
Market cap 500 mill and yet to take a single piece of gold out of the ground lmaooooo

>> No.21264613

Im pissed I didn't sell at 45 when it was hanging there for like 5 minutes.

>> No.21264619


Latinas > everything else > gooks

>> No.21264624

>didn't go all in during the march dip
>only went 50% in
>now all my cash will become monopoly money
>stonks are too high to buy now

>> No.21264637
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RTX chads, let's celebrate! Enjoy the gains, but this is only the beginning!

>> No.21264639

decades of growth will no splits

it's very easy to do with privately owned companies, harder to do with publicly traded companies because they are going to want to split
let's say that you founded a company (private) and grew it until it was worth 10 million, and the ownership of the company came from 100 shares. then each share would be worth 100k

>> No.21264644

If I had more nerve I'd go theta gang on TSLA at 1400 or so. This piece of garbage is being pinned deliberately to strike levels.

>> No.21264651
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Does she know she’s a practice gf?

>> No.21264654

Up by £150

SDL Plc is a great money maker if you accept its volatility and don’t sell when it dumps

Oil is also raising steady again, but gambling is pretty stagnant right now so I made loss there

>> No.21264671

RGR will be giving 5$ per share, bonus dividend.
Due to record gun sales. Ex-date is Aug 13

>> No.21264687

Broker? I hardly knew her

>> No.21264693

Does the Silver Gold Hype train still have room to go or am I too late to buy this "dip"?

>> No.21264695

I sold mine caus of this.
Better hedge it with some RTX or something like that.

>> No.21264700

I only call her my practice gf on 4chan
I don't really mean it
I'm quite fond of her

but she doesn't want kids so I'll eventually have to convince her or replace her

>> No.21264704

Bro, you can afford to lose £250, it either dies or you get rich as fuck

Also search the name of it and google and check the latest news concerning it

It’s literally found a fucking high density gold mine off the coast of Australia, so no fears over regime change or instability

>> No.21264722
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pretty sure he stopped coming here after he kept saying LCI to 60 and i bet him it would get to 6 first and i was right. probably too embarassed to show his face around these parts again, i know i'd be if i were him, look at that chart wew lad. another case of TAchad bullying the FAvirgin again i suppose. "but it's such a good company bro they got generics or some shit!" (i don't remember what shilling he did but it was something like that) lmao

>> No.21264738

Either inflation or deflation is coming, either way PM's are going to go up

>> No.21264739

It's risky but /pmg/ really seems to think it's gonna bounce back. I'm inclined to agree. Gut feeling tells me it will. It's not like other times when I felt nervous. I'm confident now.

>> No.21264741

Why? Not having kids is fucking baste

>> No.21264748

>check my old penny stock bio/pharma watchlist
>everything went from $1-5 to $5-20 in the past few months
>out of them all, the one i picked, fucking KTOV is crabbing and dumping, still stuck below $1

>> No.21264756

Will I make it with 1 share of AAPL? that's all I can afford

>> No.21264763
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>> No.21264766

Did you finally look up what a Box Cox transformation is or will you just rage quit again?

>> No.21264769

Be careful bro’s, most hispanic chicks have an early expiration date, expect that ass to get gross big and for those tits to sag down to their eventual gut. I have seen to happen a million times

t. wetback spic

>> No.21264772
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>> No.21264775

The joys of penny stocks

You either get rich or literally burn your money

>> No.21264781

Silver is going up. Gold will too. The question is a matter of if and not when. Comex delivery dates might be good plays.

>> No.21264783

give her to me, kids are shit. DINK early retirement is the fucking dream dude.

>> No.21264784
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She's Mexican. You'll pop out 10 kids in the blink of an eye by just looking at her desu

>> No.21264786
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swing trading like a boss today

>> No.21264788

Two of my top 3 largest positions are AAPL and MSFT

also just reinvesting dividends and buying more shares which buys more dividends which buys more shares, ad infinitum.

I've paced the overall market the last few years so I'm not worried about the growth of my dividend portfolio either. I just have more passive income than the S&P 500 ETF would give me

>> No.21264790

on guy i know talks about holding his dividend picks forever. he would pass them on to his children when he´s done he said

>> No.21264805

If I wasn't stuck with zero buying power on RH i'd be buying more. I also can't buy leveraged ETFs on Vanguard so I could buy the unleveraged version but fuck it i'll just wait.

>> No.21264807

Just think if you'd just put 1 dollar in all of them you could buy a case of beer and maybe even a half of a sandwich as well

>> No.21264815

>doesnt want to have kids
thats rare.

>> No.21264816

>The question is a matter of if and not when
Woops, meant
Question of when and not if

>> No.21264817


>> No.21264825

I get what you mean but she's petite and her mom is hot as fuck

>> No.21264829


>> No.21264832
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>started investing right as the tech bubble burst

well at least i didn't put it all in TQQQ

>> No.21264836

honestly have no idea what you're talking about m8

also high LCIguy :^) have you looked up what a downtrend is yet?

>> No.21264839

I should.. kill myself because I enjoy not having children? You're imbalanced

>> No.21264840

The only power trip/authority theyll ever have

>> No.21264841

She's probably based and understands her kids will grow up to be gang bangers and hoochie mammas.

>> No.21264847

Don't worry about that, her time will come and you'll have cute mestizo kids.

>> No.21264859
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So this is the largest selloff of silver in the last 3 months, right? That seems clearly manipulated to me but I'm just some dumbass on 4chan. My smoothbrain tells me that after this comes a leg up, would that be unreasonable?

>> No.21264863


I was in here urging people to buy RTX (and NOC, LMT) about two days ago. Hopefully this will end up being some level of payback for the random anon who made me $20k by shilling me DXB

>> No.21264864

I already can tell that she's going to go goblina-mode in the next decade
the only safe hispanic girls for the long run are the tall, skinny, light-skinned ones

you a lucky boy
my practice gf mom looks like a typical 60-year-old mexican mom

>> No.21264894

We're so fucking close to a new ATH for S&P

>> No.21264897

has the tech bubble actually burst?

>> No.21264906

Ha sorry bro, how much do you invest in penny stocks?

I only invested in greatland gold as a meme rocket, but the rest of my stock is FTSE.

Ied only ever invest pocket money in a single penny stock and focus the rest on the big players

>> No.21264911

interesting. it's something im considering after i've completed the income-generating phase and am looking more at wealth creation and passive income in early retirement. im doing the riskier but higher reward short term stuff now, when i've made enough to be comfortable i'll do the smaller reward but safer long term stuff.

>> No.21264915

i'm small time with my low % return. did you buy calls or just lots of stocks

>> No.21264919

Sell off of gold was to drive down silver. I am pretty sure this is citibank.

>> No.21264928


>> No.21264930

stocks only go up

>> No.21264931


>> No.21264936

Does anybody have any of them hot stock tips? I'm looking for something new.

>> No.21264952

I just woke up. Wtf happened to SLV?

>> No.21264958


>> No.21264959


>> No.21264965
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>honestly have no idea what you're talking about m8
>The TArd who told me to learn statistics last time and rage quit after asking him about some basic statistical tools has no fucking clue about statistics
Can't make this shit up.
wassup scoops?

>> No.21264966
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i expected ATH breach today, but bobo is working on the sabotage hardcore
he knows he can kill himself once we break it. it's just a matter of days, it will happen for sure. the question is just, when.

>> No.21264968

buy and hold MSFT for the next 20 years.

>> No.21264981



>> No.21264991

I got a good feeling about tqqq.

>> No.21264994

>has the tech bubble actually burst?
Looks like Uber and Lyft ruling is /priced in/, despite the wild maniacal posts their engineers were making on Blind yesterday...
This market is gay asf

>> No.21264996

I can't believe people treat AAPL like some pump and dump.

>> No.21265002

Bro invest long term, trump can only delay the depression for only so long, then most stocks will crash

So invest in the staple, and things poor people do even when their even poorer

Gold mining/silver mining

Poor people don’t buy tech
Poor governments don’t buy state of the art green energy
Poor people don’t buy houses
Poor people don’t need business advice or new clothes

Treat this year and next as a massive surge of poor people, and invest accordingly

>> No.21265006
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look up the dotcom crash, then you know what a bubble bursting is.

that would be -90%, not -9%. nothing has happened yet.

>> No.21265015


>> No.21265036

Net trying it’s best to get over $38

>> No.21265045

We spics have a sick culture that worships fat women

>> No.21265050

Where the WKHS chads at? Who's ready for more gains this year? About the earnings report, from Barron's:

>Despite the miss, there’s a lot going right at the company. In July, for instance, after the second quarter ended, the company reported a trio of positive data points. Workhorse received safety approvals for its electric vans, took in more orders for its vehicles, and delivered two of its first vans to Ryder Systems (R).

>And more vehicle deliveries are coming. “The [second half production] ramp remains on track and management continues to target [making] 300 [to] 400 vehicles by the end of the year,” wrote Cowen analyst Jeffery Osborne in a Monday research report. “After a tough few quarters, we see greener pastures ahead.”


>> No.21265049

I really do feel like SLV will rise back to 30 before EoW though.

>> No.21265054
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>> No.21265079

>wassup scoops?
I'm on vacation until Thursday

I can't wait to be free to unload all this fucking SPXL

>> No.21265098

Post apple split the cost for my shares will be around 111 per. Not bad at all. Sit on my ass and let the rebound take place.

>> No.21265101


Lots of stocks and it's doubled since I bought in, options aren't really a popular thing in Australia because the brokerage and liquidity are both shit and also you have to pass a quiz and sing the national anthem to do them instead of just logging into Robin hood or whatever the American method is

>> No.21265113

Maybe if Citibank needs to load up more shares to try shorting. This was the story like 2 weeks ago where Tu/W ate shit, then Thursday it mooned into the weekend

>> No.21265119

>he's still seething about something that happened ages ago

fucking hilarious. put your trip back on, buddy. you continue to be the easiest trip on 4chan to get a rise out of because your ego is so fragile.

what are my odds on LCI to $0.60? xD

>> No.21265132

And we always fly to close to the sun.

>> No.21265135

Going to buy back in sub 15 only

>> No.21265175

>Why is TSM dumping?
Same as before and with other good tech stocks. They are trying to head-fake retail with “muh sector rotation” in order to get techies cheap.

>> No.21265196
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What should I buy, fellers?

>> No.21265197
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>put your trip back on,
Are you a shizo? It's obvious that I'm not lciguy.
I also told you that already.

>> No.21265204

What's the deal with fucking MSFT
the entire tik tok rumors fucked up the prices

>> No.21265212

How long will airlines be up?

>> No.21265224

>poor people don't buy tech

Wrong. Poor people spend all their money on tech, subscription services, gadgets, iphones, tablets, roku, apple tv, all that bullshit.
I'm worth like half a million and I have a shitty iphone 6s with a smashed up screen and a battery drain.
Money has to go somewhere and tech is the most resilient to market downturns, we just witnessed that.
The only reason industrials are up is because the dollar is moving up. The only reason the dollar is moving up is because they haven't released the second stimulus YET but bet your ass they will. Unemployment is high and we are about to hit the fall and winter which means all those seasonal summer jobs are about to dry up and downsize.

>> No.21265230

When shorts are done covering

>> No.21265235

Apparently an analyst/speculator said that a big selloff was going to happen specifically today, and then it would continue to moon into September.

>> No.21265261

Check out BRK-A


>> No.21265274



>> No.21265290

Buy CLX for a dead cat sell or is this the first of 2 crows?

>> No.21265321

wheres your dubs. you must be talking about yourself, no? dont post anymore.

>> No.21265333
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>Poor people don’t buy tech
>Poor people don’t need new clothes
You have absolutely no idea about poor people.
Poor people will go into debt to buy the new iPhone. They rather starve than not watch Rick of Thrones on Netflix.

And businesses need the services of Adobe, MSFT and Amazon. Try to teach a company Linux or tell media to use Gimp lmao

>> No.21265369


>> No.21265371



>> No.21265378

i almost made almost the same reply but then i decided it wasnt worth my energy

>> No.21265385


>> No.21265407

Jokes on you, people who reply are double gay with aids.

>> No.21265415

Are poor people actually retarded? I thought poor kids were just as smart and talented as white kids.

>> No.21265417

>I hope that was the right move
It wasn't and that will be one of the biggest regrets of your life

Just fucking hold TSLA, it has the highest performance of any mega cap stock. There's nothing you can replace it with that offers the same performance with less risk.

>> No.21265418

Checked. Also very true. Every single poor person I know still has an iPhone. Granted, they do make monthly payments, but still. It's viewed as a necessity, and in some cases it actually kind of is.

The only people who don't have a smartphone are ancient boomers or people who probably barely afford to eat. But even then, maybe.

>> No.21265423

already coomed twice, im down 10% on tqqq calls

>> No.21265429

How can poor people be into debt to buy an iPhone, then the loaning companies have gone bankrupt

We are talking Dickensian poverty here

>> No.21265482

I still am DCAing into it on M1 but I would rather take the profit and if it dips again I'll buy again.

>> No.21265484

I am actually more encouraged now than I was last week. 25 and 29 are the last major resistance levels until you get to 35. We should not have blown through those as fast we did. After that you are talking 50.
I am playing with the expectation of 30s silver. If it looks like it wants to go higher than that than I am switching purely into miners.

>> No.21265490

doomp et

>> No.21265515

is this your first day?

>> No.21265516

there is different levels of poor
the ''poor'' in most of america are that way because they actually do buy shit they don't need
then there is the real poor, the niggas in appalachia who can't afford to even a credit card to go into debt
so yes the ''poor'' are that dumb

>> No.21265519

Lots of mobile phone carrier stores let you take the phone for free as long as you pay the taxes due at sell. Most people just pay their monthly phone bill at $30-50. They figure, "Well, I do NEED a phone." Even though it'd probably be better to buy an older Android phone for much cheaper.

>> No.21265555

I got in at 11.55 almost immediately shot up to 13. I’d say get in and see where it is in a few days.

>> No.21265583


>> No.21265584


>> No.21265618

How the actual fuck are we near all time highs? If it was okay to just have masses of people not work and go on unemployment, to have the government go into debt, and fed printing money why not do it every year?
Why is nobody terrified of what the fuck is happening?

>> No.21265620
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>sitting already at +$340 for the week
>feels good for a poorfag

Do i pull out the rug for the week or ride the daddy Dow wave?

>> No.21265656

The Obamaphone is a meme for a reason

>> No.21265660

People are still making money so investors dont care that stocks are in a bubble.

>> No.21265670

No one cares just ride the wave

>> No.21265678


>> No.21265688

It was always ok, most people were made obsolete by tech a long time ago, they just never noticed until now.

>> No.21265691

Got DKNG yesterday at ~31, if earnings are good at Friday the sky is the limit. Earnings could be bad and fug the price as well, but heh.

Got LHX a few weeks ago and it has been my most reliable stock recently.

>> No.21265695

MMT, new paradigm

>> No.21265696

This was the dip, you sold the bottom, and you should be adding here instead. It reminds me of the people who sold TSLA at $400 in March swearing it was going back to $180. If you missed the downward move you should be holding on stocks like these.

>> No.21265703

Because they pay with everything on credit cards which isn't a bad thing if you actually pay your bills but most actually don't.
So they don't go into debt per se through the iphone acquistion because most phone companies just give you a monthly breakdown with 0%apr just to keep churning new products, it's just how they pay for it. Poor people also feel insistent on showing off how 'rich' they are by appearing to have money aka nigger rich. This means they finance everything just to have new clothes , shoes, phone, car, apartment they can't afford, etc etc.
Also women are the main consumers and they have absolutely 0 financial savvy. Women's main strategy for life is to burn through as much money as they can and either have their father or future husband / sugar daddy foot the bill. If you think I'm joking I'm not and this is based on countless examples of real world experience and observation.

>> No.21265709

Pull a little out and spend it, a little more to treat yourself, reinvest the rest

>> No.21265722

Probably a good play. I made a bad call and my calls expire on 8/21. I think SLV will be up to at least $30 by then (Have a strike price of $27.50) so I should be fine. RIP if not though. I don't think Silver or even gold is going to go into an insane drop like some people might believe.

Also true. There's Paycheck to Paycheck poor because someone doesn't have any savings but can still get by and then there's "I might not even get to eat this week" poor. People don't understand that a lot of "poor" people aren't even THAT poor. Yes, they're in bad positions, but they still have an apartment, a car, a phone, and probably even a job. It's not extravagant but it's livable, I've been there. The people who complain about being poor and needing gibs from the government on twitter probably aren't that poor to begin with.

I genuinely believe a lot of poor people are only poor because of their decisions and not their circumstances.

>> No.21265726

>If it was okay to just have masses of people not work and go on unemployment, to have the government go into debt, and fed printing money why not do it every year?
Say hello to the new normal. Millions of people in the entertainment and service industries will simply not have jobs to return to until next year, at the very least. Republicans don't want to admit that the way forward is a UBI and Democrats don't want to admit that endless money printing is the answer

>> No.21265740

>Buttcoin currently crashing
Feels good, mane

>> No.21265751

I don't care, I made 2k from it and I still hold some.

>> No.21265771

bro i hope this is fake lol you can easily make that back in a day

>> No.21265772
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why won't this shit just crash already?
the suspense is killing me

>> No.21265778

Kinda like the people who stuff a massive 70+ inch tv in a small living room.. It don't mater that its grossly overkill or that you can touch the screen from the couch, its all about having it to show off to your buddies. The fact your killing your eyesight don't mater at all either.

>> No.21265801

it just follows gold right
what a boring asset
wasn't it supposed to be a million per coin by now

>> No.21265817

Fuck this gay market I'm just putting everything in qld and never looking back

>> No.21265824

N-n-nak at-attack

>> No.21265825
File: 125 KB, 838x384, 10F3E344-7774-4728-8028-B5204253B7A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can feel it. The propped up, bloated, overvalued tech sector is crumbling. Zoomers continue to “buy the dip” at ATH’s while smart money is routinely dumping and rotating to value. The end is near for tech. Position yourself accordingly. This will not end well.

>> No.21265855
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What a boring ass day.

>> No.21265857

>Why is nobody terrified of what the fuck is happening?
most are... but we must trade the market that is in our face
read ray dalio and you'll quickly be making more sense of the current state of the market

>> No.21265863

I'm buying more PM's.

>> No.21265866
File: 234 KB, 1080x1080, 20200811_115929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I switched from Nasdaq to value. Did I do good

>> No.21265867

I don't think tech is going to crash but it's going to start bleeding out

>> No.21265878

This ramble feels misplaced here.

>> No.21265880

DJ for life

>> No.21265882

Been sitting on 1400 side line money, I see some nice dips in gold/silver and clorox and rgr. I can't escape the feeling that this is a fomo bull trap dip. I wanna be wrong. I keep hearing "banks aren't rallying, gold/silver is" so why is my Discover stock shot up from my buy in at 49 dollars?

>> No.21265892

>Poor people don’t buy tech
>Poor people don’t buy houses
>Poor people don’t need business advice or new clothes
Kek they literally do all of these things, regardless of money. Hence poor. I live in a shithole and people spend so much on nice or flashy stuff while I'm just buying stocks and crypto with you retards
>Poor governments don’t buy state of the art green energy
Large businesses do for money saving

>> No.21265915

You shorted the king? Terrible idea boomer

>> No.21265924


>> No.21265930

... and, just like that, Wala
LINK will never be under $13 again!

>> No.21265952

imagine being a nocoiner lmao

>> No.21265957

I thought about selling INTC puts after my funds settle in two days.
What's the premium for $40 puts for two or three months out?

>> No.21265958

This is the shit that scares me. At least with a sudden drop you can pretty much accept the extent of the hit right away and have a clearer DCA opportunity. It's the slow insidious killer that scares me.

>> No.21265977

I think today i only check yahoo finance on the stocks i want to get out of. I can't take this heart ache anymore

>> No.21265980
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Should I buy some FIVG? Looks like it might continue to regularly rise, but I'm not sure how high it could go. Looking for some steady growers like BAC

>> No.21265986
File: 26 KB, 326x245, ratking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rat Kings rise up and stop TQQQ from hitting green

>> No.21265987
File: 11 KB, 357x123, Screenshot from 2020-08-11 12-21-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet more. You want leveraged value like a 2x bank ETF. But I would not buy in today after a pump. I'll buy more after a dump.

>> No.21265995

look I'm not gonna respond to you in detail
I'm just gonna say when I'm talking about "sideline" money the silver chart is not the one that would be grabbing my attention right fucking now

>> No.21266009

Why did you niggers shill SILJ at me. I'm down 10% you dicks

>> No.21266028

QCOM to the moon!

>> No.21266056

Kek, no. I have 2k of it that I just don't touch.
But it's a very small and insignificant part of my investments

>> No.21266060

SPOT is UP and will keep it up at least until SEPT.

>> No.21266064

This either moons to the stars on Friday or drills to the center of the earth

>> No.21266066

>~100% short interest
> Q4 earnings > mcap
> low debt

>> No.21266102

net worth?

>> No.21266142

Why would it moon? Nothing happened.

>> No.21266148

Imagine thinking you're going to be a millionaire from owning a magic digital coin that moves with gold when you can literally just own gold or other PMs that also correlate to gold but have higher upside and industrial use. Yikes dawg

>> No.21266150

can someone post the BUY EVERY DIP pic and any other pics with that chad, thx

>> No.21266166

Should i buy lhx??

>> No.21266182

what are some good writes for puts or calls bros

>> No.21266186


>> No.21266189
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>> No.21266197
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Look tech bulls, line is going up. Buy buy buy. FOMO, go all in, 100x leverage. Surely the line will continue to go up vertically

>> No.21266233
File: 601 KB, 777x889, thinking grand blue 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAPL at 440 or 435 right now.
MA, V, PYPL are my go tos
MSFT at 205 or so seems great as well
Maybe some WMT if you want no-tech because earnings. AMAT if youre poor because earnings on 13th

>> No.21266239

>net worth?
About 180k
80k Robinhood, 50k savings (looking to enter real estate if it crashes when eviction moratorium ends), 50k in retirement

>> No.21266256

>Surely the line will continue to go up vertically
"And indeed, it would."

>> No.21266261
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>> No.21266272

Bought a NET call, strike 45 expiry 8/21. How did I do

>> No.21266274
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Did you skip the part where you learn about P/E ratios? It's like investing $7,000 to a little kids lemonade stand. When all they want is scrap 2x4s, wood boards and a paint brush

>> No.21266282

>My daily movement swings from +1% to -1%

Is this whats it like to be a boomer

>> No.21266295
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>> No.21266300
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>> No.21266325

ET back above my outlay. Still salty theyre not counting the other ET I bought on ex divvy date for my total. Hell a few of my oil holdings are looking good.

Anon who asked about ET, did you buy in yet? Where my ayylmaos at?

>> No.21266332
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what were your best financial descisions anons?

>stopped dating after losing my virginity at 22
>avoided women at work
>never got married

>> No.21266335
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>> No.21266341

I'm actually massively leveraged and my account is sitting at +0.5% all day and I can't look the fuck away

>> No.21266351
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Id never use it but come on. E-Commerce and Amazon payments and stuff and not even having the MA and V problem of a travel shut down.
Paypal is a good hold right now.
Especially when you write a low put and buy at a discount that way.

>> No.21266355

Incel cope

>> No.21266364

What's got you confident?

>> No.21266370

PayPal owns venmo

>> No.21266390

I snagged a $39 call for 8/21 cheap yesterday

>> No.21266395
File: 226 KB, 1080x1533, yui beach 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopped dating after losing my virginity at 22
I stopped having sex after getting bored of it after a few times.
>what were your best financial descisions anons?
Not selling gold from 300 dollars to 1800

>> No.21266396

when I subscribed to the deep brain chain newsletter and they sent out an email warning they would be flooding the markets with tokens and I sold at like 1000 sats

I posted about it and nobody acknowledged me. I watched anons lose 95% in the coming weeks

>> No.21266407
File: 174 KB, 1080x1513, 1594205307171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> today's lunch time dump is actually a lunch time PUMP

>> No.21266410

I was going for that. Last week I thought it was time to sell most my tech and but some banks and oil but I'm always a pussy.

I have a lot of leverage already though. My portfolio is built with mostly balance transfer promotions from credit cards lol. I'm leveraged by a factor of 6 approximately

>> No.21266415

i've gone from $515k to $390k trying to be clever and now i want to just end it

>> No.21266424

>what were your best financial descisions anons?
Get sugar mommy, sit in crib all day and shitpost on biz and on futures with mommy's money. About as comfy as comfy can be

>> No.21266438

Been trying to tell you faggots for the longest crypto made boomer rocks obsolete. Guess you gotta learn the hard way.

Every possible store of value reason for holding gold, crypto like BTC does 10x better. Aside from the whole requires internet thing but outside of total societal collapse-- one where boomer rocks will be just as useless, I dont see that ever being a problem.

>> No.21266467

>thought about buying an fb call this morning
>bought a fucking NCLH put and Canadian pacific call thinking it was safer
One day I’ll learn. One day.

>> No.21266479

I've spent at least $12k over a decade on my fiance. She just started a nice career, let's hope I get a decent ROI

>> No.21266482

how does one find a sugar mommy

>> No.21266502
File: 22 KB, 552x295, wewwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How based is my portfolio?

>> No.21266508

Please remember the financial crisis

Sure, poor people will go into debt to buy things they can’t afford, but when the amount of defaulting poor people exceeds sustainability the loan companies, banks, housing market lenders etc crash.

Then the loans stop, or become so horribly requirement focussed that you need to be a PhD major with 200iq, a £100k job and a person of colour just to be entitled to one.

We will see defaults on loans, as the poor can’t afford to pay them (no work, automated manual labour etc)

This will lead to defaults

This will lead to a banking crisis

This will lead to a retail/tech crisis

And so on and so on and so on

Please don’t be deluded into thinking that this will be a workable depression ala financial crisis

This is going to be a Great Depression, where stock brokers jump windows, and tech engineers go hiking across the country just to work as farm hands at a local ranch.

>> No.21266512

already have 90 shares of nclh that I bought like a fucking robinhood retard in june. Should I just buy 10 more and start writing call options?

>> No.21266514
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>> No.21266519

I was going to defend dating, but then I remembered the dating scene and the fact that you pretty much only find dates over dating apps nowadays which is literally 90% male and 10% female (and those females are annoying sluts)

>> No.21266542

That’s not a bad idea desu

>> No.21266548

that's an interesting house

>> No.21266551

I'm sorry, but you will never get it back.

>> No.21266557

any pnd schemes i can gamble my money on rn?

>> No.21266565

be a twink have smooth skin and be really submissive. It is easy if you have no sense of dignity.

>> No.21266575

Applied for a better job everyday while stuck in a shit low paying job for 2 years
>New job offered me 3 times my salary than at shit job, but want me to start literally the next day
>Old boss screaming at me saying she will ruin me, I am a disloyal cheat, tries to get name of new company etc, etc,
>Walk right the fuck out, no 2 weeks notice old boss screaming "YOU'LL REGRET THIS!"
>Been a year since that day, making 3x the money and have 4 times the vacation plus healthcare and now I'm about to get a raise
>About to move in with gf and plumb her pussy every night
>WFH has allowed me to make small swing trades and I made my first 1k in trades/selling covered calls

Best decision of my life to leave that place and say "fuck a two weeks notice, suck my dick." Remeber kids, your boss will not give you a raise. ALWAYS trade up. Do not give a company loyalty, they will not return it. TRADE. UP.

>> No.21266576

The chad wall street bull
>Buy. Every. Dip.
The virgin Morgan Stanley
>D-don't buy, this is the end

>> No.21266604



>> No.21266611

god fuck gilead
FUCK gilead

I sold my fucking put this morning and it does this bullshit

>> No.21266614

i will now invest $7000 into this lemonade stand

>> No.21266621

Haha, money printer go brrrrr...

>> No.21266630

Okay but how did you handle the crushing loneliness in your 30s?

>> No.21266634

>muh consumer goods
who cares, big tech is concerned with working with other corporations, not consumers. In a depressed economy those corporations need more tech to get their efficiency back up.

>> No.21266641

ngl that's a pretty shit tier memefolio

>> No.21266643

Sounds like opportunity to me

>> No.21266660

>Remeber kids, your boss will not give you a raise. ALWAYS trade up
B-but I got an 18% raise in my first year.

>> No.21266662

>russians approve vaccine despite skipping phase iii
>this is somehow bullish for the markets
People are retards. It's a nothingburger.

>> No.21266663
File: 432 KB, 801x660, Annotation 2020-08-11 094132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time you see euphoric news like this plastered all over CNBC, you just know it's gonna dump hard in the near future.

>> No.21266665
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At least something good came out of the Kodak stock manipulation scam

>> No.21266669


>> No.21266676


>> No.21266693

>About to move in with gf

you're going to ruin your life

>> No.21266696

Post your cash percent in your portfolio: 16% How dangerous am I living?

>> No.21266706

based, thanks lads, will take anymore

>> No.21266716

Dubs for BABA will rule the world by 2030

>> No.21266720

Of (((course)))

>> No.21266723

has /pol/ gotten their hands on this yet? should've been digits for you

>> No.21266726

is she a lot older than you? like how did you find this arrangement

>> No.21266731

0%, if I wanted to hold cash I'd have it in my savings account.

>> No.21266744

my aura just turned orange

>> No.21266748

where's that idiot who went all-in on SQQQ this morning

>> No.21266753


>> No.21266759

I’m about to move back into my own apartment. Fuck living with women. Getting a cheap as fuck studio I’m going to cheat on my gf in.

>> No.21266777

oy vey

>> No.21266788

%4, enough to yank some out if I have an especially good day

>> No.21266790

Of course, just wait until marriage to see if a living arrangement will work out.

>> No.21266792

I got a solid involuntary chuckle outta this and you've earned this (You)

>> No.21266797

>jews being jews


>> No.21266800

Things like this are great. Giving back to struggling, marginalized communities makes my heart feel warm.

>> No.21266802
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>> No.21266803

I'm in mid 20's, she is in late 30's, met on a roleplay website a couple years ago

>> No.21266826

holy based

>> No.21266827

39%. this market isn't all that great and beacuase I have a 401k + maxed out roth IRA, I am always passively investing, but I don't feel like making any commitments. Usually I'd just do all my buys at specific times of the year, but this year I just settled on maxing out my Roth and that's it.

>> No.21266831

Inflation as it is/has been, everyone should be looking for new jobs every 1-2 years.
New hire salaries have to match inflation more honestly than internal promotion pay structures.

>> No.21266836
File: 61 KB, 750x701, 76BC9630-B710-4F9C-8E6D-B026C7277519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does selling and buying puts and calls seem so big brain? I don’t really see the point in it.

>> No.21266859


>> No.21266865

its not

>> No.21266869

only 12k in a decade ain't that bad really

>> No.21266871

of course
of FUCKING course

>> No.21266874

hot. glad you're living the dream anon.

>> No.21266886

Trading up is more likely to get you a 50-200% raise. Work somewhere for a year if it's good. After one year, spit out applications every week. Go on interviews and ask for big bucks, you have nothing to lose. Eventually one will say yes. It's easier to bargain in an interview when you don't need the job. Ignore the boomer "hurr durr those mean millennials only stay at a job for 6 months to a year! Open PDF!". Fuck boomers. They don't want to pay. Fuck em. Fuck any sort of loyalty. A company will discard you in a heart beat if Sally HR says you looked at her tits.

>> No.21266889
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>> No.21266891

If you’re me it’s how you lose all your money

>> No.21266908

It is, if youre options strategy isnt literally weekly OTM calls.

>> No.21266912

okay then what is your strategy
should i just buy SPY calls every monday?

>> No.21266918

I hope so.
Add to that Seattle announced they're short $395,000,000 for the year due to lose taxable income.

>> No.21266924

You could just buy normal shares and hope for the best, but calls/puts are exponential. If you see people who 100x their money in a week or whatever, it's likely from a call or a put.

>> No.21266944

friends, hobbies, even the shitty "just travel" meme works for me

>> No.21266961


>> No.21266976
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>> No.21267021

-50% on my QQQ puts. I should have just held TQQQ.

>> No.21267023

Godspeed anons, but I still wish that you find the one at some point

>> No.21267030

I mean it's not big-brained to play options. It's big-brained to use options to hedge, and it's big-brained to trade options when you have a massive edge on the market. Buying a call when you think something will go up will lose you money even when it does go up, because most of the catalysts you think are going to raise the price are already priced in to the option premium. So the next day, the stock moved into the money but your option price remained the same. It be like that

>> No.21267045


>> No.21267054

to what degree is option trading luck

>> No.21267062

>Remeber kids, your boss will not give you a raise. ALWAYS trade up. Do not give a company loyalty, they will not return it. TRADE. UP.
Absolutely based and red-pilled.
Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.21267071

Hows your NAK doing?
Prepared to wait 5 years for the next pump?

>> No.21267079

Bought 800 shares of Norwegian Air last night at 1.45 NOK a share. They're at their lowest ever right now, not only because of corona, but also because Boeing fucked them over a couple years ago by selling them dozens of faulty engines. They've launched a lawsuit against them now, and the odds look pretty good in their favour. The airline is also heavily backed by the Norwegian gov and has a gud rep among flyers. Gonna be a good one lads

>> No.21267083

is there even a point in owning KO when im trying to grow my account balance

>> No.21267099
File: 457 KB, 574x580, 1584567489763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY ATH let's do this

>> No.21267106

What do you mean by hedge?

>> No.21267120

NAK will moon tomorrow, and if not tomorrow then the day after that. I'm fucking ready, are you,sailor?

>> No.21267123

Don’t you buy calls when it’s red and buy ours when it’s green to prevent this?

>> No.21267133

50/50. There's a lot of luck involved but use common sense to make educated guesses.

>> No.21267143

they're owned by china, chang.

>> No.21267155

I dunno man. Tech has been treating me well recently.

>> No.21267156

I got baited into a "promotion" that was really just a new title with more responsibility

>> No.21267173
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>> No.21267187

Depends on how much KO. It is kind of THE intro to covered calls stock

>> No.21267236
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>> No.21267243

Is this man the king fucking bull?

>> No.21267256

Bro, at the very least diversify your portfolio into poor man stocks, so even if the end times come around the corner you have something to cushion the blow

>> No.21267275
File: 89 KB, 351x512, 1585334487331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is a genius and a literal GOD
you only have to listen

>> No.21267293

tfw stopped crabbing and now dumping

>> No.21267314

Irishmen and chinks

>> No.21267341
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lmao based

>> No.21267346

>This is going to be a Great Depression, where stock brokers jump windows, and tech engineers go hiking across the country just to work as farm hands at a local ranch.

Why do anons always state their fantasies as a likely scenario?

>> No.21267357

Gonna be funny when all the hoopla over the Russia cure ends with them finding all sorts of nasty side effects or it's just "water" instead of a cure.

>> No.21267371

Just loaded up $500 worth of SLV puts

>> No.21267396

inb4 bioweapon
inb4 they already had a vaccine
inb4 the vaccine is also a bioweapon

>> No.21267415

Oh, no.

>> No.21267439
File: 4 KB, 125x120, 1597091417143s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's probably got 12 month puts eating his ass rn and needs a depression to break even

>> No.21267443

Some faggot started a new thread without posting the link


>> No.21267467


it was 2.70 like a week ago. Enjoy losing money.

>> No.21267468

I, too, am holding SLV calls

>> No.21267583

>I got baited into a "promotion" that was really just a new title with more responsibility
That's usually what they are.
No pay raise at all though? They didn't even toss you a couple grand?

Back to my point though: you can leverage that promotion in a job hop to go for a bigger role at other companies with bigger pay.
My promotion in the next year or so probably isn't going to be much at all, but I'm going to leverage it for a 2nd promo when I hop to a different company.

>> No.21267634

Only reason it's dipped over the past week is because their monthly flyer report was released showing a 90% decrease in customers

>> No.21267645

Post scarcity society anon. If only you knew how many people go to work just to give them something to do.

>> No.21267670


No it dipped because they are out of money and will release more shares. Again.

When it eventually raises back to it's old market cap your shares will be worth 0.2 NOK each.

>> No.21267752

I've got a friend that is absolutely CONVINCED that everything is destined to crash around election time. That just seems too obvious to me.

I think both outcomes are already priced in, and the next large movements will be as far out as 2021.

What you think

>> No.21267777
File: 430 KB, 860x596, 435-4358501_tired-pepe-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My silver certificate just got knocked out. I'm pretty sure that silver will now start to gain again.

>> No.21267776

Flights are picking back up airlines are reopening. You'd better fucking get back in now. I told retarded dopamine addict anon to do this 3 weeks ago and he didnt buy. But he will in a month when the price jumps and its exciting. Retard dopamine addicts, man.

>> No.21267798

yeah of course im not dumb, I have more than one tech stock.