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21259061 No.21259061 [Reply] [Original]

Immagine those beafags
''muh recession in september''

>> No.21259223


>> No.21259234

russia rules

>> No.21259414


>> No.21259665



We're already in a recession. It won't magically end in september because we've found a vaccine.

>> No.21259778

The global economy is ruined even if covid disappeared overnight tonight. Also once the lockdowns ease down USA will probably have a civil war or something

>> No.21259863

do you seriously expect them to understand that?

>> No.21259958


>> No.21259989

>Also once the lockdowns ease down USA will probably have a civil war or something

>> No.21260385

I really don't understand why a lot of people here wants a depression to happen.

You fucking niggers are too retarded to make a revolution/save the white race/enstablishing communism or whatever idiotic ideology you're following.

>> No.21260571


no, I don't know why I waste energy on this

>> No.21260630


> lauphs at its own stupidity

GDP is down 9%. But No...

sToNk aRe StRonG.. ecONoMy GuD

>> No.21260877

lmao the U.S. will never have a civil war.
Police men could pull the guns out of bearded /pol/ fags hangs and nothing would happen.

>> No.21261038
File: 8 KB, 179x282, hesold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, everything the U.S. government has done over the past 6 months is unconstitutional.
Dress codes, no gatherings, forcing businesses to close.
The american has the same rights as a european now, except the american gets none of the benefits and lives next to other races that hate him.

>> No.21261134
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 14453526565790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The constitution is a living document that serves the needs of the times you retarded frogposter. America has 5 million cases and is the laughing stock of the world because half the population are fucking morons brainwashed by fox news and q anon conspiracy bullshit.

>> No.21261192

Feel like you burgers got a nice lesson on what ‘rights’ are.

They don’t mean shit.

>> No.21261244

>The constitution is a living document
No it's pretty much suppose to be set in stone, that's why they call them "god given rights" because they're above being revoked by a child molesting local politician because there is a bad cold.

>> No.21261256

Bro, if the US govt. wanted to take away people's rights, they would just do it.
They interned japanese americans in concentration camps on US soil, with widespread approval.

>> No.21261274

Well they mean anything if the populace doesn't unsure them, which the American populace as proved that they never will. Which isn't surprising when you think about it.

>> No.21261283
File: 99 KB, 750x727, 9B02436A-C36F-4B8D-9682-8748AFBDB55D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dogs and cats test positive
>goats test positive
>bats test positive
>even goats and papaya test positive
>semen tests positive
>motorcyclist dies, it’s from covid
>>trusting any of these stats

Anon, I

>> No.21261291

And yet, here you are.

Your constitution is a fanfic.

>> No.21261334

wow i botched that sentence, I'm not as retarded as I look i promise.
>Well they don't mean anything if the populace won't insure them, and americans have proven they won't.
I mean they did just take away peoples right, so yea I agree.