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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 264x191, rlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21254735 No.21254735 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you buying

>> No.21254761
File: 9 KB, 250x202, 1594977213796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already all in fren

>> No.21254770

I'm not buying because token isn't needed

>> No.21254801

bros i am so bullish for this next week or so

>cup and handle forming on daily
>look back the previous few months and this run looks parabolic

i need to buy so much more digital oil

>> No.21254802

just watch faggots sell before the conference then rage

>> No.21254829



>> No.21254872

How does $5 sound?

>> No.21254873

Gilles, I know it's you. I'm urging you to stop as a friend. It's not healthy browsing this board all day every day. Just stop.

>> No.21254925
File: 138 KB, 419x418, PVC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally dumping

>> No.21254940

> breaking out
> literally dumping right now

>> No.21254955

Imagine actually buying this piece of shit scam coin

Neck yourself retards

>> No.21254979

mxc was announced just an hour ago. i hope this gets to $2.50 bc i don't think this project is good anymore

>> No.21255229


>> No.21255259
File: 210 KB, 718x759, want_sum_of_these_execs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 7.2k barrels. Stop telling people it's going parabolic when I'm still accumulating this literal fucking x40 moon mission. Also all of my friends are doing the same. Stap it you guiiz, please FUD more. This is a pajeet scam, never going anywhere but 0. French bagguet, pajeet scam, no use case, 0 value, tranny boat parties

>> No.21255282

Tired of seeing this pajeet shitcoin on this board, your bags must be heavy with all that digital shit you're holding

>> No.21255293

haha good luck being financially ruined you stupid nigger.

you and your friends better buy kneepads

>> No.21255372

i was going to sell at $1.77 but you fags convinced me not to

>> No.21255397
File: 75 KB, 553x524, rlc_gent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, keep it up guys. I love you. No real argument why it's crap, just literal FUD. WOOOOHOOOOO. Keep it going

>> No.21255501

You wouldnt sell bitcoin at $1.77 would you?

>> No.21256045

Team has never built anything before this.. They were garbage men, welders, and other shit before they became desktop grid enthusiasts turned "Token Founders"..
Not to say those jobs don't take skill, but they have no business running a software team, let alone building a decentralized platform.
Every iexec side project has been borderline a scam/heavily mismanaged. Some of those by RLC "Founders". RLC has 0 chance at success. It is a shit show used to enrich the founders with very little given back to community for actually keeping it going and contributing.
RLC Founders keep their stash in BTC for the most part(some 6,000 BTC). Should be all you need to know in their own faith of their project.
I'm a worker who has seen the show from the inside.. I only keep my node running to turn it into other more valuable coins at this point. Trust me when I say it's a complete shit show. If it weren't for a few very smart worker pools, the wheels would have fallen off already.
"Invest" at your own risk, but i assure you it won't end well.

>> No.21256283


>> No.21256308

You post this on every thread. 6 of the have PhDs in their area. They probably have never seen a welding rod

>> No.21256325
File: 613 KB, 540x960, iexecutive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21256400

Last time I made real arguments, the fact that hardware TEE is a meme, you retards started doubling down on sucking intel cock. Coin not needed and the market is more expensive than AWS spot and reserved and even on demand EC2.

>> No.21256422

bullish, my eyes are now open, $20 eoy

>> No.21256594

closed under the 100MA it's fucking over giles

>> No.21256649 [DELETED] 

i'm scared
i bought 10k of these
what if it never pumps?

>> No.21256666

I post it because I saw the July 31st EEA conference, and I want anons to know how it revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

The current 35% BTC price tank has been offset for the moment in dollar terms, but this is mere child's play compared to the unabated FEAR that is impending upon all iexecies. The continuous iexecie arsehole twitch is only just beginning.

Once this presentation gets more than 1k views, RLC is going to plummet through the fucking floor. The world doesn't take potheads seriously, especially with their gfs visible in the shower during a meeting. All that's needed is for word to get out, and trust me, it will. The world WILL see this presentation and RLC for the scam that it is.

Face it, you got pushed out of an affordable home by the international banking cartel, you were undercut by a pajeet for your job, and your last remaining hope for either of those is going to vanish courtesy of a bunch of stuttering potheads. RLC is not going to just tank to the floor, it's going to tank THROUGH the fucking floor. This is going to the largest panic in history.

The $1.50 resistance is going to be fucking murdered when the BTC pricetank follows into dollars. Deluded iexecie wagecucking engineering nerds, who sold the family christmas to load up on RLC, are going to define unchartered medical territory: continuous arsehole twitching combined with follow through with the consistency of a 20 year old bleeding radiator.

The arsehole twitching will subside once RLC has been removed from all exchanges, and all self respect has been lost. But from that day, deluded iexecies will spend every morning of their remaining wagecucking lives frothing at the mouth and spilling milk everywhere while crying into their cornflakes, before embarking on their hour and a half commute to their wagecucking station.

I warned you, iexecies. There's still time to get out, sell NOW.

Remember: DON'T be deluded, DON'T be an iexecie.

>> No.21256693

SELL SELL SELL this project is confirmed vaporware, you dont want to lose it all, do you?

>> No.21256713

guys i'm so fucking scared
i bought 10k of these
what if it never pumps?
my average buy is 1.4

>> No.21256730

how much ?

>> No.21256754


>> No.21256781

never change, /biz/

>> No.21256813
File: 129 KB, 1200x693, Ebr9s8dXkAAJ1HG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in fags edge/fog computing is coming really fast

>> No.21256859

Wish I had 10k of them
About 6k and still accumulating. Brought in ranges from 1-1.40 usd. Just hold, I've read the papers and stuff and can't beleive this bitch is so undervalued. It won't be for long. Pretty sure one big company has 100 ptrabytes of data they need help with decoding.
I'm just looking forward to the moon, and I, not on about a measly $10 increase per barrel.

>> No.21256876

because alt season is over