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21252558 No.21252558 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me the differences between stakenet and orion protocol? I am really surprised orion came 2 years after stakenet and they’re already launching their beta dex. What went wrong with xsn?

>> No.21252673

Stakenet is some side project funded by bagholders. Orion is partnered with some of the biggest projects in crypto, and will be listed on every exchange that becomes a broker. Basically if you want to get rich, you buy Orion

>> No.21252746
File: 487 KB, 2261x1132, Our%20Partners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.21252757

Yeah i what i thought. They seem to be lacking partnership and they attract also a lot of hate from chinance and the likes.
I think short term orn has more potential to moon, lower marketcap better marketing and listing in major exchanges will follow soon. I will dump my half my xsn bag and go with orn.

>> No.21252760


They are completely different, ORN does not provide cross chain atomic lightning swaps on rented channels.
This means the fees for ORN will be higher and transaction speed way lower.
Please read the whitepapers stop asking here you will only get FUD.

>> No.21252784

Damn the list is long.

>> No.21252822

XSN DEX is in beta and you can try it yourself right now, full release later this month.

Difference is ORN is a onchain wrapped asset bullshit just like everything else and will fail just like everything else due to onchain not being scalable when it gets popular as seen with Uniswap.

XSN is the only project with the foresight to see the issue with onchain and build offchain using L2 protocols like Lightning Network and Raiden.

All these other projects are clones of each other with a few parameters changed, XSN is the only unique one to offer something different and yes it has taken them two years to build it because it is genuinely groundbreaking not some copy/paste code bullshit.

ORNs entire project of aggregation is a sideshow for XSN, they have done it, it works and you can see it for yourself in the beta.

XSN is a platform not a DEX, the DEX is just a dapp to showcase what devs can build on the platform due to being code and cross chain agnostic.

Finally ORN is a scam they had an ICO 2 years ago under Holdvest and took the money and ran now they are back with another ICO for ORN basically just copying a small part of XSN project in theory but don’t have the tech or infrastructure to actually back it up which is why ORN tech is same as everyone else’s

>> No.21252937

Thanks. One thing that surprised in their website there is no clear roadmap no details about the tech they use. I might indeed be another uniswap like app revamped. But i m pretty sure they will do a great job driving the hype and make it moon x10 from here.

>> No.21252957

this will get ignored, this thread is shillings maximus.

>> No.21252992

When are you going to realise that literally no one gives a fuck about the lightning network.

Orion will outshine xsn 100x. It’s already got the backing of everyone

>> No.21253000

You might want to wait for more supply, currently whales are buying up most of it and it keeps sending up the price. Next release is on Sunday

This is the problem with Stakenet bagholders, they only care about tech, not real use by organisations. NGMI

>> No.21253078


>> No.21253092
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So i just wasted 15 minutes of my life diving into Orion... this is literally a half baked Stakenet ripoff. anon here>>21252822 has fortunately already explained, saving me a further waste of my time.

>MUH partnerships!

this isn't 2017 anymore anon. people want tangible products that actually work and provide value.

>nobody cares about the lightning network!

sure thing kid. im sure onion will allow us all to transfer BTC instantly, interchain.

>> No.21253102

Stop being so butthurt every time someone FUDs XSN. We don't need
people white knighting XSN, it will do what it's designed for and people will eventually flood to it. So shut the fuck up, enjoy the fud, and buy more at a cheaper price.

>> No.21253147

You could have the best tech in the world and it still might not make you money. Why is Windows the default OS when Linux is just better in every way.

This is why you will fail. Your product will be used by obscure traders who use it to feel like some sort of cypher punk need. Real traders (people who don’t give a fuck about the philosophy of crypto) will use Orion. That’s why it will make money.

>> No.21253163

ORN is a shameless ripoff that had an ICO and runs on ETH
XSN invented or were building up everything that all the Defi bandwaggoners larp about now 2 yrs ago

>> No.21253206

You’re right, the commun thing about all successful projects, they all had countless of partnerships regardless of the tech, just look at chainlink, a glorified Json parser that only use case is to feed price data , now there are at least 10 oracles doing exactly the same...
I think xsn is great in what they are trying to achieve, but what i have learnt is to better go with hyped projects with major exchange listing. I just did x15 with band in a month, x60 ampl , x20 yfi i just dont have the patience to wait a year for a potential x10 of xsn there are better returns out there imo

>> No.21253282

It runs on elrond network

>> No.21253283

Exactly. If you only care about the money, just buy large bags of small mc projects that have tons of marketing/investors/partnerships. It will inevitably blow up and you cash out. Rinse and repeat.

Also look into SOL. That will pump so damn hard once FTX launches its derivative dex.

>> No.21253292

Checked and based.

>> No.21253342

Sol already mooned. I have never seen such a horrible token distribution with currently 27m out of 488m in circulation. Fully diluted its already in the billions lol. No thanks ...

>> No.21253399

It’s not even a full bull run yet. Nothing has ‘mooned’ dude.

>> No.21253462

Dude it’s already bull run in defi since 2 months, this wont last long the moment btc drops its all done. Take some profits at least... for most of us we are already up 20-50x...

>> No.21253474
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>Synthetix exchange is just one more on-chain DEX like orion dex, polkaswap, binance dex .. So you have to wrap/peg every asset (also btc ltc xsn) into an snx token to trade it. Therefore you have to totally trust every single asset you have to this new unknown blockchain & as it is onchain: for every swap you pay blockchain fees, less privacy as every tx is visible, speed is limited by snx blockchain .. And less scalability. Our :zap: DEX is offchain: real assets, no blockchain fees, lightning speed, much privacy as no tx is visible, infinite scalability.