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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21249011 No.21249011 [Reply] [Original]

>society is fucked unless we pardon all credit card, irs, and student loan debt
>/biz/ is against this

is it just crabs in a bucket or something more?

>> No.21249104

pardoning debt and taxes won't fix anything at this point. Things are completely fucked financially. The whole point of the fake virus lockdowns is to stop the velocity of money. This way they print and loot the country and postpone the inflation and the effects that will inevitably crush the middle class

>> No.21249127

My parents paid my tuition and i hsve a useful degree. So yes I'd rather have less competition than more. For someone to prosper someone must suffer. Game theory. Biz tends to be white smart males so obviously that would be retarded and only shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.21249155

It's better for me if retards in debt stay in debt. We are competing against each other and I want all other millennials to have as low of a net worth as possible while I accumulate wealth.

>> No.21249160

haha yeah let's just make every financial instrument tied to those loans worth 0 dollars what could go wrong

>> No.21249170

>pardon all debt
>everything is fundamentally unchanged, usury based economy begins anew
yeah good solution

>> No.21249180

That’s literally theft. Doesn’t matter where the money comes from.

>> No.21249191

Nah fuck that, roasties own the bulk of the student debt, I'll leave the country if that happens. I'm not bailing them out.

>> No.21249202
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>> No.21249203

muh neoliberal individualism

>> No.21249224

>make college free
>require 2 years of military conscription before admission

>> No.21249269

retards took out a student loan for 150k at 9 apr so they could find themselves with an art degree or something stupid. who cares? if anything cancel all interest accumulation on student loans and credit cards

>> No.21249273

This is the world we live in. Go live innawoods if you want to get out of it.

>> No.21249299

>Want to go to college so I can get a degree and have the experience of a lifetime that not everyone gets
>What an unforgettable ride, now I can get any middle income job I want or higher income
>wtf? I dont remember taking out this loan this is actually bullshit. I shouldn't have to pay anything back.

>Don't go to college
>Take the long way
>Finally pays off after years of extremely high risk and hard work
>Many don't make it.
Why are college cucks so fucking weak.

>> No.21249372
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Nothing pisses me off more than seeing some sub 100iq mouthbreather maxing out a dozen credit cards to pay for shit that they don't need and living way beyond their means
>shitty liquor
>fast food
>living in places they can't afford
>spending money on fucking THOTS
>dozens of monthly subscriptions to shit like Netflix and HBO Go
And then seeing that same dipshit taking out federally backed student loans and getting a WORTHLESS degree at some college where they need to take remedial classes like fucking Algebra and English 101 while paying out the ass for it because there are limited number of seats but unlimited cash flow because we give any moron with a pulse unlimited access to credit thanks to how student loans work.

>> No.21249398

Pardoning debts have a cost too, anon.

>> No.21249434


The cost of education in the US is a major contributor, 6 figs student debt for a bachelors is a fucking joke lol. Burgers pad out their degrees with filler classes too (similar to their meat - coincidence???) so they cost extra on top.