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File: 63 KB, 464x582, GEEQ-OFFICIAL-Small-Network-of-Networks-Diagram-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21244238 No.21244238 [Reply] [Original]

you guys have no clue how fucking big this will be. This thing wont dump all dumps are eating up and its being so manipulated right now for whales to accumulated. Partnered with IBM, along with team holding presentations for Nasa and the World Bank. Partnered with JUN whose advisors is the creator of link (Vitalik). Proof of honesty is literally impossible to 51 percent attack and not even quantum computing could fuck with this. You want Link and Ether at sub- 10 mil marketcap. Well here the fuck it is. No one posts about it because whales dont want people buying all the cheap Geeq. Your welcome anon, I promise a lot of presale buyers, including myself see this as the retirement coin. Im up 40k and haven't sold one geeq. See ya in Geeq-topia

>> No.21244489

lol biz want to stay poor and buy when this goes parabolic. Shame. No more bumps from me dummies

>> No.21244931

what do you think about the fact that only 1.5% of the supply is circulating?

>> No.21245594

i think its fine honestly. it will take over a few years to reach around 50 percent and it will stay around that amount. the other percentage of the supply will only be released to corporations to run geeq nodes so they wont be actually released from my undestanding. in two years the whole crypto market value will easily be around 4-5 trillion plus so why can geeq reach a few billion when there will be legit companies using it with billions of dollars in revenue (just like their parent company makes 100 of millions of dollars a year). Thanks for engaging

>> No.21245722
File: 81 KB, 1000x562, A3A1E327-6B72-4E05-BF05-C6BAB59348E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just yolo’d 3 ETH into this shit coin. I’ve already made it with my link and rsr bags, why tf not

>> No.21245802

What are the fundamentals of this shitcoin?

>> No.21245804

if you look at the charts its honestly bullish very coin that pumped a bunch usually retraces 30-40 percent sometimes more. Not this one. Every dip is bought in seconds its like the dips are barely there. But they are. Some presales want the quick flip. Not this guy kek

>> No.21245829

not a shitcoin so you can do your own research bud lol Spoon feeding everyone nowadays. All i will say is POH

>> No.21245909

An already 20X shitcoin. ICO participants have already made 20-30X on this shit in just 15 days. Highly overvalued when you consider the fully diluted market cap which is already 500 million on this shit. Finally the total supply can increase so it's an inflationary shit also. Don't buy it at this price. Bagholders are desperate to dump at these prices. Good price to get in is 25-50 cents next year.

>> No.21245945

What's the fucking point in posting some stupid project if you don't want to talk about it?
Fuck off you stupid nigger.

>> No.21245986

Does it have the word defi associated with it in anyway plz say yes

>> No.21246035

because you want to be a lazy racist piece of shit lol do some research

>> No.21246108

ahahahahahaha right. keep fudding this time in a few days it will be up 50 percent maybe more. Im a presale buyer ill sell when its over hundreds of dollars a geeq. the marketcap will never be fully diluted you dumb piece of shit do you do research or even read any comments above before you spew bullshit? Shut the fuck up the coin will never be below prices right now give a dollar tops

>> No.21246131

actually yes lol Geeq has so many use cases its crazy

>> No.21246506

It seems you are pathetically triggered hard when spanked with few crumbs of reality and logic. I know it hurts, I know. GTFO and sell now, it's your only chance to secure your bags with a 30X already. Main net is 2 years away. It does not even has a testnet yet. The tokonomics are an utter shitshow. 1.5% duh. Get ready to be dumped when markets take a turn in October/November. Get out now.

>> No.21246646

hhahah nice fud testnet is end of the year and mainnet is june next year. your'e literally spewing fake news everything you say you stupid fuck shut the fuck up fagget i aint selling a dime pussy bitch. The fud makes me want to buy more

>> No.21246847
File: 6 KB, 271x186, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The douches never listen. Everything is close to reality. You seems very afraid and insecure of facts. Why is that? Sell you bags and re buy at reasonable prices next year fag. You wont regret it. Rest it up to you.

>> No.21246888

bro im comfy as fuck. im selling shit to you keep fudding we all know this coin is star power. JUN and IBM dont partner with scams shut the fuck up. But thanks for the bumps

>> No.21247233
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1597113356950s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are your reasons. Duh! You gona get burnt when shit is gona hit the fan. There are a million shitcoins there where they have so called "partners" with them. This crypto shit is fucking filled with them. Enjoy your fantasies while they last faggot.

>> No.21247291

keep bumping dude you're big mad huh? no that no the only reasons im just saying those guys dont partner with scam shitcoins so suck a dick. Keep bumping tho i love it

>> No.21247373

So you like to be drilled shitter? Get ready. Although it would be very painful and hurt much. You still have time.

>> No.21247385

I'm gonna buy but not at this price.

Nothing major will happen for a few months so hopefully by then some impatient whales sell off when the initial hype is gone.

>> No.21247510

Yikes op unstable af. Might sell and look elsewhere. Any suggestions? SWINGBY?

>> No.21247554

its tough to say if it will dump more seeing as all dips are eaten up. Its possible for sure it dumps but alot of presalers that wanted to sell did. I am in the group that all presalers get put into and they took a poll. everyone that took part in the poll (1/3 of the people) NOT ONE PERSON DUMPED THEIR FULL BAGS. Some took profit but not much. But thanks for being straight up and not being a fagget fudder i hope you get a good price point because anyone with half a brain can see how massive this can be

>> No.21247573

bye. your 3 eth is peanuts bro lol