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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21242890 No.21242890 [Reply] [Original]

The entire value proposition of decentralized commerce is destroyed when a network becomes Proof of Stake.

>PoS chains will naturally centralize validation among exchanges, ETFs, and other custodians resulting in chains secured by the easiest companies to regulate.

They will have the ability to regulate the network by owning the majority of staked tokens.

>> No.21243138
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I propose proof of fren
Every node on the network must be a fren. On every new block the reward is given to a fren based on how many frens they have

>> No.21243169

They have less than 1% of ethereum supply
Medalla is working great
Get fucked

>> No.21243183

This might work. $FREN

>> No.21243190

daily reminder that this could be absolutely true but you would be retarded to sell right now for this reason.

>> No.21243232

72,000,000 tokens were premined on ethereum

>> No.21243247

I swear him and Tual fucked Eth release over. Prior to them it was "smart contracts" - then they came along and turned it into "Decentralize Everything" and "World Computer". Then all the brainlets showed up wanting to program 2D RPGs on it.

>> No.21243316
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The best incentive is no incentive.

>> No.21243338
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>> No.21243350
File: 298 KB, 1170x1172, 8525BCF8-4A09-4C2B-A6E6-37A263F31750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PoS is dead on arrival.
You mean Ethereum’s shitty attempt is.

>> No.21243362


>> No.21243380

its fucking over for eth lmao

>> No.21243398

Based Nick - he follows me on Twitter but no one here will believe this.
Most think he's an acidic maximalist but he was mildly pro Ethereum in the beginning and showed interest. Not hostile at all in the way blockstream was.

>> No.21244139

wrong, people are going to prefer decentralized pools rather than exchanges, and people with enough eth are going to run pool nodes.
It's going to be glorious

>> No.21244376


>> No.21244505
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>> No.21244533

Cope more

>> No.21244588

Lmao look at that guy. Is that a human?

>> No.21244674

Bitcoin is run by 10 mining operations with 60% of hashing power under the direct control of China. You need exogenous specialized hardware to mine efficiently and the people who create them have no incentive to sell them to you until they’ve used them a 18 months and made something better...that they also aren’t selling to you. PoW is very prône to centralization and miners are mercenaries whose interests are not aligned directly with long term holders. All that hashing power to determine who suggests the block...when PoS can do that simple task for a tiny fraction of the energy costs.

>> No.21244910


sanjay acting like protecting free speech is a bad thing. You just know he was bullied as a kid.

>> No.21245152

he's white-indian, hybrids always have problems with identity