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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21229358 No.21229358 [Reply] [Original]

I posted a thread a couple days ago saying ALGO would do a 40%. Fuck the pajeet that doubted me

>> No.21229389

Turing complete. Working POS. Next stop 1 billion mcap

>> No.21229427

It's actually turing incomplete lol but whatever. Micali is a turing award winner so I'll take his word for it

>> No.21229572

unironically this. their team constantly delivers. everything is polished. big brain autist MIT chads working in the codebase late at night drinking Yerba Mate mixed with MCT oil to keep them going. this is a 100 bagger.

>> No.21229668


>> No.21229906

cute color

>> No.21229975
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>> No.21230067

Someone shill ALGO to me, why should I buy in?

>> No.21230239

do you have a big brain? do you have a high IQ? if yes, then please buy in. if not, then buy some bullshit like AMPL.

>> No.21230420

I am done explaining, buy or miss out

>> No.21230426

Fuck off you said it would pump 40% THE NEXT DAY and it actually dumped a bit the next day I remember your post you are not getting away that easily. Still a great project that will 100x but don't talk shit op your prediction wasn't correct

>> No.21230495

insider coin
big exchanges are vested, institutions, wall street, big money jews, big social media platforms (tens of millions of users) will use the network, 1000 tps with smart contracts, zero fork possibility, isda membership, banking, derivitaves, staking, 4 second finality, chess adoption, facebook libra connections, mit genius devs, lehman brothers/rockefeller advisors, STO's

i could go on

>> No.21230509
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, EevGcB4WsAAr9us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Algorand + Cardano
Pretty comfy holding big brain science coins. Charles admits that Algorand is the only project he doesn't mind "winning".

>> No.21230532

nigger it went 20-30% the next day

>> No.21230813

sprinkled some MATIC and BAT there with a little bit of ADA for good measure we're making it bros.