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21227423 No.21227423 [Reply] [Original]

How old is too old to learn to skateboard

>> No.21227553

Yellow warning light comes on for your knees around mid 20s for some people nigga.
I used to skate and now I cycle. There’s a reason middle age guys blow 5 grand on carbon bike frames. They wanna fee young again.

>> No.21227630

Do you baghold omg by any chance?

>> No.21227817

You could learn to ride around at any age
Even do some basic tricks
Tony Hawk still skates at 55
Just don't expect to jump down any sets of stairs or your knees will blow up

This I love cycling desuuuu

>> No.21227856

if you want to skateboard fren, go out there and skateboard, fuck everyone

>> No.21227869

I baghold Link nigga
I turn 20 next week. Do you think I still have time to learn

>> No.21227904

If you have to ask this question you shouldn't skateboard

>> No.21228596

idk man i recently just got back into it and built a weird semi oldschool board. been riding around bombing hills, its a great workout actually. really fun but then i got to watching some of the old bones brigade videos and wanted to learn do some simple freestyle tricks. couple days ago i fell on my wrist twice and sprained it pretty bad, so much pain lol. so yeah if ur just riding around id say any age, but learning tricks into my late 20’s i dont bounce back as quickly after falling.

>> No.21228871

concrete hurts a LOT more when you hit it at 25 vs 15. even more at 30+.
Also the injuries is got 10+ years ago skating (dislocated shoulders, fractured collar bone) will be with me the rest of my life and have already turned me away from other hobies i would otherwise really enjoy (mainly climbing).

find something a little more low impact OP.

>> No.21228964

25 top
Your knees and ankles will be severely damaged and probably will need to take colagen pills during your 30s to recover the damaged tissue between your joints

>> No.21229001

you can still learn anon.
skatefag here, just takes time and dedication.
I'm almost 30 and skate all the time.
good luck to you!

>> No.21229029

if you can still handle all the tumbling around on the concrete, you're cool.

>> No.21229034

probably like 28 or so. you can really kill yourself on those things once you become a 30 year old boomer.

>> No.21229089

Skateboarding as a hobby actually keeps you super fit if you get into it. Going to a skatepark once or twice a week is more of a workout than hitting the gym even.
Plus side, you get to meet cool zoomers and the occasional cute zoomer girl.

>> No.21229101

you are never too old to learn a new skill anon. In fact, learning new skills will help keep you feeling young and alive.
t. boomerfag