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21224376 No.21224376 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t know what to do frens. Do I sell my 1,000 Link stack to help family out. They gave him 4 months severance. He’s a 60 yo computer technician/IT guy who was making 6 figs. Is there any hope that he gets a job soon or makes anywhere near what he used to make?

>> No.21224403


>> No.21224412

He should have savings if was making 6 figs.

>> No.21224428

Sorry Anon
Hold Link no matter what...

>> No.21224430

If you want to sell, better sell now bèfore it dips any lower

>> No.21224463


Why not hold out for 4 months and see what happens by then?

>> No.21224469

Hes got four months to brush up on those skills. maybe get him some new programming for dummies books. Tell him no free lunch and that you expect him to find new work. Dont let up or next thing you know hell be squatting on the couch eating your tendies and it will be up to your mom to keep everyone fed.

>> No.21224474

why doesn't your dad just retire?

>> No.21224492

He'll be fine.
He can work as a contractor.

>> No.21224594

Health insurance and has kids in college

Can you explain to me about how he can work as a contractor?

Which skills you recommend? He has a bit trouble with learning new things now, but I’ll make sure he exercises and goes on walks with me every day

>> No.21224630


>> No.21224840

>They gave him 4 months severance. He’s a 60 yo computer technician/IT guy who was making 6 figs
nigga wtf do u feel bad for then? if this retard is 60 and has been making 6 figs he should be set.

>> No.21224868

You’re an idiot who hasn’t had to raise a family. He’s not set

>> No.21224871


>> No.21224950
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it and medical doctors are only ones who can get a job easily. prob not 6 figure unless
california or new york but if the is good and experienced programmer a decent job should be easy almost everywhere

>> No.21224953

he **should** be
doesn't mean he is but definitely should but unless they're in a super HCOL area

>> No.21225015

He could do computer repair. Just make his own business and repair people’s computers for a living. Charge like $50 per hour. My dad does this and has a bunch of repeat clients. He won’t be making 6 figures but he’ll have some income.

>> No.21225023
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This is how you retards won't make it. You have 0 LINK. Get that through your thick scull. YOU DONT HAVE ANY LINKS ANON. YOU HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER WAY.

Get your fucking priorities straight you massive brainlets.
>ooh but I neeeeeded to buy more tendies thats why I sold it wasn't my fault
fuck off

>> No.21225032

Just tell him to walk into any major company and give everyone a firm handshake. Seriously though: he’s fucked

>> No.21225085

>Just tell him to walk into any major company and give everyone a firm handshake.

>> No.21225255

>guy who was making 6 figs
How do you make 6 figs and have no savings?

>> No.21225341

>Seriously though: he’s fucked
Why? Is being a 60 yo boomer a liability?

We lived and just moved to HCOL area. He was also making just over 100k while sending kids to private schools.

>> No.21225375

maybe shouldn't have sent kids to private schools then if he wasn't already set for retirement at age 60

>> No.21225403
File: 256 KB, 1029x831, 1596997123885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to save the day kid.
Your father is the man of the house and probably had savings + backup plans.
Don't try to act like Superman while your LINK is still growing.

>> No.21225446


If you want passive income buy STATERA and pool you LINK and ETH.

>> No.21225462

Good luck, anon. I think it will be hard for him to find something at his age unless he has mad connections.
My wife has been unemployed for four months now, and it's not looking good.

>> No.21225469


>> No.21225484

Ya 100-150k is not much to be honest especially now days even if your house was cheap. That said no you don’t sell you link you do anything besides that. Go drive uber or some shit. You protect your link. I mean link might crash we have no clue but it might also moon

>> No.21225535

He’s not a selfish boomer who cares about his bottom line. Going to private schools helped his children get into top universities. I think he’s more proud of that than having a bunch of savings, but we’ll see with the coming months.

>> No.21225537

>a 60 year old IT professional makes as much as I do with four years of software experience in a flyover state

Ouch, anon.

>> No.21225601


don't panic sell yet, he has 4 months pay coming, can go on unemployment after that for 3 more months, and then likely has savings he can live on for some time. He probably has a year to find a new job, he will be fine OP.
Also, in that time your linkies will continue to rise rise rise, so don't sell yet.

chill with your dad, maybe go fishing or something, do some relaxing fun stuff thats not work related. enjoy the day, he will find a job soon, maybe invite him to the fishing or w.e.
contractor work means doing home repairs, home improvements and people pay you cash. handyman/home improvement stuff, people who can't do housework, etc. get some lawn care equipment and a trailer, start lawn care/landscaping.

>> No.21225640

Thanks anon. I’m never selling, just wanted to draw in some anons for discussion about what to do in this situation.

Thanks fren, what industry is your wife looking work in? Really disappointed he lost his job, they cut his salary by 15% in March and was suppose to go back to normal in September but I guess they decided it was cheaper to just get rid of people.

>> No.21225700

This is the real /biz. Solid advice.

Dont worry OP. Life will find a way

>> No.21225719

Typical boomer. Never had to. Too much shit handed to them. Time for pain.

>> No.21225783

lol, i know this is true because i'm currently unemployed and have done all of this myself. all of that is my own real advice. home improvements/lawn care is all stuff your dad has done for the last 30 years anyways lol

>> No.21225945

How do you find these services/advertise yourself especially during corona? Do you look for stuff on CraigsList or somewhere else?

>> No.21226069

>>computer technician/IT guy who was making 6 figs
>make 6 figs a year
>somehow don't have money saved up
how do people like this exist?

>> No.21226104

yes, online find people looking for your services on craigslist, kijiji, facebook is big. start and fb as well as a group. then turn around and post ad's on all of these sites. people start calling, slowly but surely. get some vistaprint cards, i've even gone as far as t-shirts, and hand them out. ask to put a sign on someones lawn after you cut their grass, in exchange for payment. if you build it, they often come

>> No.21226129

My dad was a similar age in a similar situation and worked at a grocery store for the rest of his life

>> No.21226232

I think this is a burgerland only issue. My dad made a lot lower but he saved enough so he could own his own house before 40. And post retirement he didn't even need any help, he could practically life off it.

>> No.21226234


I'm sorry but don't cash out your investments for your father. Unless he's elbows deep in debt that is based around you (such as schooling debt)

He is 60 years old and should have developed a contingency plan by now if/when he lost his job. It is not your responsibility to forsake yourself for his benefit. He's a grown ass man.

Unless he took on debt for you, don't sell your Stinkies. Maybe half, but not all. You will hate him if it ends up mooning

>> No.21226249

This is great, thanks. Do you advertise on FB with your personal account? Or do you just post ads on there for home repair? He’s not really big on using social media

What did he previously do?

>> No.21226285


This, does he know Java? He can get a job virtually anywhere in the world remotely

>> No.21226302

My mom told me they took out loans for me to pay part of my schooling, which only costed like 5K a year because of scholarships. Was always surprised by that and never understood why they did that.

>> No.21226329

he cant retire at 60 while have made 6 figures? How many hookers and cocain does your dad do a day jesus fuck

no keep the link you fucking baboon

>> No.21226399


Because they wanted you to get a leg up in life. If you really want to help, find out if they're still paying those debts and pay them off for them.

>> No.21226406

He had 3 years

>> No.21226423

Don't sell link. Just get a job.
If you sell, you'll have $13k or whatever + tax liability. That'll get you another what 1-2 months?

>> No.21226447

1 personal page that has pics of previous jobs, customers can comment on, you can interact with them 1 group page you can invite people to, they can use and invite their friends to. i look for people in need of a service, message or call them and quote them a price. i also post regularly quick write ups, kind of memey images, real pics of previous jobs, and services available with my name and number.
here at biz lawn care we offer; cutting, aerating, weeding, seeding, etc. all lawn care, great prices, call pepe at 6969696969.
and ya no problem for the advice. its fun work honestly, you find your own jobs, work for yourself. its something you and your dad can do together

>> No.21226564

and if it sounds hard or anything, when i started i had no car, no money, only a few lawn care tools. my first job someone responded to my kijiji ad, i took the bus to his house with garden tools in my backpack with yard waste bags. i weeded his garden and he payed me. he then called me back to do more gardening a month or two later.

>> No.21226567

Can’t lump em all together. He sent two kids to private school no clue what you’re even talking about. Do you fault him for that should he have just send fuck you guys I’m saving money just dumb man

>> No.21226604

He’s an it technician and you want someone else to explain contracting for him? Tell this cunt to do his own research holy fucking kek

>> No.21226645

Yep this. It's good to look out for your parents, but this shouldn't be the end of the world for him from the sounds of it.

>> No.21226659

Your old boomer father is shit with money, you need to do you

>> No.21226702

wait 4 months dude. hes got the 4 months severance so that gives you time to let the value of link go up before you selll

>> No.21226714

where are his savings. He should have enough to retired. Doesn't need your pity 1k link

>> No.21227371
File: 72 KB, 640x460, B83DEC44-ED83-4A4C-86BD-4C7CDD4E0721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 figs
>needs help

>> No.21227673

Yes sell your link you stupid faggot

>> No.21228241

I’m trying to figure out how to help him. He hasn’t searched for a job in a long time.

>> No.21228323

Tell him to take a job at the government, they are easy to get.

>> No.21228849

Your Dad should pivot into technical sales support.

>> No.21228954

>retards thinking he will get a job soon because he worked in IT


At that age, no one hires you unless you are famous, especially in IT

>> No.21229186

He made a lot of money. Should have at least a million invested assuming he worked 30 years and invested 25%. If anything he should be helping you out at this time.

>> No.21229807

He has a couple options. Unemployment can help for 6 months. He also qualifies for early SS payments. But that's not a good idea unless absolutely necessary. As a father though, I would never ever want my children to scrifice their financial futures for me.

>> No.21229983

>laid off

Nice larp
Sage, fake thread

>> No.21230049

Diversify your gains into RMPL and moonshots, use the profits to help daddy with his lay-off from Mr.Toilberg.

>> No.21230073


This, after 50, hell even 40, IT is tough to get back into. That's why you need to secure a comfy position somewhere by 40.

No one is going to hire a dumb, slow learning boomer into their IT department. Each company has specific needs, systems and documentation. And unless you're an exceptional worker with a good pedigree, you're going to get passed up for someone less experienced, but easily trained.

IT is very much a get in, suffer for 20 years, and get the fuck out with your savings kind of job.

>> No.21230094

He never really invested besides your 401k plan and selling all of his company stock when we needed to pay for school lol

>> No.21230130

>IT is tough to get back into

suck my balls omegalul
stop larping

>> No.21230182

Stopped at Dad lost, Do not give anything to your parents they will die soon, make profit not waste

>> No.21230435

Family > money

>> No.21230465

then he is a fucking retard and should kill himself. if you make over 100k a year and by fucking sixty years old you are still poor you shouldnt have reproduced in the first place. neck yourself.

>> No.21230514
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>IT is tough to get back into

>> No.21230560

Can someone elaborate about this?

>> No.21230583

retards who don't know about age discrimination because they are dumb zoomers / sub 30

>> No.21230641

Nigger, you don't even need an employer, you can literally just fix boomer's and zoomer's computers and make a shitload of money for a 5 min job lol

>> No.21230673


It's not that bad anon, companies may be less willing to take you on permanently when 50+ but contracting is still an option.
There's also the possibility to transition into IT management or technical sales support.

There are some things that cannot be easily trained anon, experience counts in IT.

>> No.21230697
File: 321 KB, 500x458, EJfwYMpXUAAWknK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT managers typically want younger people they can mold into something useful, not a boomer that wont change or conform to how a company does something because "Ive always done it THIS way and I'm not changing" mentality that older people have.

>> No.21230747

>IT = fixing computer
>fixing computer pays much
>fixing computers isn't competitive af
>fixing computers has lots of customers

lol. clueless.

>> No.21230810

>60 years old
>6 figure job
>needing help

this is a troll post right?

>> No.21230828

>IT = fixing computer
You can also get a help desk job, they accept boomers.
You don't seem to even grasp the basics of this industry, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.21230869

if he's 60 and making 6 figures he should have enough to retire already; he was just working the last 5 for fun or to stack up a bit more vacation money

>> No.21230877

Anon, most IT managers are technically incompetent and not capable of moulding anyone into anything except toeing the corporate line - experienced professionals will be well used to the HR bullshit and office politics.

>> No.21230933

You'll kill yourself one day if you sell now.
Way too early to even think about selling desu

>> No.21231001

>getting back into IT means accepting a help desk job that pays 8$ / hour

lol. clueless.

>> No.21231020

If you're 50+ on the helpdesk then you are either lazy, inept, have underdeveloed interpersonal skills or have recently changed career.

>> No.21231102
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Strong and stable families require strong and compassionate sons. I’m a capitalist for the country, but a socialist for my family. Help your Dad out. If he’s not a piece of shit, then it’s right to help the old man.

>> No.21231129

If you want more, then you gotta learn programming or something more especialized than IT. And that's still way better than working at McDonalds or a warehouse or most boomer jobs desu.
What's wrong with being lazy? Not everyone wants to be a space engineer or some stupid shit.
A job is a job, if you complain about it then you're not ready for the real world.

>> No.21231157

Also, do not sell all your LINK. Sell 500. It’s not as if they expected you to help at all in the first place, assuming you’ve kept your LINK holdings a secret.

>> No.21231676

Being lazy is not inherently wrong, just lacks ambition if you are 50+ in a helpdesk job.

Complaining about one's job to peers is part of the real world.

>> No.21231757

You can't really aim higher without some solid years of experience in an specialized area.
Anon's dad could just drive a truck desu, IT is pretty shit the older you get.

>> No.21231765

These anons were saying it’s easy to get back into IT though. I don’t understand why they were saying that.

>> No.21231907

because they are clueless sub-30s who have boomers as managers so they view them as the upper class that can get in anywhere easily

>> No.21232089

That's not what contractor means in this context. IT contractors tend to be freelance IT people that work temporary hourly rates for small businesses that aren't big enough to have a full time IT position. Basically the person they call when they need to set up a phone system, security cameras, an Active Directory environment for an office, a wifi set up that needs to be more complex than a single router, etc. Sometimes people will hire them for home setups, like setting up a long distance point to point wireless connection to a hunting lodge or some such. There are a lot of people that need different setups that require a certain level of familiarity and expertise, but are pretty much hands off once they're set up unless something breaks or they want to change something, at which point they'll call the contractor again, if they like them. There's a lot of money in it if your in an area without much competition and can get a solid reputation. If your dad was a server or network admin or something similar, there are always small law offices or other non-chain businesses with <20 employees looking for people like him to help them out.